Wedding Celebration

The man entered the celebration..

Rhehan: Look, who is here?? YUSH

Ryan widened his eyes.

Yush: Yes bro, I am here

Rhehan and Yush used to work together hence Rhehan badly wanted his best friend to be present over here. But only Ryan knew that it was not a good idea to bring him of the den.

Rhehan: But you're late

Yush: I was busy saving this lady.

Ryan: Who is she??

Yush: Boss, its Saira. Some guys were harassing her on the way here that's why.

Ryan: Oh Ok.

Rhehan: It seems my younger brother has got a girlfriend.

Yush's eyes turned dark as if ready to kill someone. Ryan immediately held his shoulders and squeezed it.

Ryan: Its alright.

Yush: Uhmm she's like my sister.

Ryan approached Saira...

Ryan: Who are you??

Saira: I am Saira, I am actually in charge of the catering here but in my way back my vehicle got damaged and since it's a deserted area.. no transport were available. That's when some rogues saw me and....

Ryan: Are you Saira Bish, the famous caterer for weddings.

Saira: Yeah.

Not so far away, Kiara saw Ryan talking to an extremely beautiful lady, she felt strange and went towards them. When she approached them,she immediately grabbed Ryan's hand. Ryan could sense her feeling. He introduced them and Kiara and Saira started chatting.

After a while noticing Kiara was alone, Ryan went towards her and held her waist.

Ryan: You look really beautiful when you are jealous.

Kiara: When was I jealous!! And by the way you are the one who is jealous. Who's creativity it is on my back.

Ryan slid his hand on her back and started stroking it..

Ryan: You mean here....

Kiara pinched him on his waist: Behave..

Then Ryan took her hand and made her meet Yush.

Ryan: Kiara, this is Yush, my friend!!

Kiara started sweating this was the man who she kicked the other day. What if he recognizes her. What would she tell Ryan?? Can she afford to lose him. But first of all, Is Ryan hers??

Yush: Hi, hello!! So you're Boss's girlfriend. I see you are really pretty. Boss your choice is excellent.

Kiara chuckled, thankfully he did not see her that day.

Ryan: Any doubts.

Some time later, Ryan got a call: Sir Its me Katherine, that girl Kiara, I think she is a threat to us, Sir are you listening to me??

Ryan:Who are you??

Katherine: Sir, me Katherine I am your childhood friend. and..

Ryan: And my lover, the next time you dare to slander Kiara, I shall sack you. You very well know you got this job due to your parents so please..

Ryan hunged up

Katherine couldn't believe this, did Ryan believed in Kiara so much...

Finally the wedding celebration got over and Rhehan approached Ryan: Boss what had happened to Yush. I mean he's a nice man and all but I know there is something that always bothers him.

Ryan: It's best if its kept a secret, I mean I don't feel that he would like me to tell someone about these things. I can only tell you that he and Steve were best friends in college but later their friendship turned into enmity hence I took him under me for my own advantage. He turned and saw Yush.

Yush was at the bar holding his Whiskey , he muttered something. Kiara knew that Yush was the person whom Ryan loved a lot, she could sense it. Finally, everyone returned to Country S only Rhehan and Eva went to Switzerland for their honeymoon. But when they returned a big surprise for Ryan and Shock for Kiara was awaiting them.