Ch 17 Mile High Club

(Yeah yeah we back on that smut… ya nassstiieess. Luv you. #PervsUnite)

Sara awoke the next morning to the sounds of mother mature and the creatures around her. First thing she noticed was that she was dressed in a t-shirt a few sizes too big. 'Must be Hele's' she thought to herself. The leggings and panties were definitely hers but she was missing a bra. As she looked around for her old one she remembered its tragic ends at the hands of her werewolf lover. "Good morning baby girl. Did you sleep okay?" He asked packing up items they left out. "Uh yeah, sure. When you two actually let me sleep!" She said jokingly. She had come to learn that although Hele was one person, his wolf was another being within the same body. They both felt for her on various levels but of course his wolf was much more animalistic with his desires. She didn't mind a single fucking bit. "I need a bra. My titties to big to just hang free like this. Fucking gravity n shit." She muttered the last part. Hele laughed, "I didn't bring one because I know they cause you discomfort and quite frankly, where you're going. You won't need it." He replied. "The fuck am I going?" She asked perplexed and he smiled as he put out the fire. "Look up" he said pointing to a moving mass that was coming towards them over the mountain peaks. She knew it was coming at them because it was slowly getting bigger. "What the fuck is that?!" She asked standing panicked and ready to run. "Not what, who." Hele replied and she gave him the look a POC mother gives their child when they say something stupid. "Who?!" She asked as she looked back up and realized the approaching shape was a big ass dragon. "Balaur…" she muttered and a smile spread across her face and Hele nodded in reply.

As Balaur got closer she could make out the full look of his dragon. He was a European style dragon with webbed wings and 4 legs. The wings and top of his body where various hues of chocolate brown scales that seemed iridescent the more the sun hit them. His belly and underside of his tail or golden and shimmery. He had massive black claws that matched his ebody horns that protrude out the top of his head and bend pointing forward. He had 4 smaller horns that point straight back off of his head. His eyes where a beautiful gold with glints of brown flaked in and the whites were pitch black and well as the slit iris. With powerful and slow flaps of his wings he landed gracefully in the clearing and eyes Sara staring at him in aw. "Take a picture, it may last longer lumina mea" he told her in a deep, guttural and nearly inhuman voice. Normally it would strike fear into the hearts of any human who heard it but it struck nothing but pleasure into her core and her body visibly shuddered with excitement. Sara let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding and ran up to Balaur as he lowered his head to meet her and turns it to the side slightly. As she ran over to him she screamed at the top of her lungs like a child getting a unicorn for Christmas.

"I- wh- ho- I CAN NOT. BRAIN BROKEN. YOU'RE SO PRETTY" Sarah yelled out and she started crying and hugging what she could of his snout. He let out a belly rumbling laugh and had to pull back as he started to laugh harder and she could get a good look at all his pointed teeth. "I don't know why you're crying but it's the most adorable thing I've seen to date and I cannot stop laughing." He said wiping a year from his eye with his claw tipped finger. "Everything all set?" Hele asked from behind Sara as he wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on the top of her head. "Yes I have everything we'll need. I can take it from here brother." Balaur replied with a nod. "You ready baby girl?" Hele asked Sara. She turned in his arms "ready for what?!" She asked and Hele gave her a knee buckling kiss that shattered the tattered remains of her thoughts. Before she realized it, Hele had her in his arms bridal style and jumped inhumanely high. "SWEET FUCKING CHRIST ALMIGHTY!" Sara screams as Hele landed gracefully on Balaur's back and set her down. "What the fuck Hele?! WARN A BITCH." She scolded and he couldn't hold in his laughter any longer. Beneath them Balaur laughed as well careful not to laugh Sara and Hele off. "I love you baby girl, and remember," Hele started as his hand slowly as he gripped her neck applying soft pressure on the sides making her chin lift and she looked him in the eyes "behave." He finished giving her a quick but passionate kiss. Hele let his hand fall and slid down Balaur's wing and Sara replied "Yes King Alpha." Sounding as seductive as she could sitting properly on Balaur with a spine horn between her legs so she could hold on to.

Hele growled and Balaur stood at his full height and outstretched his wings. "You had your turn brother. It's mine now." He said in a brotherly mocking tone and flapped his wings as if testing them. "Hele the goggles." Balaur reminded him and Hele tossed Sara a pair of goggles so she could see while he was flying. "Ah shit" Sara said as she put on the goggles. Balaur lifted and fully stretched his wings before flapping a few times and they were in the air. Sara held on for dear life as everything below her got smaller and the air got colder. "Fucking Christ it's cold up here" she muttered the wind whipping her face and making it colder. "Apologies focul meu" he said before his body vibrated for a moment and started generating heat. It warmed her to the core and she nuzzled as close to his body as possible. "Where are we going?" She asked finally warm enough to speak without shattering her enamel. "It's a surprise." He replied simply and she scoffed. "Ima hate surprises by the time I'm done with yall." She whined and he laughed a deep and guttural laugh. "I can tell you we're passing over New York City right now," he offered as a consolation prize. "Aww...wait ...weren't we in Montana not 10 minutes ago?!" She asked thinking he was joking. He laughed out loud droppingly slightly under the clouds and rolling so she could see the lights below like a google maps image. "I'm a lot faster than a plane," was his simple reply before leveling out and increasing altitude. "Okay wait. So you're high enough that the view looks like a satellite image and without you keeping me warm it's freezing. Goggles for the wind…." She trailed off muttering to herself. "Hm?" He asked, "how the fuck am I breathing?" She finally asked. "Magic lumina mea, magic," he replied. You won't need the googles or me to keep you warm once we've mated and bonded fully but I can make sure the air isn't too thin for you." He added. "Right…." She replied, not sure what else to say. "Would you like to see the ocean?" He offered and she nodded as if he could see. "Oh shit, yeah sure!" She muttered the first part of her reply. Knowing the coast was clear Balaur swooped down and rolled a bit so his wing kicked up some water. "EEK don't wet me!" Sarah implored. Balaur laughed "oh that's exactly the plan awydd" he replied before leveling out but staying low enough she could enjoy the sun over them. Sara blushed and shook her head as she closed her eyes and let the rest of her senses enjoy the ride.

Carefully she put her arms out like Rose on the Titanic but used the spine behind her to make sure she didn't fall off and gripped his body with her legs. Her palms her facing forward but she rotated her wrist with her palms facing down. Beneath him Balaur noticed the water taking a life of its own. It moved abnormally, out of current, and started to raise before rolling into an O shape. His eyes squinted in confusion before he looked back and saw what Sara was doing. He didn't say anything to scare her but he needed to let his brothers know. 'Brothers. Have any of you noticed anything off with Sarauinya?' He asked cautiously. The linked opened as everyone joined. 'What do you mean? Is she okay?' Cythraul asked. 'Shes fine' Mala'ika replied, 'we would of felt it otherwise.' Hele finished for him. 'She's fine...but… she's using magic' he informed them and he felt their shock across their bond. 'What is she doing?' Mahō asked. 'Manipulating water.' Was this simple reply. 'It could be the bonds, but it could be her own powers coming to. All of you keep me posted if you notice anything' Mahō instructed and they all agreed. "You okay up there?" Balaur asked. "Yes just enjoying the flight." She replied and he could her her smile. Balaur increased altitude again hiding them in the clouds. "Aww. Where are we now?" Sara asked realizing they hand to hide again. "Southern area of Europe" he replied and her jaw almost dropped. "Can I know where we're going now, pweeeaaasseee?" She begged. He laughed and nodded "alright, alright. We're going to my home country. Romania." He informed her and she squealed with joy. "Eeeeeeeee what are we gunna do first?!" She asked invigorated and excited. "Well, as much as I'm sure you'll love riding me all the time, hehe. We need to get you a proper dragon " Balaur informed her. Sara snickered at his joke even though she told herself not to encourage his nonsense before what he said afterwards fully registered with her. "A PROPER WHAT?!" she screamed as Balaur decreased altitude and a snowcapped mountain range came into view. "All of the kings, besides myself, have a dragon. And now, our queen shall as well." Sara nearly had a panic attack "BALAUR IF YOU DEADASS GIVE ME A DRAGON RIGHT NOW I MAY CRY!" she warned him as he landed near the entrance of a cave that led into the mountain side. "Well I didn't bring any kleenex" he laughed as he shifted under her back into his human form.

She slid off his back easily as he stood and adjusted the cuffs of his black dress shirt and buttoned the red suit jacket that matched his slacks. "How?..." Sarah asked trailing off, "magic" was his quick reply as he held out a hand for her to take. "Just like this" he said before a flame swirled around her body and she had on a white skirt suit outfit with a gold blouse and matching gold flats. "Well alllll righty then" she replied and took his hand looking into the cave. It seemed eerily dark and foreboding but when they walked in it was like a veil was lifted and everything was bright. The first thing Sarah noticed was the massive amount of naturally occurring crystals sprouting from various places on the floor, ceiling and walls. "This is… beautiful?" she said as a question. "No beautiful doesn't even begin to cover how amazing this is Balaur." she retorted. He nodded in agreement with a smile. "This entire mountain range, most popular ones and the caves below them are like meccas for our people.This is where I was born, Crystal Capital. If all else fails this is to be protected at all cost." he informed her as they walked into an open area that seemed like a receiving room with many hallways originating from it. The ceiling was at least two stories high and the walls were painted in various hues of blues, reds and yellows from the lighting generating from the crystals. They blended here and there creating a wonderful rainbow effect. There as a massive mound of crystals in the center of the room almost resembling a stalagmite and stalactite in shape and form. "This crystal will be part of your crowning ceremony. You prick your palm on the stalagmite point and magic blah blah, your blood joins with those of our ancestors. Our people will recognize you officially as their queen, even if they weren't raised in our way and other cool things I'm sure you don't care about because you get a dragon." he said bursting into full out laughter as her eyes seemed to glaze over with the overload of information.

There were two guards per hallways and when Balaur and Sara walked in the guards got on one knee and a hand over their hearts. " My King, My Queen. Welcome home." they said in sync. The strength behind their words and the acoustics of the cavern made her jump a bit but Balaurs hand at the small of her back kept her still. He smiled down at her and she had to stop herself from swatting his arm for laughing at her. "My King, My Queen." a man called coming out of the hallway directly in front of them. It seemed the darkest and even though she was with Balaur, she had no qualms about avoiding that path all together. He was almost as tall as Balaur with dark chocolate skin and blazing emerald eyes with specks of maybe red or gold in them. To her surprise, as he walked up to them she noticed his hair was also green but a deep hunter or forest shade that almost looked black and it was cut into a frohawk. He bowed like the guards did and balaur pulled him into a brotherly hug when he got up. "Draco my man!" he said patting him on the back before pulling away. "This must be Sara our wonderful and beautiful queen." draco said with another soft bow. Sarah put out her hand for him to shake and he took it kissing the back of her hand instead. "Eww cooties" Sarah said taking her hand back and wiping it off playfully. Everyone laughed but Balaur gave Draco a glare. Draco put up his hands in surrender and stepped back. "Mai Mare is aware of your arrival and waiting for you both." he said bowing and putting his arm out in a 'this way' gesture pointing to the hallway Sara very much wanted to avoid. "A pleasure as always My King, My Queen." he said leaving us to it.

Balaur and I walk up to the hallways and he squeezes my hand in reassurance, "It's a protection ward, you'll be fine." he said pulling her along. They walked a few steps into the hallways and there were no lights so everything grew dark. "Um, not everyone here has night vision Bal." Sarah reminded him. "Whoopsie, my bad." he said stifling a laugh. He literally spit fire at each wall and a ribbon of blue flames caught fire leading all the way back to the beginning of the hall and down around the corner to an ending she couldn't see. Once they neared the end Sarah could see the bright blue lights that faded into pink and back into blue. "Cale de Nestemate. Path of Gems." he translated for her. "This leads to where we keep our unhatched eggs and the elder who protects them until they hatch."he informed her. "So they don't hatched once their born..laid?" she asked. As they walked the natural path is became less traveled and the terrain grew rough. The crystals also became massive in size and could easily fund a few first world countries out of debt to say the least.

The space became smaller, normal sized for Sarah but still cavernous at the same time. The crystals were not joined by actual stalagmites and stalactites on either side of them and just patch the rocky formations were clear pools of water. "Lac de Pietre- Lake of Gems" he translated for her again. "The lore about us loving our precious treasures has a lot of truth to it, we keep them here safe. Think of it like a massive vault." he supplied. She nodded "Also the natural minerals are great to bath in and the children usually wash in these pools for the first few months of their life." Sarah lifted her brown to him "Will ours?" she asked and he nodded. "Indeed, as will we after we mate, but not in these. We have our own." he said with a seductive smile and kissed her. Sara melted into the kiss and smiled. She was finally warming up to the idea of having kids with them and it made her heart skip a beat and her ovaries act out.

"And this is our stop." he said walking into a massive cavern that was nor more crystal and precious stones than anything. There was a shallow river of water running below the small cliff they stood on and crystals everywhere else.There was a massive formation of crystals in the center of the room that seemed to be alive, their color a soft pulsating blue to turquoise green. "You dead yet old man!" Balaur asked to seemingly no one. All of a sudden there was a massive groan that reverberated through the space and the crystal mass before them started to move. First the tail whipped about a bit and then wings spread up and out. "Unfortunately. And here I thought this would be my last cycle and I would never have to see your face again." the dragon spoke turning the face Balaur and Sara. His voice as deep, almost deeper than Balaur but it was accidented and heavy. "Oh and who do we have here?" he asked. "Sarauniya Williams, My mate" Balaur answered and the dragon bowed one of his wings covering his chest. "My Queen. It is an honor. At least now I have someone with more than 7 brain cells to speak to." The elder dragon joked and Sara burst out into tear inducing laughter. It took her a lot longer to calm down than Balaur would have liked but he was happy she was enjoying herself and not afraid like she had been when they first stepped into the City. Once she wiped the last of her tears she replied "Oh God I thought I was the only one who thought so." and Sara and the Elder dragon burst out laughing so hard she thought the cave would collapse. Balaur feigned hurt and then started to laugh with them. "You wound me so focul meu." he says in a dramatic fashion which almost starts to laughing fit again. "Stop, please, I can't breathe anymore and my ribs hurt." she pleaded stifling another wave of laughter. "I assume the queen is here for her dragon?" the elder asked and Balaur nodded. "Hmmm, let me have a good look at you." he said leaning his snout close to her and turning his head so his eye could see her better. He turned his head back to sniff her and she placed her hand on top of his snout gently. The elder immediately reacted and leaned into her hand and pulled away. " It's ...possible?" he asked looking to Balaur before looking back at Sara. It took Balaur a few seconds for the elders's implications to click and Balaur's eyes grew wider than saucers. "Wait do you think?" he asked and the Elder dragon nodded. "Think what? What's possible?" Sara asked slightly annoyed.

The elder turned and flew off deep into the cave "Um Balaur?" she said turning to him for answers. "Let's wait and see my love. Then I'll explain." he promised and she nodded as the elder dragon returned. He landed where he was before "open your hands like your holding a baby" Balaur instructed. When she did the Elder dragon dropped a crystal egg into her arms and she felt the power pulsing off it and hitting her it shocked her. Balaur and the Elder dragon didn't say anything, just watched for her reaction and the egg's. After a minute or so the men looked disappointed and the elder spoke. "Perhaps not…" he said fore lorn. Just then a loud crack was heard through the cave and everyone looked down to the egg with renewed excitement and anticipation. The eggs began to crack more until the side fell apart and a small crystal baby dragon poked it's head out and looked at Sara. It looked like a way too tiny verizon of the elder dragon and it stared into Sara's chocolate eyes with its blue beady ones. Sara didn't realize she was crying until a tear fell off her face and onto the babies who proceeded to lick away her tears. "Hes precious." she stated trying to maintain control over her emotions.

The baby was various shades of blue that were darker closer to his core and the tips of him were sky blue. He had a single horn from the center of his forehead and four more horns that stuck out from the back of his head. He had for legs and 2 wings just like the elder dragon and his underbelly from his bottom jaw to the tip of his tail was a silver blue. He made a baby dragon sound that seemed almost bird like and spread his wings shattering the rest of the egg with it. Then he lept onto Sara's shoulder and rubbed the side of his face against her cheek and she rubbed back. "Is it yours?" Sara asked the elder and he nodded. "She's smart and perceptive. Good qualities to have. She'll make a fine queen." he boasted with pride. "The reason Mai is here as the elder protector…" Balaur struggled to begin to explain. "Is because I volunteered." Mai Mare answered. "Being a protector of the rookery is a lifetime commitment. It doesn't allow for connections or a personal life. Before my mate passed she made me promise to look after our young. And so I did, and I look after everyone's young. After I lost my mate in the great war… I couldn't leave our baby alone so I made sure I wouldn't be at risk of leaving him." Mai Mare leaned in and the baby nuzzles his snout with the elder dragons. "And now, my son gets to live as I have and just like I have my duties to protect my people and the young, now he has his own. To protect his queen." Mai said with pride radiating off him in waves. "What's his name?" Sarah asked but Balaur and Mai shook their heads. "Calarets name their dragons. Unless a youngling hatches and matures without finding their calaret." Mai informed. Sara raised a confused brow, "A… rider. So to speak. Like the banshees in Avatar have one rider; dragons, that do not shift, have one calaret." Balaur informed her and she nodded. "So my queen. What will you name your ward?" Mai asked and Sara scrunched up her face trying to think of something worthy of this baby on her shoulder. "Bal, how do you say ocean or water in Romainian?" Sara asked. "Well there are a few different ways. Some translate more literally than others. Some can have double meaning." Balaur informed her and she deadpaned him. "Yes, okay and?" she replied waiting for a few translations. "Apa, noian-" before he could continue Sara cut him off. "That one. Noian." she said softly as the baby jumped into her waiting arms and they cuddled. "You may breath fire but your color reminds me of the blues of the ocean." she said nuzzling his snout and the baby made a sound she assumed was his approval.

The said their goodbyes to Mai and Sara promised to bring Noian back to visit so he could see his son grow. As they passed the Lake Of Gems a Nurse came to take Noian as he had fallen asleep. He needed to be bathed in the ritual waters Balaur told her about and he would be kept with other hatchlings to make sure his health was up to par before Sara could leave with him. She hoped he'd be ready by tomorrow. "Are you ready for our date?" Balaur ask as the exit the cave. Sara didn't realize the time that had passed and the sun was starting to set. "YES!"she yelled and jumped up and down. Balaur and shifted with her already on his back and took off flying up the mountains to what looked like another cave opening.

The entrance to the cave looked dark and ominous until they walked in and it was lit up with recessed lighting in the floor that led down a path to a modern looking set of french doors. "Our private suit" Balaur said to her confused face. "Ah, okay." she replied simply as the doors opened. Inside was a line of maids and butlers all bowed and they welcomed Balaur and Sara. "Everything is as you would need My King, My Queen. Should you need anything else please call for us." the lead butler informed them and the servants left, closing the doors behind them. The inside of the cave home was extremely modernized and had multiple levels that went down instead of up. The top floor was your typical welcome area with stone high ceilings and recessed lighting. There was stairs straight across from the front door that led to the lower levels. To the left was a formal living room, lined out by a stone half wall, with a massive hearth n stone that was running off blue dragon flames. There were 2 full sized couches and a few love seats in the room that had brown and gold stones to them to match the lighter color of the stone. To the right was the dining room and kitchen area both open space and there were crystal formations that looked like windows that were glowing and provided light besides the ceiling lights.

Down stairs were the bedrooms. There was another stairways down but across from it was a hall. The hallways had 3 doors. On the left was the theatre and gaming room for relaxating and entertainment. At the end of the hall was a massive master suite with an en suite master bath. "What's that room?" Sarah asked pointing to the door on the right. Balaur looked at her and smiled, "A play room of sorts. I'll show you another time promise" he replied and pulled her into the master suite. The ceilings were at least 2 stories high with crystal fixtures throughout the room that provided lighting instead of manmade lights. There was another massive fireplace with black marble in front of it keeping the room warm. "I've never been hunting but I'm pretty sure there aren't any bears this big…" she stated, pointing to the massive bear rug that covered almost the entire floor. "You think its a bear. Cute" Balaur replied with a chuckled and booped her nose. The ensuite has a massive 4 person tub carved out of pure amethyst. There was a massive shower stall just behind it and the water of the tub would overflow into it if there was too much. Across from the tub was a two person vanity and powerdering makeup area. "What's that door to?" Sara asked turning back to Balaur. "The play room." He replied and kissed her. "Come" he said and lead her out of the room and down the second flight of stairs.

This was the lounge and pool area. To the right of the stairs was a wet bar along the wall that ended against a wall of rocks with precious stones embedded I to it that seemed to be glowing. The same stone continued down across the floor and to the pool. The bottom of the pool had the same stone and the colors glittered through the water. "Please tell me we can go swimming!" Sara asked jumping up and down. He chuckled at her and nodded. "Yes.." He replied with a growl, gripping her by the waist and pulling her body impossibly close to him. The thought of her in a bathing suit, or better yet bare and wet aroused him and he had to adjust himself not bothering to hide it.

By the time they got settled and he finished the tour it was well past lunchtime and her belly began to le itself known. "If I didn't know any better I'd think you'd have a beast trapped in there." Balaur teased with a laugh. "Well maybe I do, so airing on the side of caution, what are we going to feed it hm?" she asked batting her eyelashes and it made him laugh more. "I already had one of my favorite Romanian dishes prepared. Mici which are like grilled minced meat rolls." He explained. "I pray it's nothing like meatloaf. Shit is trash." She Hoped. He laughed and shook his head and took her hand leading her to the kitchen where the smell of food hit her. "Nothing like it I promise. That would be Drob de miel. And for dessert we have Conzonac I made myself." He informed her and she lifted her brow. "You mad cognac?" she asked confused which made him laugh so hard he started wheezing. "N-No!" he managed to get out as he was calming down. "Conzonac. Imagine Hawaiian rolls filled with Nutella." He explained the dish to her and her jaw fell. "Sweet black baby Jesus. No?" she replied. "Yes" he retorted with a nod. Sara ran to him and jumped into his arms wrapping her legs around his waist. He caught her effortlessly and sat her on the island counter pressing his desire into her sensitive denim wrapped core. "You do love me!" she said kissing him playfully. He smiled returning the kiss and nodded. "Very much so" he replied pulling away from her and helping her down. "Okay so where is it?" she asked confused as he handed her a traditional picnic basket. "In here. And you're going to hold onto this." He said leading her back outside. "Where are we going?" she asked and he turned to her and smiled shifting before her once they got outside. "Somewhere special I've never taken anyone before. I wish to share it with you." He replied which she adjusted herself so she could hold onto him and the food.

Balaur flew them to another part of the mountain range not too far but within the many peaks. Among the stone and snow capped tops was a single mountain with a flat peak. As the got closer Sara notice the grassy field, covering the stone and the colorful flowers that seemed to thrive in the weird climate. "It was my mother's" Balaur informed her as they landed and he shifted. "Her quiet place when she needed peace, and she gave it to me before she passed." He told her. "I'm sorry." Sara replied about him not having his parents. "It's beautiful though, she knew what she was doing." She added as Balaur grabbed her hand and led her over to an area with just grass. Waving his hand in the air orbs of fire sprouted all over the area illuminating the space but generating warmth. Then he waved his hand over the grassy area and the stone lifted from the ground in the shape of a table and two chairs with a mossy cushion. "My father had strong fire magick and my mother's was earth. I lucked out with both and the most beautiful mate the world has ever known." He said with a smile as she set down the basket on the table. She turned to him to reply but his lips were on hers. "Before I say fuck it and take you now let's get some food in you focul meu. They ate their meal while Balaur shared more about his childhood and his family. Sara realized at that moment that she definitely wanted children and she would make sure to give them the childhood she never had with the help of her men. Her mates. Her kings.

As they finished eating Balaur led her over to the side of the enclosure where a curtain of vines draped from the mountain side and he moved them aside showing her a hidden entrance. He held out his hand to her and looked her in the eyes. Without hesitation and full trust she grabbed his hand and followed him in. As they walked further into the cave the fire orbs followed lighting their path until the cave opened fully exposing a massive hidden lake. There was a huge opening above the water that the remaining sunlight beamed through and water fell through creating multiple waterfalls. The natural stones absorbed the sun's rays and began to glow. Sara was too busy admiring the view she didn't realize Balaur and stripped behind her until he gripped her waist and pulled her into him, he hardening cock running against her jean clad ass. "Hey-ohh….shit" he started to great him until she felt his hard member rub against her backside. "I wish to see you lumina mea, bare for me" he told her as he let her waist go and walked around her towards the water. Sara stood still like a statue admiring the view of his muscular ass before he growled out "Now!" The aggression and need in his voice immediately triggered her body and her nipples began to harden against the fabric of her shirt. He stepped into the water a few feet and turned to face her so she got a full frontal view. Her eyes widened and she gripped the hem of her shirt so tight she thought she was going to rip it. "I won't ask again focul meu" he notified her and his dominance broke her trance. Coming back down to reality Sara smiled and started to undress for him and as slowly as she possibly could. Lust filled both their eyes and Sara continued to disrobe as she walked closer and closer to the water's edge. By the time she made the shore of the lake she was completely bare and he soaked her in with his eyes imagining all the things he would do to her tonight.

He held both of his hands out for her to take and growled, "Come." He ordered. She obeyed as her nipples grew visibly harder and goose bumps coated her skin. She thought the water would be freezing but it was surprisingly warm and she walked out to him. Then a horrible yet totally beautiful idea struck her. Sara pretended to go for his hands but at the last second squatted low and grabbed his legs at his knees and tossed him into the water. The look of shock on his face right before he went under had her holding her sides laughing uncontrollably. The water around him began to bubble and Sara came out of her humor filled stupor quickly. "uh oh" she said as Balaur slowly stood upright in the water his eyes pinned mischievously on her. "So that's how it is huh?" he asked as his eyes change from their human form to his dragon eyes. Sara tried to double back in time but his arms were already around her waist as he tossed her deeper into the lake. She took so much air she has time to curl up her body and yell "CANON BALL!" before she splashed back in. Sara took a while to come back up and Balaur began to worry. Making his way over to her, he reached for her and she jumped up out of the water and splashed a bunch of water in his face. "Oh really?" he asked and splashed her back, his muscular arms catching a lot more water. "No fair!" she cried before throwing her arms back as far as she could and brought them forward to splash him again. What neither of them expected was she accidently used her surfacing abilities and a massive wave of water hit him. "What the FUCK!? BALAUR?!" she cried out trying to help him above water. He came up coughing and it turned into laughing. "Fucking shit, I thought I was a goner but I can't stop laughing." He said. "I'm so sorry I don't even know how or what!" she didn't know what to say to be honest. "It's alright my love. We figured there was a possibility you might not be human or fully human. Talk to Mahō when you have your date with him. Until then, let's enjoy this." He said to calm her down and pulled her close to him his arms wrapped around her waist. Sara slid her hands up his chest and around his neck and nodded, "Okay." She replied and she gave him a peck on his chest.

Balaur lifted Sara's face to look him in the eyes and they smiled at each other as the water and sunlight refracted playful colors and shapes against their skin. They stared at one another while the waterfalls and insects made their natural soundtrack in the cave. The acoustics made everything sound louder and cooler. "Balaur," Sara said breaking the silence, "I love you." She added. "I love you too" he replied before hungrily taking her lips. They kissed for a few minutes and came back up for air. Balaur used his magic and made a platform of stone and moss a few inches below the surface of the water and laid her on it gently. "Balaur" she whispered as he kissed down her neck licking and sucking on the skin adding to the hickies already left behind. "Sarauniya..." he whispered against her skin kissing across her collarbone to the other side of her neck and leaving the same trail of suckles, bites, kisses and licks. "I need you Balaur, inside me, filling me." She begged and pleaded. Balaur rubbed his cock against her slit and teased her engorged clit. "I plan on burying myself so deep inside you neither of us will be able to tell where I end and you being. But first I must taste you." He said in her ear before licking and sucking on it.

Balaur kisses his way down her body blowing warm fire across her skin but it never burned her. He could control what his fire did or whom it hurts. Making it to her left breast, Balaur rubbed his rough tongue across the sensitive bud causing Sara's back to arch and her hand to entangle themselves in his hair. "fuc-k" she moaned as he let his teeth sharpen a bit and bit on her nipples causing a shock of pleasure pain to rock through her body. "So sensitive" he muttered against her skin kissing his way over to her right breast and using his hand to play with her left. "More, please" she cried out and he grabbed both of her breast, cupping them together and licked, sucked and bit on both of her nipples at the same time. After feasting upon her sensitive skin for a few minutes her finally left her breasts alone with a finally pop as he pulled his head back and they pulled from his mouth.

Sara was having major difficulty controlling her breathing let alone her heart rate and he didn't make it any easier kissing, biting and licking his way down her belly and dragging his hands up and down her thighs. Balaur grabbed her love handles and kissed along her fupa causing her to giggle a bit. "Perfection." He said against her skin before using his hands to spread her legs further apart. "Absolute perfection" he reiterated her pussy glistening for him. Balaur lifted her legs so her ankles where on his shoulders and began to slowly kiss up and down her legs stopping right before his got to her awaiting mound. "Balaur!?" she cried out with need and he chuckled. "Patience focul meu. I will taste ALL of you." He replied with a growl memorizing all of her dips and curved by heart with his tongue and lips. Balaur pulled her to the edge of the platform her made and kneeled down into the water so his face was level with her waiting womanhood. "I wonder if it taste as divine as you smell." He asked before spreading her lips and licking the sensitive tip of her clit. "Fuck!" she yelled and bucked back but his arm snaked around her leg and pulled her closer to his face. Balaur sucked on her full clit a few times before holding it in his mouth and swirling his tongue over, around and under it before pulling back with a resounding pop. Sara was a discombobulated mess, every time she got close he'd stop. "Why do you keep stopping!?" she asked sexually frustrated. "Because I enjoy watching to squirm and shake with need for me. Moaning and crying out my name with want. I will edge you till I think you can't take anymore and when I finally let you cum, your level of desire will be higher than you ever thought to imagine." He relied his voice half his half dragon. Sara took a risk and looked down as he started to devour her again and his dragon slit eye caught hers.

What felt like a few hours but was only a few minutes went by and Sara was begging for a release. "Please Balaur. I can't…. I can't take anymore!" she begged and pleaded again. He growled into her pussy sliding a finger inside her and curling it in a 'come here' motion that allowed him to hit her G spot over and over again. He slid in another finger as his tongue continued lapping at her clit and his other hand began to play with her nipple. His fingers and tongue moved at an inhumane pace before his commended her, "COME!" was all he said before his mouth returned to her clit and she shattered beneath him. Insects escaped from the openings in the cave ceiling, birds and other nocturnal animals could be seen fleeing from their tree top homes her screams were so loud. Instinctively her legs closed on his face as he continued his assault and she couldn't tell if she wanted to push him away or let the pleasure build again. Both his hands wrapped around her thighs opening her to him fully and he continued to devour her until she shattered again. Sara saw stars in her vision as Balaur stood and lifted her. Her legs felt like jello and he supported her with his hands under her ass as the platform disappeared and he walked them over to one of the many waterfalls.

A wall came up slightly behind the fall and Balaur pressed her against it forcing her to wrap her legs around his waist. "Are you alright focul meu?" he asked and she nodded "yes…" she managed to get out. "Do you need a moment?" he asked with a chucked and she shook her head aggressively wiping them both with water from her hair. "No, I'm ready!" she replied in a plea and he lined up with her entrance slowly lowering her on himself so she had time to adjust. Sara let out a string of profanities in every language she knew. This was a different kind of pleasure from the others. They were all different but amazing in their own way. Slowly he began to pump in and out of her until she had time to properly adjust and he picked up speed. Her breast bounced up and down tossing water everywhere as it fell on their body and Balaur kissed her deeply. Sara wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him impossibly closer as he found a rhythm. Balaur pulled almost completely out of her leaving on his head inside before slamming home in deep, hard, powerful but purposeful strokes. If this was a Hentai he'd be hitting her cervix and she was surprised he wasn't to be honest. Balaur would slow down, every now and then, and have shallow but purposeful stokes and grind his hips against hers every now and then feeling her walls clench his cock and try to milk him. If this is what heaven was like he knew he'd never leave. "Baby I'm so close." Sara warned as he had returned to his powerful and long stokes and began feting on her breast again. "You're going to cum for me lumina mea?" he asked mid suckle his teeth holding onto her taught peak before letting go. She nodded and cried out "YES!" as a reply. Balaur kissed his way up her check, neck and jaw to her ear and whispered "cum," as he sped up. They both shattered against one other, the wall the only thing keeping them upright.

Balaur cleaned them off in the water and carried them back out to the clearing. He created a moss bed for them and laid her down. "To complete the bond I must breathe my fire into you. The fire of my heart will encase yours and we will be one" he informed her. "Okay" she nodded in agreement, "I'm ready." She informed him. Balaur leaned close and kissed her before summoning his heart fire and breathing it into her. The glow of the blue flames glowed through her skin before dissipating. A warmth spread Across her chest at her heart and spread to the sides under her breast. A mark appeared of a dragon that looked like Balaur in the form of an under bust tattoo. "Mine.' He said before kissing her again.

Balaur let her rest some before taking her many more times that night before they finally settled in for good.