Breaking Mind

5 years ago...

Two university students were heading home while conversing.

"Hey want to get lunch and then go to an internet café because I get bored at home."

"Yeah, sure I got no plans anyway now that we graduated."

These university students were Jun and Wei. They had just finished university and were excited that they had finally finished university.

"So what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know to be lazy a couple of days and then go look for a job, you?"

"Pretty much what I've been doing all my life, food club women and sleep."

Jun forced a smile.

"That's some life goals you got there buddy."

Wei shrugged.

"I mean I'm just going to join my old man's business like my brother, so why should I even bother."

"Yeah yeah okay stop bragging."

Jun and Wei had been best friends since they were in 6th grade, they viewed each other as brothers.

Jun and Wei went to a restaurant near-by to have some food and then they went to an internet café and stayed there until it became dark. They were walking down a street they had always gone to while discussing if you could taste clouds.

While they were walking they saw 10 men with tattoos and beer in their hands but they didn't really pay attention to it and just kept walking.

After about 5 minutes they realized they were being followed so they turned into a dark alleyway. And waited there for the followers to show up.

It was the same men they had seen 5 minutes ago.

There was a cold smile on Wei's face and Jun started talking to them.

"YO! How are you guys doing? How was your day? Was it nice? Was it bad?... Well, I feel bad for you because it's about to be a lot worse."

The gangsters realized they had been noticed and started showing themselves.

A man with a buzz cut and a scar running across his cheeks flashed his pearly gold teeth at Jun.

"Hohoho We have some tough ones today boys!" He said to his friends.

"Look kid I don't want to kill you just give us all your money and we will let you go."

Jun raised his eyebrows.

"Wow really? Would you do that?" Jun said in a childish voice.

The man was confused.

Jun pulled out his wallet from his pants.

All the gangsters were shocked at how stupid and cowardly the kid in front of them was.

Jun opened his wallet and walked towards the buzz cut man which he nicknamed Buzz, with Wei walking behind him.

"You want this?" Jun said while shaking the wallet.

Buzz looked at Jun confused.

"Yeah and everything valuable to you."

Jun's face went cold with despise written all over, and then he spat inside his wallet and tossed it at Buzz.

"There you can have it."

Wei smiled at his friend's behaviour.

Buzz's face went red with rage, and he threw a punch towards Jun.

Jun dodged it and tried to counter-attack with a punch to the gut but the man was fast and dodged to the right while also kicking towards Jun's head.

Wei had already gone towards all the other 9 and was dominating with his brute force. Wei and Jun had gotten into a lot of fights when they were young, they had even fought each other sometimes.

Jun rolled away from the kick and got back up and raised his fists and did a "Come at me" gesture to Buzz while smiling.

Buzz lost all control and rushed towards Jun with his fists raised.

Jun nimbly jumped away and threw out a direct punch. Wei had knocked out 6 of the original 9 and was just playing around with the other 3.

"Hey, Jun you need any help over there?"

"Nah, this guy is eas-" A punch from Buzz had hit his face.

Wei laughed while punching towards a tall robust dude.

"It doesn't seem like that to me."

Jun coughed up blood and swiped his hand towards his mouth to remove the remaining blood while also giving a cold smile towards Buzz.

Jun moved towards Buzz with his hands raised.

He charged and threw a jab at Buzz, Buzz blocked it with his hands but Jun threw out a kick towards his thigh which made Buzz stumble and lose balance. Jun took the opportunity to throw another kick at Buzz's abdomen which landed and made Buzz fall on his knees and gasp for air, but Jun didn't give him any time and kicked out towards the back of the head which was like the final damage which made Buzz unconscious.

Jun looked towards Wei.

"Yo I'm done."

"Yeah me too, let me just finish up with these guys."

Jun checked to see if Buzz was still alive and then waited for Wei to finish.

When Jun looked towards Wei, his dark pupils contracted because there was a man behind Wei with a knife on his hands. Jun started running towards Wei.

"Watch out, behind you!"

Wei turned around but it was too late.

The man thrust his knife towards Wei. Wei barely managed to dodge but was still wounded in the stomach and fell. The man attacked with his knife towards Wei with the intent to kill.

But Jun had arrived and tackled him into the ground with a powerful force. Jun had become enraged and started striking and hitting the man with powerful punches. The man's face got disfigured from all the punches, but what Jun didn't know was that the man had got hold of the knife.

Wei saw the knife.

"Watch out!"

The man was thrusting the knife towards Jun's head while smiling maliciously.

Jun pulled his head back and grabbed the man's hands. The man got shocked.

Both Jun and the man were fighting for their lives. If either of them lost their strength the knife will kill them.

Veins started appearing on both of their necks but the man had it worse since he was already injured by Wei's punches. Suddenly Jun had an adrenaline rush when he thought about dying and his strength overwhelmed the man.


The knife connected with the man's forehead. Blood splattered all over Jun.

Wei was unable to move from the shock.

Jun stood there with his pupils contracted while looking at his hands full of blood, and the knife in the man's head.

*Trrring trring trrring*

Wei's phone woke him up out of his shock, it was his dad calling.

"He-he-hey Dad....come pick us up...and also bring your men over...Ju...Jun just killed somebody..." Wei was trembling with fear and anxiety.

Jun couldn't hear anything.

{Blo...blood..there's blood on my hands...}