And today
I thought about it
And realized
Oh my god
You did not actually mean a thing
All this time
It was before now
So all that time
You meant nothing
I felt nothing
It wasn't on my half
It was yours
I knew it
Trust was the main foundation
And I guess after all of that
I lost that trust
Which must of meant one thing
I lost that love
But I had never known until it was all over
I just see you
And then I see him
Love shouldn't be about compromise
Or tolerance
You should go after what you want
And what you need
We shouldn't have kept it hanging on
Because we were in need
But I wasn't what you wanted
And if I am going to be brutally honest here
You weren't either
We stayed
And we fought
And we tried
For years
Did anyone know that it was never going to be there
In the long run
We weren't going to be there
We both knew that
So why did we
Waste one another's time
- all that time for nothing