V1 Ch4: 3 years old.

In the past 2 years and 9 months my parents kept calling me a genius...

I am pretty sure no one saw me practicing magic, while I started to walk at 8 months old that should be roughly average and I started talking at 10. Which should also be average? Yeah my parents are obviously just over doting on me.

They were surprised to see my map of the city which I copied from the mini map I can see.

And I am a day away from unlocking that library because I turn 3 tomorrow.


Shino POV (the Queen)

Our daughter is a genius! She had been practicing magic on her own and it looks like high tier spells.

On top of that she learned to walk at around 8 months old, and talk at 10. The average in this world is around a year old to 14 months for both.

My husband the king also saw some of her drawings and it was a complete map of the city highly detailed too. Especially since she has never left the castle.

When we asked what the blue and dark blue roadways where. She replies the dark blue is sewage and the blue is Aqua ducts.

When my husband asked what Aqua ducts are man were we in for a surprise. She is a genius we wanna give her a territory but she is to young.


The next day Shirone wakes up.

'system take me to the library!'

(System: yes)

Shirone sees a flash of white light then is in the middle of a field.

"Haaa? Where am I?" Shirone says out loud confused.

'The air feels different'

(System: the library.) the system replies cold and emotionless the system over the past 3 years have never shown signs of sentience.

"Library? This looks like one of those farming games!!! Look there is even a barn!" Shirone yells at her injustice.

Shirone runs over to the barn and a shop interface comes up with gold being the currency and being able to buy seeds.

"Okay... I will figure this out later. System send me back home." Shirone says angrily.


Back in the castle Claire is freaking out since the princess disappeared. Her family wants to see her for breakfast. Including the Duke who wants to introduce her to her cousin that's the same age. Once Claire turned around too look in the closet a loud thunk was heard.

Claire turned around to see the princess on top of a collapsed night stand.


Shirone's POV

'Uhh Claire was here... need to come up with a lie to why I was gone. Also what the hell was that landing'

"Owww, Claire falling from the ceiling hurts!" Shirone said and pouted trying her best to look cute to distract her maid the professional assassin from notice that Shirone wasn't there.

Claire is seen holding her mouth trying her best not to laugh.

"S-Shirone-sama, happy birthday. We need to get you dressed so you can spend breakfast with your family. Your uncle Duke Johnathan and your cousin Alice have also come from Trost." Claire says before quickly getting Shirone up and helping her get dressed.


Once Shirone arrives at the dining room everyone at the table looks at her.

""Happy birthday Shirone!"" Everyone on says seeing her.

"Thanks everyone!!!" Shirone says crying tears of joy. She never really had a real birthday party with family in her past life since they all died.

"Calm down princess! Are you upset?" Claire asks from behind her patting her head to calm her down.

'Why does having my head pat feel so nice...'

Shirone shakes her head no and responds "just happy to have a family!" With the biggest and brightest smile.