The Enemy King

The next day came and with the day also came the Umbra Tiger Army.

Their black armor and ferocious face were clearly seen and Jun and his soldiers got ready for battle.

Jun was standing on top of the walls looking at the enemy, but he was mostly focused on a man on top of a horse.

Jun guessed this man was the commander of the enemy, maybe their king too.

The man called for a normal middle aged man from his camp and whispered something in his ear.

The man nodded and started running to where the soldiers were standing, which was outside the walls.

He came in front and shouted so everybody can hear.

"My King says that if you surrender,he shall spare every citizen in your city. He will also leave the lord of this city to leave this place with no wounds."

Jun called for a soldier and told him.

"Tell that man that he can tell his King…that he can go throw himself of the highest mountain he knows."

The soldier smiled and went to the man and told him.

The man's face and went red with anger and then he started walking to his king.

As soon as the man heard what Jun had said to him, he immediately killed the middle-aged with his sword.

{Damn…that ruthless.}

Jun got down from the wall and got on his horse and went to where the cavalry was secretly since the cavalry was hidden.

The archers were hidden too,it was only the infantry troops that were visible and Jun hoped that the enemy commander was stupid enough that he would think that this was all the soldiers they had.


The enemy's battle horn sounded.

The battle had started.

The enemy sent two thousand infantry troops to go against Jun's one thousand infantry troops.

{Only two thousand…big mistake.}

The one leading Jun's infantry troops was Berk.

The enemy was getting closer and closer.


All of a sudden arrows started appearing in the skies.

The archers had fired, the enemy didn't expect archers so they reacted slowly but they didn't have the chance to get their shields on top of their heads because Berk started leading the infantry to the enemy.

With Berk attacking with the infantry troops and the archers constantly firing,the enemy was wiped out with only some soldiers managing to escape, but in the end they got killed by their king.

Jun ordered the soldiers to return.

"Do we have any casualties?"

"Only minor injuries sir and 2 major injuries,sir."

"Take the majored injured ones and tell them to get inside the city."

"Of course sir."

"Also tell the archers to pull back and start staying behind the infantry."

"Of course…but may I ask why?"

"They have seen where our archers are,they will send cavalry on the archers to kill them…but they will find no archer there."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Trust me. I know."

Jun said with a confident face…although.

{I hope they do that or else it's over for us.}

Jun was quite nervous inside because everything seemed to go according to plan, and Jun was just waiting for the bad things to start.

Jun looked at the enemy,and found out they had went back by 1 km and set up camp.

Jun let out a relived sigh and started making preparations for tomorrow.