Ch 24 Bow Down Bitches

Sara woke up with the greatest feeling inside her. Today she met up with the girls at the Salon and Spa to get ready for the coronation and even though it wasn't the real one she was happy she got to dress up and look like a bad bitch. Many well deserved hours of pampering later the ladies got ready at the salon so they could teleport to the mountains. Maze came out first, her hair in a tight and high ponytail updo. Her outfit was a body hugging black latex/leather pantsuit outfit. The jacket was asymmetrical and longer on the right back side. It had a belt across her waist with a silver clasp and she had black open toed heels. To match her ensemble she got her nails in black with some of the fingers having a silver foil detailing to it like the metal was cracking. Her makeup was a smoky black and silver eyeshadow with matte black lipstick. Lilith had a floor length sequin dress that had a low cut in the front that was held together by 3 strips of fabric. The dress was black on top and ombre down to red at the bottom which matched the color she got in her hair that she let hang long but in loose curls. To match her dress she got red bottom nails. The underside of her nails were red while the tops were black and had gold studs near the cuticle; her ring finger had a red gem on the nail as well. Her eyes popped with a red to black smoky shadow that had a gold glitter crease eye liner. Prudence stayed most true to the ball attire with a mermaid style gown that dragged on the floor to the point where she would have to hold it so she wouldn't trip. The dress was black with gold calligraphy detailing on the sides of the skirt and across the entire bodice of the dress. Hey eyes popped with the gold to black smoky shadow and the dramatic cat eyeliner. She paired her look with a stack of golden bangles on each wrist, a necklace that matched and large hoop earrings. True to form though she had her hair short in finger waves but dyed it black with the same gold detailing painted in. She got her nails painted in alternating black and chrome gold and the black nails had golden calligraphy to match the dress.

Last out was Sara of course. Her purple gown hovered across the floor, perfect for her hair with the heels. All her jewelry, except for the crown hung perfectly on her body. She got her nails in a stiletto shape and painted matte black or purple glitter. The black nails had a design in the same purple glitter polish and silver stones. Her makeup followed the look with a silver and purple to black smoky shadow while her lips were purple on the inside that blended out to black. "The kings are going to lose their shit. I'm so happy we managed to keep this a secret" Maze said waving her hand over Sara's look. "How'd you get Mala'ika to not 'angel power' you Prue?" Lilith asked with a laugh. "I told him the queen wanted it to be a surprise. He respected that, begrudgingly." She replied and they burst out laughing. Cerberus and Stolas appeared and bowed their heads. 'Mistress, ladies' they greeted. "Stolas? Isn't he, big bad Luci's familiar?" Lilith asked and Maze nodded. "King wanted high end security, hence why we're here." Maze replied. "Alright girls let's not keep them waiting. I'm dying to see their faces." Sara said as they all held hands. Since it was long distance travel Prudence had to use a spell and they teleported.

"Okay I need you guys with me at all times just in case. I'm worried something may happen and although I know you're here to protect me I want to keep you guys safe too." Sara said and the girls nodded even though Lilith looked worried. Taking a deep breath they walked up to the door, Prudence and Lilith in front of Sara with Maze in the back. The wooden door swung open and the music paused as they were announced. 'Shit we're late?!' Sara thought in mild panic. "Now presenting! Her Royal Majesty the Queen Sarauniya Williams, with her ladies in waiting Prudence, Mazekin and Lilith." The announcer said as the girls walked in. Once inside the doors closed and Prudence and Lilith parted finally letting the crowd see Sara. Everyone gasped before cameras started flashing from the press and everyone else applauded. Sara's eyes however were on her kings who started at her with nothing but burning desire and love. 'It that our queen?' Mala'ika asked 'Fuck yes it is!' Cythraul replied while Balaur and Hele just growled in approval. Mahō and Murciél had to keep themselves in change so they didn't burst out with magic or fangs respectively. 'Madré de Díos, I need this battle to end quickly before we all lose control' Murciél said and they nodded. They watched Sara walk up to them painfully slow and stop to curtsy for them. "My kings." She said her voice sultry. If she wasn't pregnant already the kings decided they would make sure she is before the nights end. As they took their seats the last of the guests came in and Sara got to fully take in her men and the room.

They each had a color scheme they went for but with their own twist. Mala'ika's tuxedo was white with gold accents and the jacket had white paisley patterned embroidery. Cythraul's tuxedo was black but his vest, tie and handkerchief were black with a red paisley design embroidered on them. Mahō's tuxedo was blue like the ends of his hair but his bowtie, the lapels of his jacket and shoes were black and his shirt was white. Balaur's tuxedo was black but with the trims, buttons, bowtie and lapels of his jacket were gold. Murciél had a red and silver tuxedo that has a sequence type texture to it. The red was at the top and faded into the silver at the bottom on his jacket and vest. His bowtie was an even mixture of the silver and red while his slacks were black and his shirt was white. Hele's tuxedo was all black from shirt to shows but his jacket and bowtie were blue with silver flowers detailed into the fabric. 'All this tuxs are my fucking weakens. Dear Lord, I praise thee PLEASE give me strength tonight.' Sara prayed silently.

The space was a massive open room in a rectangular shape. The walls were naturally occurring stone but the floor was polished gems that were glowing like they did in the cave. The room itself however, was lit with crystalline chandeliers that cast an off white glow to the room. To match her favorite colors the streamers, balloons and roses centerpieces were purple black and silver. The streamers ran along the long length of the room with a bundle of balloons were they connected to the ceiling. There were rounds tables set to the side in groupings that allowed max capacity but still gave comfort and room while the long tables in the back housed the food that was served but the waiting staff in black and white uniforms. The live band started to play slow songs to which the party goers started to dance to. "Any takers?" Sara asked with a smile looking to her right and left. "I'll go" Balaur said and Sara raised a brow. "What?" he asked and she giggled getting up with him. "I didn't peg you for a dancer." She replied as he took her hand and led her to the dance floor. "You'd be surprised lumina mea what we're capable of." He said with a smile. As they saw the king and queen of Dragons approach the floor, people glided off the dance floor with a smile and made room for the first dance. Sara had been practicing herself since she didn't know any formal dances and it paid off. She was able to keep up with Balaur and fully enjoy herself without worrying about impaling his feet. As the song ended Balaur bowed to Sara who curtsied to him and everyone clapped. One person in particular was clapping quite aggressively as he stepped onto the dance floor. 'And here. We. Go.' Sarah thought.

"Absolutely marvelous! Nothing less I'd expect from the Queen and King of Dragons." He complimented but Sara knew better. Something was off about this man. Behind Balaur's back she spun her pointer finger in a circular motion and the girls slid into action. Maze and Lilith came to Sara's side as Balaur stepped slightly in front of them. Prudence got herself a height advantage on the balcony with the secret entrance so she had a bird's eye view of everything. "Thank you for your kind words" Sara thanked the man and Balaur nodded. "Nonsense, although I was wondering if I could have a dance as well, if your card isn't too full that is. I'm sure six men is a lot to handle." He said with a snarky undertone. Sara slid around Balaur effortlessly with Maze and Lilith at her side. "Apologies but my card is full this evening." He replied with feigned kindness. "Well that's unfortunate. Perhaps I can clear it up for you." He said to which Sara raised a brown pretending to be confused. The man snapped his fingers and a woman behind him waved her hand as all the doors sealed shut and holes began showing up in the walls. "My dearest queen how lovely it is to see you…again." He said with a bow as his glamour started to shimmer away revealing Diak.

Rouge werewolves and vampires started to crawl in from the tunnels and clung to the ceiling. Diak shrugged his shoulders as the Dark alliance all revealed themselves and he snapped his fingers once more as bodies started to pile in. The kings all came down to stand behind where Sara was rather calmly and Sara started to laugh. "What's so funny my queen?" he asked with a hiss. "How fucking predictable you are. Diak, Marminey, Noroi, Kū'ē, La'ana, Makabuyts and Mele allow me to introduce myself. I am Sarauniya Williams. Queen of the higher realms and the one who will put you down like the rabid dogs you are." She said with a curtsy as the black flowers on her dress lit up, stopping at the bodice which created a large slit in the dress. Underneath she had on black nearly skin tight slacks and she clicked the heels of her shoes to the ground and they became flats. "I wanna be comfortable when I kick your ass." She added with a smile. The kings chuckled and Balaur snapped his fingers as the rest of the party goers surrounded the royal house and their glamours dropped revealing them to be warriors. Samael and Inna with Merlin teleported in flanking Maze and Lilith causing Diak and friends to take a step back. "I hear you're trying to kidnap my daughter and kill her mates." Samael said, sounding bored. "Don't forget forcing our granddaughter to be his queen." Inna added and Samael nodded pointing to the side. "Right, right that too." He agreed.

Diak shuddered with rage before seemingly forcing himself calm. "My men outnumber you three to one, we'd kill you before you even get to us. I will take her" he said pointing to Sara "-and she will be my queen giving me control over the 'higher realms' he said with disgust. "Pru darling could you get the strays and leeches off the ceiling please?" Sara asked and Prudence along with the rest of the Council of Light took control of the streams laced with wolves' bane and nightshade using them to attack, grab and toss the creatures latched to the ceiling. They fell on top of the bodies Diak brought crushing some of them beyond use. Noroi tried to counteract the council's spell but Inna and Merlin cast their own blowing her through one of the doors. "We'll handle her." Merlin said as he and Inna teleported to fight Noroi. Kū'ē roared as he went to take a step forward, shifting like the rest of his 'pack'. "Fuck it smells like wet dog." Maze said waving her hand in front of her nose.

Hele and his top fighters went to shift but Sara held up her hand. "Prue darling!" She sang and the balloons popped coating the ballroom in what smelled like gas. Sara waved her hand and the liquid shifted making sure it didn't land on her people nor the remaining members of the Dark Alliance. The rogue vampires and wolves hissed as the gas hit their open wounds and the undead bodies were coated in the liquid. "Now what?" Diak hissed. Sara smiled and snapped her fingers a blue flame hovering over her hand. Samael started laughing hysterically and took a step back as did everyone else. "Hell fire!?" Lilith asked as Sara tossed the flame igniting the gas. "Cleanses the living plane of the dead and burns those not pure of heart." Sarah informed those who didn't know as the corpses and rouges tried to run away burning. La'ana's dark fae kept the liquid from hitting themselves but flew into the sky to avoid the flames. Sara took a deep breath and blew it out slowly and the flames went out like a light on a candle. "My king." Sara said to Hele who shifted with his Beta, Gamma and Delta who tore into Kū'ē and his remaining rouges. Mahō didn't care for the dark fae but understood the balance that needed to be maintained. Releasing his magic he took the form of an eastern style dragon that was blue silver and white in color. Somehow he managed not to consume the entire space as she went after the dark fae with his followers not far behind.

The rouge vampire king saw his impending doom and transformed but Murciél didn't give him much of a head start before transforming himself and their bats battled it out as he tried to escape through the tunnels. Marminey left Diak's side and ran for the hole in the door Noroi's body made earlier. "CERBERUS, FETCH!" Sara yelled as her familiar took his true form and chased after the now screaming for her life necromancer. "Do NOT kill her! She's mine!" she commanded. 'Yes mistress' they replied as you could hear his roar through the halls. "I must admit this is rather exciting!" Maze squealed. As she spoke a shadow mass formed on the ground before rising into the shape of a man. Glowing red eyes illuminated where the face would be as the form solidified into a man covered by a shadow cloak that wafted in the wind. "Styx, perfect timing. I need you to acquire the queen and deal with the others." Diak ordered with a mass of overconfidence. The mirage of Maze faded away from Sara's side and there was a loud clattering of instruments. Diak turned to find Mele and Co with their throats slit by demonic blades as Maze and her underlings made quick work of them.

"Cythraul my brother. What do we do with the rest of the trash?" Mala'ika asked as Balaur nodded his head in equal curiosity. Sara turned to face her husbands behind her as they talked about Diak like he wasn't even there and they missed the exchange of looks Diak gave Lilith. Without warning Lilith had a demonic blade to Sara's throat and hissed in her ear. "I'm not going to lie, this was fun and in another life we could have been great friends. But as for right now you're in my way bitch." She spat. Sara smiled as did the kings. "I was wondering when she'd expose herself." Balaur said as Cythraul sighed and handed him and Mala'ika 20 dollars. "Ya'll really bed on if she'd hold her shit together. That's hilarious" Sara said careful not to move too much, "What!?" Lilith yelled, "Yeah we know about your betrayal," Cythraul said plainly. "My King you must understand! She is not worthy of you of the throne!" Lilith yelled. Cythraul shifted into his true demonic for his breath coming out in hisses. "YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO SPEAK OF HER LET ALONE BREATH THE SAME AIR!" he roared. In her fear she didn't see the tendrils of shadows below her ass the held her still allowing Sara to safely step away. Mala'ika tended to the small nick in Sara's skin.

"My queen, what do you decree for this filth?" Cythraul asked his voice distorted. "Mhmmm oh! Give her to my father and Maze. I promised my best friend a new play thing." Sara said as Maze walked up to Lilith her body coated in the Siren's blood that was sliding off her outfit easily enough. "You don't know how hard it was to keep a straight face around you. To not kill you where you stood for your actions against my friend, sister and queen." She hissed turning into her full demonic form. Samael walked over and handed Maze the unholy chains which she used to bind Lilith. "My king please!" she screamed causing Samael to shift and punch her so hard her jaw shattered. "The only sounds I want to hear from your miserable mouth is the screams when Maze and I get to play with you. You will know only suffering for what you've done and were willing to do to my little girl." He growled as he nodded to Maze who dragged Lilith off with the other demons into a plume of fire. Sara walked up to her father and gave him a hug, "Thank you daddy, she was annoying as fuck." She muttered into his check and he chuckled in a distorted voice. "Of course little one. I will see you tomorrow?" Samael asked and she nodded with a smile. "Yes sir!" she replied and his kissed her forehead disappearing in a plume of smoke and fire.

Noroi was dragged back in by Inna and Merlin beaten and worn out. "She has been stripped." Inna announced as the rest of the Council of Light joined her and Merlin grabbed one of the magical bindings around Noroi's body. "See you tomorrow sweetheart" Merlin said as they waved at Sara. "By grandma by grandpa!" she said waving back as the disappeared with a screaming Noroi promising revenge. King Alpha, along with royal Beta, Gamma and Delta had enjoyed toying with Kū'ē for some time until they literally ripped him apart throwing one of his body parts at Diak's head. They flanked Diak and Styx, who seemed rather unbothered. Balaur and the Dragons Guard flanked the other side while Mala'ika and Cythraul stood at Sara's side in front of the two. Makabuuts' body was thrown behind Diak, his flesh mangled and torn as Murciél landed. He picked up the man's fading body and bit into his neck ripping out his throat. Then he shoved his hand into the rouge vampire chest ripping out his hard with one hand and ripping off his head with the other. "Catch brother!" the vampire king called out throwing the body parts into the air as Balaur partially shifted and burned them both with a golden flame. Mahō landed next to Murciél behind Diak with the dark fae queen at his feet lifeless as he drained her magic and life force.

Diak let out a deafening roar as he releases his magic shrouding the room in darkness. Mala'ika pulled out a bow made of pure holy magic and shot an arrow at the feet of the groups of people effectively protecting them from the darkness. "I grow really fucking tired of these games" Cythrail started as she walked through the darkness as if It was nothing. "Diak. You are under arrest for treason, kidnapping and assault of the queen and attempted over throwing of the Royal House. I'd ask how you plea but I really don't give a fuck. You are hereby punished to death by torture. Styx handle my fucking light work." The demon king said and everyone let out a gasp. "¿QUE?(what)" Sara asked as Styx consumed Diak's darkness and Diak himself into the shadows of his cloak. "Of course, my king." He said with a bow to Cythraul. Mala'ika laughed, "When Diak wasn't the only one with his moles."

"Technically I was a double agent King Mala'ika, since I never worked for Diak in the first place." He retorted with a smile. Sara let out a yawn and jumped into Balaur's arms who caught her bridal style. "I IS TIDE AND HANGRY" she yelled dramatically. The guys laughed at her and she pouted with pretend hurt. Styx bowed and disappeared without a trace. Hele and the others shifted back, clothes still intact thanks to Mahō. "The pack looks forward to meeting you Queen Luna however, I can't promise that will be as eventful." Xavier said as the others laughed. "I thank you for your service to your Alpha and Luna in this battle. It was an honor to fight beside you all." She said with pride. They bowed and made their way out as Mahō's people came in and got to fixing the space. "Why don't we get little miss 'Ima make plans of my own and not tell anyone' back home and fed. Then we can deal with her properly" Hele suggested his eyes quickly shifting before going back. "I REGRET NOTHING!" Sara yelled and they laughed. "We'll see about that baby girl" Murciél retorted as Mahō teleported them home.