Shadow-Hoof Horse

Jun and his soldiers started encircling the flat land around the horses. It was a beautiful view Jun though if he had a camera he would have taken a picture of it. But before that…


The familiar man appeared.

"What do you want?"

Jun had a childish smile on his face.

"So like…can we have background music while fighting?"

Keilo looked at Jun with a shocked face.

"No, we don't, because we didn't think a player would fucking ask for it."

Jun displayed his puppy eyes but that didn't work on Keilo.

"Not going to happen, and if you're trying to convince me with those eyes it won't work."

"Aww man, come on it's not that special it's just music."

"No, I'm going." And he disappeared.

Jun sneered at where Keilo originally stood.

Jun turned his sights on where the horses stood.

There was 50 of them but one horse, in particular, caught his eye. It was as black as midnight with blue oceanic eyes. It was smaller than other horses so Jun guessed it was still in its infancy. It was playing with other horses, jumping and running with joy.

Jun felt bad that he was going to ruin this scene.

He looked at his soldiers' positions and saw that 10 of his soldiers were in front of the herd where Jun and the other 10 were going to lead the horses too.

Jun took a big breath and whistled.

The men started charging with swords that were given to them when they became soldiers. The horses immediately started running towards where they thought there was no danger.

The 10 that were with Jun were chasing after a normal brown horse while the others were hiding.

Jun was chasing after the black horse he saw before.

The horse ran faster than the others and was smarter than the others too he wasn't running straight like the others he was running to the side where there were no soldiers.

Jun thought he was going to lose the black horse and thought that he was unlucky and started slowing down but suddenly the horse fell over on its side.

{Unlucky?! Bro, I am the physical embodiment of luck!}

Jun sprinted towards the horse with refilled energy. The horse got up and started running again but it was seen that it was hurt because of its stumbling.

Slowly Jun caught up to the horse and was 10 steps away. He raised his spear and threw it to the left side of the horse. The horse managed to dodge but its legs couldn't hold on so it fell again.

This time Jun managed to grab the horse and pinned it down with all his body.

Suddenly the horse's eyes turned a crimson red and it seemed like it had a surge of power which Jun couldn't compete with and it threw him off of its body.

But Jun immediately grabbed its back legs with his arms which made it fall off.

Jun and the horse both got covered in mud.

Jun saw that the horse had gotten weaker than before and jumped towards the horse's neck instantly.

2 other soldiers had come to help Jun with capturing it. One grabbed its back legs while the other its front legs so it couldn't move. The 10 soldiers that were hiding before had appeared and split in two to go help both of the groups to capture the horse.

The black horse slowly lost his energy and stopped resisting. They then led the horses back to the village.

They had come out seeking battle but got something else. Jun went to the market to buy a stable creation token while also trading the fish the village had captured for 50 gold.

He went back to the village and decided to build a granary.

"Do you wish to build a granary?"


And then ordered the soldiers to put the horses on the east of the village. The brown horse was laying there and it seemed that he was sleeping while the black horse was...livelier.

He was kicking and jumping anyone that tried to get close to him.

Once he saw Jun he became enraged and instantly started running towards him with full speed. Everybody shouted for him to run away or dodge but Jun was just smiling and standing there.

He pulled out the stable creation token and activated it.

"Arabian Horse [Common], Shadow-Hoof Horse [Legendary]."

"Holy shit!"

Jun chose the latter.

Suddenly fences rose around them.

The horse that was coming towards him started slowing down and stopped in front of Jun. It was huffing and puffing. Jun was mesmerised with its two blue eyes. They looked really beautiful.

If people looked at them long enough they might just think there was a whole ocean inside those eyes.

The people looked in awe at both of them wondering why the horse stopped. Jun tried to touch the horse but it went away and laid down near the other brown horse.

Jun checked its statistics.

Name: None

Species: Subspecies of Tulpar

Talent: Legendary

Cultivation Method: Half and Half Elemental [Legendary]



- speed increased by 90%


- combat power increased by 85%


We are the best: 20% flow of horses birth rate.

Equipment: None

[Evaluation: Fierce beast of olden legends. This species is the subspecies of the Turkic Horse Tulpar. Naturally, it is great for battle but only if you can ride it.]

Jun was amazed by its statistics and was also curious about its cultivation method.

Then he checked the stats for the stable that just got constructed.

Shadow-Hoof Horse Stable

Birth rate of Shadow-Hoof Horses: 5 + (20%) = 6 a day

[This stable will birth and raise Shadow-Hoof Horses until you choose to change the creature of this stable.]


Jun ordered the men to go back to their homes to wait until they had enough horses for all 20 of them.


He got out of the NBCC capsule and worked out for 3 hours. In this day and age people had found new ways to work out more effectively but 3 years from now the exercises industry would take a huge leap forward with new ways to work out that would make you ripped and shredded in 4 days or less.

The only problem was that these exercises hurt a lot but just like the old saying. No pain, No gain.

Jun's body was already showing its muscles but not that much it was still normal looking.

He showered and then went out of his room.

He saw that there was the beauty Dilay on the couch watching a Turkish drama on the TV while also eating seeds. But there was also another woman beside her doing the same thing.

Dilay and the woman both looked at Jun although with different intent.

Dilay was looking at him with an angry face and despise while the other was looking at him with a shocked face.

Jun winked at Dilay with a cheeky smile.

Dilay rolled her eyes at him and focused on the Turkish drama.

"Hello" Jun greeted the other woman with a smile.

"He-he-hello, My name is Asli. I am Dilay's best friend."

"Nice to meet you Asli, I'm Dilay's roommate. If I had known guests were coming over I would have made food."

"Yeah right, like you can cook." Dilay commented.

"Well I can make you blush, why can't I cook?"

Dilay's face went red remembering what happened in the morning. Asli looked between Jun and Dilay repeatedly like she just found a big secret.

"Anyway I'm sorry to leave but I'm going out to see the city. Have fun!" And then he went out the door.

Asli looked at Dilay with a joyous and amazed face.

"Girl why didn't you tell me you had a handsome hunk as a roommate I thought we didn't keep secrets!"

Dilay looked at Asli with a shocked face.

"Him? Handsome? You must've gone blind because I only see a pervert when I look at him."

"Alright come on tell me about it, what happened?"

Then they started talking about Jun then to comparing him with other boys and then to other topics.


Jun was walking around the city while also looking for a market he could buy clothes because the ones he wore were kind of old at this point. Jun was now almost perfect when it came to talking in Turkish. He was a genius when it came to learning things.

Jun went around a place called Grand Bazaar and saw all types of stuff. From clothes to portraits to furniture to necklaces. There was everything there. Jun went to all types of sellers he bought mainly clothes and started going back but then he stopped.

"Come! Come! These bracelets that I sell have magical effects! Come! Come!"

Jun went close to the seller.

"Brother, what type of bracelets do you have?"

"OH BROTHER! I have all types of bracelets, I even have necklaces that attract love and luck, some are for protection I got one for everything you need."

"Can you show me some?"

"Of course!" He then proceeded to take out all types of bracelets and necklaces, sometimes even rings.

Jun looked around and saw a black ruby necklace and thought it was cool and interesting.

"What does this do?"

"...well that doesn't work if you are only planning on buying a bracelet. You need a ring for that. But you are in luck my friend I have just the ring needed."

He then started looking at his market and after 1 minute he pulled out a black ring with strange engravings on it.

"Here it is!"

Jun bought it and then put them on.

"By the way, do you have anything for women?"

The seller gave Jun a cheeky smile.

"You have a girlfriend?"

"No, I don't I just thought giving something to my roommate."

"Ah...No matter I have something for everything, the only question is...What do you want for her?"

"Something that gives people happiness, nothing special."

The seller pulled out a white necklace with a flower head. Jun bought it and started going home.

When he reached the door he saw a lot of shoes on the doormat. Jun's face was with amazement.

He opened the door and as soon as he stepped in the house his ears got hit by a large number of squeals.

Jun walked in the room and was amazed by the number of girls inside the room. They were talking and gossiping. Some were on the floor some were on the couch.

Jun couldn't think because the way the girls looked at him scared him. It was like a hundred dogs were staring at him with hunger.

One of the girls got up.

"Are you the handsome guy from China named Jun?"

"I don't know about the handsome part but yes, my name is Jun."


The women squealed again.

{Holy Shit! They are louder than Elen.}

"When did you guys come?"

"Asli called us."

"All of you?"

"Well..No she called only some of us but we called the others."

{That's a lot of friends she has.}

Jun smiled and tried to see where Dilay was.

She was in the kitchen boiling something; she was in her pyjamas which were kind of cute. They had white spots all over them.

Jun went close to her while also pulling out the necklace he had bought.

Dilay knew that Jun had come but she didn't want to see him. Jun got closer to her and raised his hands with the necklace in his hands. Dilay though he was going to hit her with his hands to scare her she was prepared for it.

Until suddenly Jun's hands went in front of her and then got close to her neck. Dilay froze for 5 seconds but that was all the time Jun needed to connect the lock and put the necklace on her.

He then went away bid goodnight to all the girls and went inside his room to sleep. As soon as he got in his room the girls ran towards Dilay to see what he had done to her.

When they saw Dilay's red face and the white necklace around her neck they started talking and gossiping, Asli being the one that made them think all romantic things which made them more heated in the discussion.

Jun showered and went to bed after looking at his daily dose of memes.