The Ring!!

Zeynep embraced herself for the impact, she did not expect Jun to immediately spring forward without any hesitation, she put her arms in front of her as Jun palmed them, sending her flying, she quickly flipped her body in order to land.

She fixed her hair and smiled at Jun.

"Hey! What happened to "never hit a woman"?"

"...Equal rights, equal fights.." Jun mumbled.

Zeynep smirked and charged towards Jun, suddenly a flicker of purple flame enveloped her feet as her speed reached new heights, it seemed she had activated her aura.

She was immediately in front of Jun, her arm pulled back at first but then instantly extending forwards, her fist aiming at Jun's face.

Jun dodged it, he pulled back but was instantly met with a kick aiming for his chest, it seemed that she was just becoming faster and faster.

Jun put his arms up in front of his chest, although the foot made contact with his arms he still felt danger, suddenly he sensed an oncoming wind coming from behind him, he turned around only for his face to be hit by a pale small hand.

Jun's body went flying towards the forest, Jun managed to stop himself in time before he could hit any object.

He opened his eyes slowly and saw Zeynep charging at him, her speed was creating dust, he got curious about her cultivation technique, he had never seen it before.

But that would have to wait for another time, right now he had to focus.

Jun started using his Qi making it travel through his body, a golden aura forming around him, Zeynep doing the same with her aura, they had taken this seriously.

Jun sprang forward as he met Zeynep in the middle of the training ground, although Zeynep had her unimaginable speed, Jun had his 6-year experience of his past life, coupled with his newfound legendary cultivation technique, he could still be her match.

Jun and Zeynep went from attacking each other to defending and back and forth, their auras connecting and breaking off caught the attention of some villagers as their attacks also made loud noises.

The villagers gathered around the training grounds, they marvelled at their sparring match, they sat down on the ground as more and more came to watch.

Jun kept attacking with brute force and was keeping up with Zeynep's speed, while Zeynep was dodging his attacks gracefully and at the same time sometimes landing some good punches.

The more and more they fought, the faster Zeynep got until at one point the villagers only saw her aura, nothing else, Jun realized this so he backed off completely, Zeynep doing the same.

"What? Are you going to surrender? And here I thought you might have been a challenge." She said with a mocking smile.


Jun smiled at her, his aura started disappearing from his body except for his feet, they were still covered in gold, although for some reason this time they were flickering with a lot more light than before.

The villagers could not understand as to why he would do that, now that his defence was practically gone, one hit from Zeynep could injure him greatly or worst-case scenario even end his life, they already knew that Zeynep would win, there was no doubt about it.

Only Zeynep realized that he sacrificed defence in order for him to become faster.

"Oh? Underestimating me? You will regret it." Zeynep's eyes went cold, she hated when people thought of her as weak, she was already thinking about how she would celebrate beating him to a pulp.

"Far from it, I respect your prowess, you are a powerful fighter I shall say that."

Zeynep smiled at his words, but her eyes still showed hostility.

" are nowhere near my level."

A deafening sound was heard as the villagers covered their ears, dust rose from the ground as it covered the fight, the villagers could not see what was happening between the two fighters.

Only after a while did the dust start dispersing, finally revealing the two fighters, although the outcome surprised every person there.

What was seen was Jun's hand being around Zeynep's throat as he was behind her. Her eyes were still wide as even she could not understand what had occurred, all she knew was that after that loud thundering noise, she felt immense fear for her life, it felt as if Death was just behind her, breathing into her ear.

Only after the dust settled did she finally realize that she had lost the battle.

"...Do not dare underestimate me, for you will regret it..."

Jun took his hand off her throat, Zeynep's legs gave in as she fell on the ground, her eyes not budging from Jun's figure as he walked slowly towards the manor.

Only after Jun was not seen did the crowd finally wake up from their shock.


Silence ruled the atmosphere.

Who they thought was going to win was now on the ground, sitting on the ground like a child, while the one who was supposed to lose was fine and dandy, walking away in a graceful matter.

"Wow...That was awesome!"

A young man smiled as he clapped while staring at Jun's back with awe in his eyes, the villagers took his lead as they clapped with him, some even clapped for Zeynep as they thought she did a good job too, the villagers helped her up and asked her questions as to what happened, but Zeynep gave only short answers as she was still shocked, she did not expect to lose, she thought she had this in the bag.

After a while the villagers dispersed, one of them stayed and sent Zeynep home before going home as well, they would not forget this day even if they lived a million years.


After Jun went to the manor, he logged out and decided to eat something, although you could not get hungry while playing the game since you could also eat in the game, it was still good to eat in real life once in a while.

He went out and bought groceries and then made a sandwich.

He scrolled through the forums to see if anything interesting had happened but to no surprise, nothing had happened except the usual trolls saying they found legendary items in caves.

As he finished the sandwich Dilay came out of her room, she was only wearing a soft white silk dress, she told Jun that she was going out with Asli and for him to not go out of his room since her parents would come over, Jun nodded and then cleaned his plate before entering his room and getting back into the game.


With a hum and a white light, he was transported into the game, he got out of the manor and was met with the rays of the sun as it hit his face, it was already daytime.

The soldiers were already waiting on the training grounds, their faces with smiles plastered on to them.

Jun ordered for them to put on the stones on their backs with the rope. After tying it, they set off.

Only after passing through the obstacles did they finally come back, except this time, they were just a little bit earlier than before, their bodies were slowly getting used to the training, although they still collapsed on the ground when they arrived at the village.

After that Jun went to the mine Kudret had found, the 12 miners were already there, working slowly but still making progress, they had found a certain marking in the depths of the mine, Jun had time so he decided to check it out, one miner accompanied him through the iron mine, after a while they reached the marking.

"This is it, sir. This is the marking, right there on the wall."

Jun got closer and the marking looked familiar but he could not put his finger on it.


"What, sir?"

"Oh, nothing. I will see if I can find anything about this, keep working hard." Jun smiled at him, before getting out of the mine, one man was staring at a blueprint if what the mine should look like, Jun just smiled and went on his way, although a last minute look at his hands made him stop in his tracks.

"....THE RING!"

"Huh?" Every person there was astounded by his sudden shout, but nobody had the chance to ask him since he was already sprinting back to the manor.

"The black ring! That's where I have seen that marking before, does that mean that I can bring accessories in-game?"

After Jun went to the manor he immediately logged out, getting out of the BNCC quickly, he searched every part of his room but could not find it, he only found the necklace, he quickly got out of his room, he looked around and found his ring on beside the TV.

Jun immediately grabbed it as a crazy looking smile spread over his face, he put it on his finger and got back into his room, not realizing the stern-looking man who excluded large pressure along with the graceful woman eating an apple, her golden yellow hair making her immensely beautiful, she resembled Dilay greatly.

"So....he's the future emperor?"


After Jun got in his room he quickly entered the game, with a hum and a white light he was transported, he quickly looked at his hand only to be filled with joy as the black ring was on his finger.


Keilo appeared, in his usual suit.

"Can I bring anything I want from the real world in this world?"


Jun got dispirited.

"..But, you can bring anything that can be used to unlock certain things, for example, the ring and necklace you have, those things have a purpose in this game."

"Aha~" Jun nodded, meaning he understood.

"Some families may have sacred family artifacts, like a certain sword from a king or an emperor, you understand what I mean."

"You mean aristocratic families?" Jun raised his brows at Keilo.

"Mhm." Keilo nodded.

"Hmm...I see, thank you, you may go now."

"Are you sure? You don't need me for anything else?"

Jun pondered and remembered a question he wanted to ask.

"Recently I found a cultivation technique and I have started cultivating, my aura has changed to a golden colour, it is strong so I was wondering, do the things that happen here also travel across to the real world?"

"Yes, they do, for example, if you find a really strong cultivation technique, and you cultivate it, there's a slight chance your aura might change, along with your body if the cultivation is...." Keilo seemed like he did not want to finish his sentence.

"...You mean demon?"

"Yes, if the cultivation technique is a demon cultivation technique."

"All right, thank you."

"If I may ask, what is the name of cultivation technique you are practicing?"

"Emperor's Swords."

Keilo's eyes widened a bit before returning to normal, he nodded and turned around and created a portal.

"...lucky bastard." He smiled as he entered the portal, vanishing from the world.

Jun shrugged and put Qi on his feet, travelling through the village with speed as he headed towards the mine, although this time his aura had a slight black colour along with the great golden colour.

After reaching the mine he instantly headed towards where the marking was.

He put Qi on his hand where his ring finger was and touched where the marking was. His golden aura did not go inside the marking, his black aura did. So Jun forgot about the golden aura and tried to use the black aura more, but the moment he stopped using the golden Qi a strange blood-thirsting feeling came upon him, the more he used the black-aura the more thirst for blood he had, it took a good amount of power for him to stop his thirst, thankfully the marking was already full of black Qi.

The area around the marking started to change, it seemed like it was making a door for Jun to enter.

Jun decided to enter only after telling all the miners to get out and rest for a bit and only to enter when he came out.

After he entered the cave he found himself surrounded with darkness, since he did not have a torch he covered himself in golden Qi, making light for him.

He walked on a straight road, on the walls there were markings of a fight, maybe even numeral fights, on the ground, there were skulls and bones of humans, no flesh on them. Dried blood was everywhere. If a normal person entered this place they would vomit their guts out.

"I feel like I have entered a woman's ****** after her period, holy shit."

Jun covered his nose with disgust but still kept walking forward, after a while he saw light in front of him, but most importantly an object that seemed like a glaive, it had black-coloured fur on its end, with some strange markings on its pole and steel.

"Hmm..." Jun got closer to the glaive to inspect it, but as soon as he got close to the glaive, the glaive twitched before shooting towards Jun, an immense killing intent behind it, Jun dodged to the side.

"What the f**k!!"

Jun looked at the glaive with astonishment, there was only a certain type of weapon that could attack and defend on its own.


Jun could not think before the glaive shot off again, this time with more speed than before, the killing intent was growing with immense power, even Jun could not rival its killing intent, it was just too powerful, as if it's killed more than 2 billion people, the atmosphere around the glaive was very dark, but what was more dangerous was that it did not make any sound, only wind and the steps of Jun was heard.

Jun dodged and tried to catch it but as soon as he touched the weapon he lost focus and almost fell unconscious, enough time for the weapon to chop his head off, although...

A golden barrier formed around his neck as it deflected its attack, as Jun regained focus he backed off fast, the golden barrier disappearing.

Jun stared at the glaive, it felt like the glaive was gazing at him since a shiver ran down Jun's spine.

"No choice." Jun started using his Qi, the golden aura coming back and covering his body, he took out a knife since he had left his iron spear at the manor, the aura covered the knife too.

"1...2...3!" Jun sprang forward with power, the glaive returning the invitation with speed as it appeared in front of Jun in seconds.

Jun attacked with his knife, hitting the side of the glaive making it spin, or so it seemed, the back of the glaive was attacking Jun, Jun ducked and backed off at the same time. He would not let himself get touched.

As the glaive stopped spinning it immediately attacked Jun, Jun had to defend with his knife.

The battle went on for hours until Jun was covered in sweat.

Jun took a deep breath, and slowly transferred all his Qi onto his feet, the glaive covering the way outside the cave.

"Hey, I know you can understand me, how about you become my weapon? You know, we can conquer the world, me and you, of course, if you come with me, otherwise you will rot here and I don't think that is a good thing for such a great weapon like you. So what do you say? Will you become mine?"

It was dead silent in the cave.

"You just want my power, why should I give it to you? People more qualified than you have come and entered this cave to obtain me and they have all failed. Do not think you have any chance."

Jun knew this was the glaive's voice.

A platinum or higher weapon will always have a soul, like a human they can also think and feel, although to create a platinum weapon is very hard and takes unnatural materials, the result is always great.

"Well, I can not deny I do want your power since my road to becoming an emperor will be easier, but I can also do it without you." Jun shrugged with a smile

"Is that so? Well then, leave."

Jun's smile broke before returning immediately, he started walking towards the glaive calmly.

The glaive shifted a bit to the side to let Jun pass, but the moment it did that, suddenly Jun shot off in its direction with immense speed, a loud and thundering sound shaking the cave as dust rose, it was faster than the speed he has while fighting Zeynep, unfortunately, the dark glaive was not Zeynep.

It immediately turned towards Jun with it's sharp and pointy front.

"Hmph, expected from a human."

Jun smirked at its remark and sped up faster until finally, reaching the glaive.

"Unfortunately for you, your weapon is nowhere near my level!" The glaive shot towards Jun as Jun attacked with his knife, the moment they made contact, the knife broke into pieces, revealing Jun's face.

"Die!!!!" The soul of the glaive roared in anger but was surprised when it saw the smile on Jun's face, a man does not have that face when he's about to die.

It looked at Jun and saw that only one of his hands were in front of it, the other....right beside it, and it had a strange looking ring which the glaive immediately recognized, it tried backing off but it was too late.

Jun's hand made contact with the glaive, Jun thought that it would stop but suddenly he felt weakness over-whelming him as he dropped to the floor with the glaive in hand.



Jun woke up in a cold and dark place.

"Huh? What is this place?"

He looked around and only saw walls, nothing special.

His eyes widened the next moment, hearing a rough and deep growl, his soul almost left his body.

Jun very slowly turned around, scared he might step on something wrong.

A great black wolf the size of mountains was in front of him, it's red eyes releasing a soul-crushing pressure as it growled.

