
"Xia Sha! Jing Tian! What are you doing here? How can you come in?" Yan Xi blabbered and panicked. He tried to pull the blanket to cover his shame, but the two squealing girls have thrown him to the ground. 

"You fucker!" Ruan Jing Tian growled in his husky voice. He turned Xia Sha's body around, so she won't see Yan Xi's shameful states before running forward to Yan Xi's direction.

"Don't look! I'm going to kill this animal!" 

"Wait! I can explain!" Yan Xi tried to wear his pants. But what to do? Before he could grab his pants, his body has flung to the back. Ruan Jing Tian has kicked him on his ribs. He almost spits out blood from his mouth. 

"Do you think I come to hear your explanation? Heh!" Ruan Jing Tian gritted his teeth while he punched Yan Xin in his face. He shows no mercy. Ruan Jing Tian keeps beat Yan Xi up like there is no tomorrow.