I can't get away
From my what's in my mind
Isolation seeps within me
And know that I have a conscious awareness of that
I begin to feel isolated
I begin to feel even more alone
More alone than I have ever felt
In my life
You left me alone
It's been days
It's been weeks
It's been months
And you continue to leave me alone
I wish that I could tell you
To stop
You don't need to keep coming and going
And coming
Then going
It's not what I need
But it is what I want
You are doing this out of love
I get it
You are leaving me in isolation
For my benefit
How are you able to tell
That is what I need
I don't even know if it is what I need
I don't seem to know what I need lately
Or what I want
I can't say you
I can't say this
I can't say us
It becomes perplexing
It becomes complicated
And right now
I do not need complicated
I need to be free
I need to be sane
I need to be alone
I need to be on my own
- the subconscious