APR | the 'pleasure' principle

I don't know why I did it



The unconsciously repressed desires

But what is desire without


I always act upon emotion

This time however

Without the elements of emotion

Or feeling

Feeling worthy

Like you meant something

So why did I do it

Why did I act so primitively



It's interesting

My desires were not even fulfilled

It felt like a waste

Just a use

Of what?

What did it ever mean to me

What do you even mean to me

I really don't know you

And I say that about everyone

I really don't know them but

I've had familiarity

But with you

There was no familiarity

We just did it

And regret it or not

I don't know

I cannot tell you

But this concept about emotionless

And meaningless


Simplify does not work for me.

- my fragmented ID