Chapter 11

I stared at Dante like he was insane, come to the event hosted by my parents at my home?

Did he even realize the nonsense he was speaking?

"You can't possibly be serious?"I asked him, "You can't do that!"

His lips twitched into that smirk smile that often made my legs feel like jello, before I knew it I was lost in it.

"Why, are you scared that something may happen to me?"He asked while reaching over to trace the back of his fingers lightly against my cheek. My breath caught in my throat, we were in the middle of the lockers with students walking up and down and here I was this close to Dante for everyone to see. Yet even with that knowledge I couldn't bring myself to pull away from him, my body seemed to enjoy his touch and I hated myself for it.

His smile got wider, almost as though he could read my mind. He leaned down so that his lips were directly above my ear ."I'll see you tonight sweetheart, wear something nice for me."

Without another word he finally pulled away from me and walked away. Now that he wasn't inches away from me I could finally breathe again and think clearly for that matter.

Now that he wasn't near, his words had a lot more effect on me, Dante Clarke was planning to attend an event hosted by my father?In my very own home? That was a suicidal attempt!

Why would he even do something like that? The more I thought about it, the more I begun to panic.

"WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?" Bridgette screeched as my three friends surrounded me.

"Was that Dante Clarke?" Mandy asked. "Of course that was him, just look at that body and face... and that freaking sexy deep voice." She rambled on, something she often did when she was excited about something.

"Have you been holding out on us?" Alisha asked frowning at me. "I thought we told each other everything, Dante Clarke isn't someone you keep from your friends."

"I haven't been keeping anything from anyone, I just didn't get the time to tell you guys anything. It only happened yesterday and it isn't that much to tell." I responded, still trying to catch my breath from my encounter with him.

"Well?" Bridgette encouraged. "Keep going, we're listening."

I sighed. "Yesterday I was waiting for Frederick to pick me up but he was late and out of nowhere Dante showed up and started talking to me, I tried to tell him leave me alone but he wasn't listening to anything I was saying. In fact, he even told me that he wants me. Not to mention, the bigger problem, he claims that he's coming the event tonight... He's insane!"

My friends were all gaping at me. "Dante Clarke said he wants you?" Alisha asked in disbelief. "No offense hun but we all know you're nothing close to his type."

Thanks for rubbing that in.

"I know that." I pointed out. "That's why I know he has some hidden motive that I'm yet to figure out. I'm trying to get him to stay away from me but he's just not listening to a word I'm saying to him."

"Well one thing I know for sure is that we're all coming that event tonight, I need to see what happens and I'm not missing this for anything." Mandy said why the rest of my friends agreed.

Just great, now I had an audience to witness it all!