Chapter 3 Hilda Muller Seduces Markus White.

Hilda Muller was back in the relative safety of her luxurious apartment in the Europeum Tower, located in Hansstadt. She was looking at the exhausted Markus White, who was sleeping on her couch in the lounge area. While she could have housed him in one of the many guest apartments in Europeum Tower, keeping him near was a crucial strategic decision.

While sleeping seemed to be a good idea, to relieve the stress, Hilda wouldn't have it. The Xeno invasion at the Terran Council meeting in Rashidium city had left all the Terran Council factions, leaderless. There was a lot of opportunity for someone with ambition to advance their own position. Hilda knew that in the upheaval that would follow, there would be a lot of knifing to come. Hilda would much rather be the one holding the knife, than being the receiver.

Since the assassination of her father, Matthias Muller, a few months earlier, Hilda had seen her power diminish. Matthias' death had put Hilda out of reach to the leadership of the House Muller. Officially, Martian rebels had killed Matthias, but Hilda had never believed in that ploy. After all, why would the Martians send assassins after her father, who was the most likely to listen to their pleas? Instead, Hilda was certain that it was her cousin Benjamin Muller who was behind the assassination. But Hilda had kept quiet. It would have been risky for her to accuse Benjamin, the son of the House Muller leader, Joachim Muller, without any hard evidence.

But now, both Joachim and Benjamin were dead, and the way lay open for her to contend for leadership. Joachim's youngest son, Michael Muller, would be first in line. However, Hilda doubted that Michael would have any interest in command as he preferred living a comfortable, careless life in luxury.

Hilda would need allies to secure her claim, both on the inside and on the outside. Hilda glimpsed at the sexy, half-naked body, of the sleeping Markus White. It was time to combine business and pleasure.

Hilda went back to her bedroom and got changed into a sexy dress. Hilda admired her own body in the mirror. This felt a bit strange as she saw herself as her father's daughter, a strong military woman and not as a seductress. Then again, to play the game of politics, she needed to be able to do both! Hilda sprayed herself with a potent pheromone perfume and approached Markus White.

Hilda Muller:

- Markus, darling, wake up.

Markus White woke up with a twitch, and he looked at Hilda in confusion before he spoke:

- Hilda? What's happening? Where am I?

Hilda touched Markus' face gently and spoke again.

- So, so. You are safe here with me in Europeum Tower.

Hilda smiled seductively and waited for the pheromones to influence Markus' body. The pheromones worked slower than Hilda had anticipated due to shock and stressful circumstances. However, a while later, they both participated in an extended orgasmic sexual trance. Once the sex was over, Hilda fell asleep in Markus' arms. She felt relieved of sexual tension and was happy to have a potential ally for the coming months!