Chapter 31


I stared at my father in shock. This was the first time he'd ever laid a hand on me, there were times he'd gotten really upset but he's never once hit me before.

The crowd had gotten dead quiet as everyone looked on at the exchange happening between us.


"What were you doing alone with a Clarke?" He demanded, looking at me as though I were a traitor.

What did I say?

If I spoke the truth that would be the end of everything, he would hate me for life.

"Dominic." My mother called, I looked behind my father to see her approaching us, I hadn't even noticed her there before this. "I think we should have this discussion at home, not here in front of everyone." She told him quietly.

He totally ignored her as he focused his cold gaze on me. "Tell me what you've been up to Kyomi, do not let me ask you again." He threatened.