Chapter 46


"What's going on?" Dante asked as he warily stepped further into the room.

"Can you ask your sons to kindly put away those deadly weapons?" My father demanded.

Dante's brothers smirked at his words before following their father's orders to put them away.

I watched as all brothers along with Dante all leaned up against the wall and crossed their arms over their chests as they waited for an explanation as to why we were here.

Though I think it should have been obvious by now.

Why else would my father ever come here?

"Right." Kevlar finally said. "Continue with what you were saying."

"I asked, is the offer still up?" My father repeated himself, I could tell he was trying his best to hold it all together and it only made me feel more guilty than I already felt.

Dante's father smiled once more. "Fortunately for you, yes it is."

I felt some of the tension leave my father's body, saw it in the way his shoulders relaxed a little at Kevlar's response to his question.