Chapter 34


As soon as I parked the vehicle. I quickly rushed inside to find my father and brothers already at the entrance waiting for me.

"Well, well, well." Mateo announced. "You actually did it."

"It's blowing up all over, pictures of you and Kyomi are spreading like crazy. Everyone is going to know about it by the end of today." Evan added while looking at his phone.

"You've made me very proud today." My father praised me. "Good job son."

"For someone who just accomplished a very big task you're not looking too happy." Hugo noted, like always he was the one who noticed every little thing. It was what made him stand out, he paid attention to every single detail.

"Father." I finally spoke up. "We need to get over to the Palmer's house immediately. It's important that we offer the alliance now."

He looked taken aback by the request. "If we wait a little Dominic himself would offer his daughter to us, why would I go to him?"