He should capable of conquering her right? 

"Meng Ran! are you crazy? You don't want any face anymore?" Ling Guang snapped at so loud that Meng Ran's body jolted.

Meng Ran wanted to sneer. What face did he need? their naked body has been exposed, do they still need a face?

"Brother Ling, It was indeed our company's next project! She was stealing it from us!" She said with little voice. If a stranger look at this scene, they will think Ling Guang is bullying a girl.

Ling Guang looks at her disbelief. But upon watching her lowering her head as if someone has wronged her, he sighs. "Meng Ran, half of the project is Xia Sha's idea. Moreover, in technology, there are no such things as copying, there is only innovation. She simply faster than us, but it doesn't mean we can't make a better product than her."

Meng Ran lowered her head. Her mind was filled with Xia Sha's arrogant smiles as she standing on the big stage with eyes focusing on her. The more Ling Guang scold her, the more clear Xia Sha's face imprinted on her mind.

She's so charming, so great, so mesmerizing...

Her heart was burning with jealousy when she saw how Ling Guang subconsciously smiles proudly. He did not even battle his eyelids. At that moment, she realized, Xia Sha was never lost to her. Instead, Ling Guang is losing from Xia Sha. Xia Sha simply did not want to lower her level to theirs.

And she, Meng Ran, just the tool Ling Guang used to please his ego.

How can she be so naive?

How can she beat Xia Sha if she keeps staying with Ling Guang? Ling Guang is just lucky to have Xia Sha's love. He was nothing without her. And now that she slowly moving on and care none about him, he started to crumble again. She could see is so close. Soon, Ling Guang will return to his place.

From the lucky hero to zero. If that happens, what the used to satisfied his ego and making him happy?

Her steps were all messed up!

But it not too late, she could start climbing a higher branch before the titanic sinks. With her beautiful face and smart brain, she believes she could overcome any challenge in front of her.

Guan Xian's handsome face formed on her mind now. Background and money did not lie. Ling Guang couldn't see the big talent inside of her and keep worshiping the sole Xia Sha's walk on. But he was different. He could see how much her worth within 2 times of meets.

She needs to rearranged her plan!

But first, she needs to coax this old hawk.

"Darling, I know I'm wrong, don't be scold me again..." Slightly pouting her lips she uses her fingertips to knocked Ling Guang's hand.

"You know I was just worried. People in the company start saying that our new speaker isn't selling well because Xia Sha left the company. I was so furious. Clearly, she did not do anything to make our product selling well in the past. If someone deserves the praise, it's you."

"Hah, silly girl. The market is not good right now, that's the only reason why ours did not sell well." Ling Guang explained a little.

Meng Ran nods her head cutely and pouched her body to his sidearms. "My heartache for you, but you have the heart so scold me. Did you really love me?"

Ling Guang shook his head, but a gentle smile has appeared on a stern face. "Okay, it's my fault. I won't scold you anymore~"

Ling Guang could appear collected and calm in front of Meng Ran is because although his speaker did not go viral like the product under Xia Sha's development, it still sells well.

He also marked up the price because he needs to complete the 200% profits as the board directors targeted.

Moreover, he had the next ready launched product after the speaker. His old college classmate who now opening a game company approached him to collaborate.

The Ling Bright company will soon be launching a gaming laptop with a capable CPU but lightweight. He was very optimistic about this project, thus the little disappointing stats about their smart speaker did not affect him much.

The problem he was facing right now is the only investor. Since he lost the opportunity with Director Tan Kun and Mr.Lemiere he has been using his save up money to keep the project running.

"Mr.Xiao, nice to meet you." Ling Guang shows a bright smile as he shakes hand with the famous guy. Xiao Yu nodded curtly and seat on the Tatami seating in a noble manner.

"Mr.Xiao, Let me introduce myself, my name is..."

"Ling Guang, I know. You are the person who cheated on Xia Sha."

Ling Guang was flabbergasted. That moment, under Xiao Yu cold, glaze his mind went into a blank. He tried to smile to ease the heavy atmosphere but it looks awkward.

Xiao Yu clearly knows his interlocutors would felt awkward. The truth is he only wanted to test how capable this person is. But looking at his dumb expression right now, he suddenly felt skeptic.


"It's okay, I came here for business. I don't care about your personal affairs."

Ling Guang was relieved, he regains his composure and starts talking about the new project to Xiao Yu. But who would know Xiao Yu will stop him on the second sentence with a hand in the mid-air.

"It's enough, 25 million of investment. I don't care much about your new project." He said coldly before raising his right hand to his assistant. The assistant gives him a black file while Ling Guang watching it quietly.

"This is the Xia Corporation's next project. I want you to make a better product and launched it before them." Xiao Yu's voice was ever flat with no other tone.

Ling Guang froze in his seat. A clear face of disappointment and hesitance swept over him. Xiao Yu almost sneer when he saw those faces.

Ck, a typical start-up businessman that thinks their 'creative' product is enough for the market. The old city has long been monopolized with old players. Ling Guang should have known this earlier.

With his mentality, how could his company grow so significantly? Must be someone with a smarter brain behind the company.

No wonder that little monkey on his house was head over heels with a young miss from the Xia family. However, he still needs this pitiful man, so he willing to compromise.

"I can invest another 10 million on your gaming laptop if you agree."

Ling Guang's eyes brighten up instantly. Without thinking, he grabs the file and pretends to have a second thought on his offers. Xiao Yu almost roll his eyes lazily.

"Great teamwork ahead."

The deal was sealed. Xiao Yu only spend 5 minutes on the room after the deal was a seal. Maintaining a polite attitude, he excuses himself from Ling Guang and walks away with his assistant.

"A-Du, send our people to Ling Bright Company. This man is not reliable. Judging from his characteristic, send a bootlicker, best if it's a woman."


"What's happening on the Xia Corp team?"

"We managed to convince Mr.Ross to sell his shares on us. Accumulating with total shares we have right now, we only need 4% to own the Xia Corporation. Xia Qi Fei seems to not realized because we are using our supplementary company's name."

"Good, keep it that way. Is there any move from Guan Xian?"

"Directly? No. Indirectly, yes. Young Master Guan seems to taken interest in Ms.Xia, She did not seem to take a liking to him."

Xiao Yu raised his eyebrows as they keep walking at a fast pace. "That stubborn? No wonder Xiao Zhan looks so desperate."

"On the grand launching of Xpods, Mr.Ling's secretary and lovers almost destroy the events. Mr.Guan help Ms.Xia to salvage the situations by letting Xpods to the Global market. He also helped Ms.Xia win the deal with Mr.Lemiere."

Xiao Yu stop walking and processing something on his brain. He frowned. "So difficult?" he tilted his head.

The assistant nods his head before adding more information. "Even Mr.Guan's little sister is helping her brother right now."

Xiao Yu was in doubt to move his chest piece right now. He couldn't make him keep chasing her, or else it will strengthen bonds between them as Guan Xian keeps helping Xia Sha. But so many people helping him added with his reputation as a womanizer, he should capable of conquering her right?

Let just watch the situations for now.

"Okay, let them be for now. If you can, cancel the deal between Guan Corp and Xia Corp. Just keep on the eye. We couldn't let Xia Corporation slip from our hands. This is our only chance to defeat Guan Corporation."

"Yes Sir."

"Anything left to report?" Xiao Yu put on his black glasses and pull out his car key.

"Oh, Ms.Zheng is calling while you are on a meeting just now." This information managed to make Xiao Yu stopped and looked at A-Du.

He paused for some time before a faint smile appears on his cold face. "Push my schedule today for tomorrow."

A-Du was quite happy watching his boss smiles. He nodded his head and give him a thumbs up. Xiao Yu enter the car with a little grin. A-Du wanted to drive his own car back to the office when Xiao Yu coming out from the car again.