Chapter 2

Dante's POV:

I still was in shock from everything my father had told me earlier today , he expected me to marry Kyomi Palmer ?

I barely knew anything about the girl other than the fact that she was most definitely not my type , she was everything I stayed away from . The good girl who felt that she was better than everyone else , I hated those kinds . Just because they didn't break the rules they considered themselves the very best and expected everyone to treat them that way .

And now I was expected to flirt with her , make her fall for me ? And then if that didn't work force her to marry me ?

How did my father even come up with something like this , the Palmers would never let their daughter marry someone like me . It would go against everything they stood for .

The sudden ringing of my phone brought me out of my thoughts and I quickly answered the call from Brian .

"Did you get the information I asked you to find out ?" I asked knocking the lit cigarette against my bike's handle bar.

"I have , it wasn't easy but according to these files Kyomi's classes finish at five today . " He answered .

I checked my watch , damn it . If I wanted to reach in time to bounce into her I'd have to cause traffic in the roads so that her driver reaches late .

"Thanks Brian . Email me the rest of her schedule ."

I dialed another number , if I had some of my bike friends make a scene it could cause enough traffic to reach her just in time before her driver reached .

I knew how her father worked especially when it came to his daughters . The drivers were already in front the college even before classes were over , he wanted to know about every single whereabout and hangout and always did a double check to make sure it wasn't somewhere that could cause embarrassment to their family's name . I couldn't comprehend how Kyomi or her sisters could stand that kind of treatment , if I had to go through that everyday I would soon become insane and eventually retaliate.

I shook my head , a string of curses escaping my mouth . What exactly had father gotten me into this time ?


Kyomi's POV:

Screams erupted all around me , all of them from young girls . I followed their gazes and realized what had their attention or rather whom.

Dante Clarke .

The school's bad boy , he made all the girls swoon all over him and loved the attention way more than he should . I didn't understand why they even gave him that much attention for it only helped increase his already huge ego .

I'd made sure to keep my distance from Dante Clarke , he was everything my father warned me to stay away from , in fact my family hated his family , they were the opposite of us . They did whatever they wanted too , whenever they wanted too .

Rules ? They were nothing to the Clarkes' . Our families were the prime definition of enemies , in fact we've been enemies for as long as I could remember .

And so , I never gave Dante any sort of attention ... Not that he gave me any either , I wasn't his type . He enjoyed the popular girls with short skirts and plenty make up on their faces , the girls who went to the clubs almost every weekend and parties every night .

As he climbed down his motorcycle and pulled the shades off his eyes , I couldn't deny what all the girls saw in him . Dante Clarke was an incredibly handsome man , messy blond hair that fell gracefully over his forehead , deep green eyes and the pinkest lips I'd ever seen on any man before . He was the very definition of good looking , I wouldn't even bring myself to think off his body , for even that happened to be a masterpiece . I watched as he pulled his leather jacket off to reveal a white vest underneath that did nothing to hide his muscular chest . A dragon tattoo on his arm caught my attention , was that new ? I couldn't remember ever seeing it before , but then again when did I ever give Dante this much attention ?

My cheeks flushed at that thought , if my parents caught me staring at him they would murder me .

I quickly looked away and waited for the butler to arrive . That was enough exploring for the day .

I checked the time and instantly frowned , when were they ever this late for me ?

That thought was immediately wiped from my mind as a figure in front of me caught my attention . A white vest was right in front of my view and I immediately got a whiff of a sexy masculine scent ... surely this wasn't who I thought it was ? My eyes immediately travelled to his muscular arms and sure as hell there was a dragon tattoo there .

Why was Dante Clarke standing only but a few inches away from me ?

"Hi sweetness ." A rough sexy voice filled my ear .

I instantly froze ... Was he speaking to me ?