"What's the problem, why are you not in the operating room?" Ruyi eyed Cajun suspiciously. Cajun is a genius doctor and friend of their young master.
"The hospital doesn't have the matching blood type for your miss. She lost a lot of blood and is in urgent need of blood transfusion else we cannot proceed with the surgery" Cajun got straight to the point.
"What do you mean there's no available blood for young miss. We always make sure to renew the supply for her exclusive blood bank. Did the hospital give it to someone else, how could they do such a thing without asking for permission?" Assistant Yi was getting frustrated.
This simple matter shouldn't be a problem, how could this blunder happen. Ruyi can't help but to take a peek at his young master.
"Get me the hospital director" Yyan commanded. There's no trace of emotion that could be seen from his face, but those who knew him knows that he was in a dangerous state. He just recovered his rationality from the incident, and if this new problem would not be resolved, the nine generation of every personnel involved in this would surely be eradicated.
At this moment, the director was restless. He made a big blunder this time, so big that he was sure he can never get away with it.
Ricard Selman just got promoted as the director of the royal hospital. It's one of the most prestigious positions that one could ever dream of. The hospital used to be the home of imperial doctors, nowadays, although it was open to the public, but it mostly serves the noble families and their affiliates.
Ricard knew that the only reason why he was able to take hold of such position is because he is good at giving favors and flattering people. And so an incident happened a few days ago, one of the affiliates urgently needed an AB negative blood. It was an extremely rare blood type and it so happen that the hospital has one but it was for the exclusive use of the Crest Family.
Ricard pondered carefully. It would be a big no no to offend the Crest family, but he thought, all he needed to do was to provide the information to the Lancer family and it's up to them to ask for the permission from the Crest family. Anyway, it was known that there is an engagement agreement between the two families so it should just be fine, isn't it?
Ricard didn't think it would pose a large problem, the blood can just be replenished later on and it was not used for a long time anyway.
Who would have thought that the young Crest miss would happen to be involved in an accident during this time?
"Sir, Young Master Crest is asking for your presence" the secretary called in.
"Alright, inform them I'll come right away" Ricard only pretended to be calm. He knew he was about to face his death unless he can salvage the situation. He called a number before he left.
"The nearest blood bank that has an AB negative stock will get here in 30 minutes" Ruyi reported.
Yyan kept his silence.
Not long while, the director arrived drenched in sweat. He obviously ran all the way through.
"I apologize for not coming in early. Young master Crest, I know I did wrong but I already informed the Lancer family about the situation and they would send someone to provide for a direct blood transfusion for the Young Miss Crest. Please rest assured that everything is now under control" Ricard immediately announced the good news to alleviate the graveness of the situation.
"There, there's no need to panic director. Young lad, it's my Lancer family who did you wrong and I will personally give my blood in return for your young princess. I already had my blood undergo complete screening and there shouldn't be any problem" a booming voice interrupted.
Ruyi was surprised to see the current patriarch of the Lancer family. He didn't expect that they are the perpetrator to this incident. This matter should be investigated thoroughly.
��Enough nonsense, Cajun, take the patriarch to the operating room" Yyan didn't show his usual respect for the elder. Right now he just wanted his sister safe.
Good thing that the Patriarch has a big heart and considered the situation. He completely understood where the lad was coming from.
Not long before the operation started, the matriarch of the Lancer family also arrived. There seems to be a tacit understanding between the people waiting, except for a simple greeting, not one word was uttered until the operation ended.
The operation that should only last for an hour lasted for two hours. The good news is, there are no complications and Yue's condition was stable. She should wake up within 24hrs.
Yyan didn't follow Yue to the VIP room but faced the old Lancer couple.
"I'll give you an explanation. Director, let us borrow your office" Dianna initiated.
"Definitely" Ricard made a call to his secretary to avoid people from visiting there.
"Ruyi" Yyan gave him a look.
"At once" Assistant Yi immediately went to the director's office for inspection to avoid surveillance.
Dianna and Vance looked at Yyan gratefully.