Chapter 14.) The Final Battle

"Let's get this over with already." Inorin says with a sigh.

He submits a request to skip to his fight with Jonnie, which is accepted.

Inorin begins to head to his designated battle area when he bumps into someone wearing a yellow and black basically skin tight outfit.

"Oh sorry dude, I wasn't paying attention." The guy says

"It's fine, I was honestly too deep in thought." Inorin replies

"Hey I know you, don't you have to fight Jonnie?"

"Yes, how do you know?"

"A lot of people were talking about you. But please can you take care of Jonnie for me. He made me fail the exams last time."

"Sure I was planning on doing that anyway."

"Thanks dude, well don't let me hold you up any longer, I'll be watching your fight from the monitors over there." He states while pointing at some screens.

They both walk off and Inorin continues on his way to room 8.

When he finally arrives there are people crowding the door, cheering and telling him to "wipe the floor with Jonnie."

'He must've really did bad to piss this many people off.' Inorin thought to himself as he walked in.

Laying down on the bed he was transported to the battle area; a desolate shopping district.

He started walking up a turned- off escalator and onto the second floor of the mall.

"I thought you always start in view of your opponent." Inorin questioned

While talking to himself he began to hear music coming from one of the shops, so he decided to follow it.

The shop ended up being a dojo for kenpō.

As he walked in he spotted Jonnie hitting a punching bag.

"Trying to get some practice in before you lose to me?" Inorin said laughingly

"Haha, I'm going to beat you, but who's about we do it the old-fashion way? A regular karate-boxing match." Jonnie says as he looks towards Inorin.

*The match will begin in 10 seconds.*

'So both players do have to be looking at each other for the match to start.' He thought

"So you're a Slayer Class. Okay sure, I have no problems with a traditional boxing match."

*Match begin*

They both moved to the center ring and assumed a fight stance.

"No ranged attacks, physical attacks only!" Jonnie ordered

Inorin nodded then threw two arrows from his quiver towards Jonnie. One flew pass his head and the other continued straight for him.

While attempting to dodge,Jonnie said "hey I said physical attacks only!"

*Shadow Step*

Inorin appeared on Jonnie's left side and hit him with a right hook to the face.

"What? Are you saying my fist aren't physical attacks?"

Jonnie took the impact of the punch head on and went hurling sideways into a wall.

'I wonder if my strength was higher would he go through that wall.'

Saying this reminded Inorin that he needed to apply his newly acquired attribute points to his stats.

While Jonnie was still recovering from that punch, he decided to upgrade his stats.

His level had been raised from 25 to 31, and he had received 22,606 attribute points.

Available Points: 22,606

Health: 17,000 (+2,786)


Constitution: 11,000 (+2,786)


Strength: 9,300 (+2,786)


Karma: 13,372 (+2,786)


Dexterity: 10,200 (+2,786)


Intelligence: 10,500 (+2,786)


Willpower: 8,000 (+2,786)


Perception: 12,000 (+2,786)


Luck: 10,576 (+318)


Inorin confirmed his attribute placement and looked up to see Jonnie standing in front of him.

He was surprised to see Jonnie had gotten so close to him without him noticing, but he played it off like he already had seen him.

"Bro your stats are so high, no wonder that hit really hurt." Jonnie says

"Yeah I was honestly trying to knock you through the wall not just into it."

"You probably would kill me in one shot with your upgraded strength."

"Alright let's get back to our match now." Inorin orders while backing away from Jonnie.

Jonnie put his hands up while saying "that's cool but can you not use your full strength on me?"

Once again Inorin nodded then began walking towards him while bobbing and weaving.

Jonnie began switching his stance back and forth from the left to the right foot.

When they finally came face to face, Inorin stopped and held a standard Muay Thai stance.

Jonnie lounges forward with a left jab which is blocked. Seeing this allows Jonnie to stop his strike midway and switch to a grab.

He grabs Inorin's right wrist and attempts a sweep kick to get him off his feet.

Inorin jumps the kick and knees him in the face causing Jonnie to stumble back and let go of his wrist.

He catches his balance and spits out two teeth and a lot of blood onto the floor.

"How's about we not drag this out any longer."

Staring at picture of a lion in the wall, Inorin runs straight to Jonnie, and does a Superman type punch.

Jonnie dodges making Inorin punch into the wall. They turn and look at each other, then once again charge at each other clashing fist and exchanging constant blows.

'I'm going to put all my strength into my next strike.' Inorin monologues

While exchanging blows; Inorin stepped on Jonnie's foot causing him to fumble a punch, leaving him off balance.

He put up his guard while struggling to block an incoming attack. Not looking at the force of the punch causes his right forearm to break on impact.

Inorin then lounges in with a flurry of punches which are consistently blocked by Jonnie.

One of these punches are caught, forcing Inorin to stop with his brute force strategy.

Jonnie, still holding onto Inorin's right hand, uses his right elbow to hit him in the stomach. This makes Inorin bend forward thus opening him up for a knee attack to the forehead.

Jonnie lets go of Inorin while he fumbles back gasping for air.

"My dexterity is... 13,000 but that attack still hurt like hell." He says

"I put mostly all of my attribute points into strength and my attack damage is boosted by buff skills. So it's near 12k." Jonnie explains

'If all of his points are in strength then his health and dexterity are low, explaining that will be his downfall.'

"Okay lets start again!" Inorin orders

Inorin throws another arrow in Jonnie's direction.

*Shadow Step*

"That's not gonna work this time!" Jonnie screams

Inorin vanishes and reappears in front of him, provoking Jonnie to throw a punch. Then Inorin vanishes again.

This time he reappears behind Jonnie, switching places with the first arrow he ever threw at him.

'All my force!' He thinks

Jonnie notices Inorin behind him but is too late to react, causing him to take a full force attack to the face, flinging him towards the wall again.

"I guess that still wasn't enough force to send him through the wall."

*Winner of the 21st fight: Inorin.* a system message appears announcing the end of the battle.

When the battle ends, Inorin being the winner allows him to pass the final stage of the exams.