Chapter 8

"Are you going to hold a gun to her head and make her submit to you like that? Is that how you plan on making Kyomi marry you?" Fabio asked.

Really? Is that the way my own brother saw me?

"You know I would never hold a gun to an innocent woman and force her to do anything. Women came to me on their own."I pointed out even though I was sure everyone in the room already knew that. "Rather, I have an even better way to force her to submit. The Palmers' are on the news more than the royal family are, I mean we are there as well but imagine how many reporters would rush at an opportunity to catch one of Dominic's daughter with me. Especially their pride and joy Kyomi Palmer. She's the eldest and everyone expects so much out of her, I'm sure everyone expects her to marry someone just as smart and sophisticated as she is... Someone who plays by the rules, no one is expecting someone like me, the son of the powerful and widely feared loan shark. Finding a reporter to cover the story would be fairly easy." I explained.

"Wow."Mateo responded. "I'm actually impressed, this might actually work."

"Good job brother!"Fabio praised me while tapping my back.

"You know, since we're already on this topic there is news of some event being hosted at the Palmers' residence tomorrow night, maybe you should go pay her a visit."He teased.

I knew he was just joking, for my brothers and I never went to that corner of town due to obvious reasons but it actually didn't sound like such a bad idea, I would love to see the shocked look on her face if she saw me there at her home... better yet, inside her room.

"Don't tell me you're actually considering it."Fabio added after studying my expression.

"You're the one who brought it up."I told him.

Mateo shook his head at both of us. "Why would you even put that idea in his head after knowing how much he enjoyed taking risks?" He asked Fabio who just shrugged his shoulder at him.

"Don't you think it would be a bad idea to risk going to see her at her home? If Dominic catches you anywhere near his home or near his daughter it could spoil all of your plans... think about it, he would tighten the security around Kyomi making it harder for you."Mateo pointed out, trying to knock some sense into me.

"I just have to not get caught."I answered him. "What's life without taking risks? Besides, where have we ever feared anything? Father grew us up in such a way that nothing scared us easily, why should I fear someone like Dominic Palmer? He's the least of my problems."

Mateo held up his hands ."Do as you wish brother, just make sure and not get caught like you said you wouldn't, for we both know it isn't going to be easy from there on out if you do."