I'm sorry. I should've told you sooner

"Aunt Wang Ju is not dead yet." 

Wang Kai's declaration felt like a bomb in Xiao Ni's head. She widened her eyes. Got up and standing away from Wang Kai is the first response she gave. 

"That is not funny," Xiao Ni's smiles were sour. 

People shouldn't joke about a dead person. That is just too wrong on so many levels.

"I'm not joking with you. Aunt Wang Ju is still alive. She lives in London right now. She had some health issues but recuperating significantly," Wang Kai added with a solemn face. 

Xiao Ni and Wang Kai stared at each other. Both are waiting for each other to move or say something, but no one does. Xiao Ni stands there, near the coffee table, looking stupified. 

Her eyelashes slowly quivered as she felt her heat all over her sensory organs. Her knee turned into jelly. She falls on the ground as if she got paralyzed.