Chapter 42


I was kept home from school, isolated from everyone, even my own sisters as punishment for my actions.

No one spoke to me, not even my own parents. They said all they had to say and that was it.

I could see it in their eyes every single time I left my room to have breakfast or dinner, they would look at me like I was an embarrassment to the family.

I felt like a stranger in my own home. No one told me what was happening, all I knew was that my father was searching for someone to marry me off too. But so far, no one was coming forward.

Not even his closest of friends were willing to get their son married to me.

I felt the tears begin to fall once again, I'd been crying for two days straight now, unable to stop myself. My eyes were swollen and red. It hurt to even keep them open.

I would have never thought things would turn out to be this way, how could my reputation be ruined in a matter of seconds?