Chapter 19


It was time for my date with Ben and still I was finding it very difficult to believe that my parents were actually allowing me to go out with a man!

And why, why out of all the times they'd said no. Why now? Why did it have to happen the same time Dante had started showing interest in me? For now, I couldn't even get him out of my mind and yet I had to go on a date with another man?

How was I supposed to do this?

"Kyomi!" My mother called, breaking through my thoughts. "He's here, come on quickly."

I didn't wait for her to call again as I made my way down the stairs and out the hallway. "Now remember to not embarrass your family, Ben's father is a very important friend to your dad and could prove very beneficial to us in the future. Remember everything your father and I have taught you."

"Yes mother." I said, like I always did, I was already expecting her to give me the whole line about not embarrassing our family's name. In fact I heard that more often than I heard her tell me that she loved me, it was sad really but yet I still loved my family more than anything. My father worked to provide for us and my mother worked just as hard, the least I could do is obey their every word.

After I said my goodbyes to my mother, I quietly stepped outside to find Ben standing right out the door with a bouquet of roses in his hands. "These are for you." He said with a wide smile.

"Uh, thank you." I said awkwardly, I wasn't accustomed having conversations with any man other than family members so this felt extremely weird and I had no idea what I was doing. But yet when I was with Dante it never once felt like this, I always felt like I knew what to say next with him, like I couldn't even shut my mouth around him.

Here I go again, already thinking about him.

Ben held open his car door for me and I quietly got in. "So, do you always give a girl a bouquet of roses on the first date?" I asked as he entered the vehicle, trying to find a topic to discuss considering I couldn't think of any.

He scratched the back of his neck, his face turning red." Sometimes." He finally answered.

Ah, so he was used to this. Even though I considered it a nice gesture, it just didn't feel special after knowing that he did this with all the women he went on dates with, I always knew that the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with or that I loved, I always knew that I wanted to be special in his eyes, I wanted him to do things for me that he hadn't done for anyone else, that to me matters more than anything else.

But then, what had Dante done for me that he hadn't done for any other girl before? As far as I know this was how he usually acted for any woman, and yet somehow or the other he had ignited a fire within me, in fact even now all I could think about was his mouth on my body. I even found myself wishing he were here now to finish what he'd started.

I gave an internal scream at that thought, why couldn't I get him off my mind!

This was going to be a very very long date for it seemed like I was about to compare everything Ben did to Dante!