Chapter 5 Dissatisfaction in Victory.

Melchior Dorevitch was at the presidential palace of the Olympus Republic. He studied a political map of Mars. Despite winning a total victory, with the remaining enemies begging him for peace, he wasn't happy. In fact, he was deeply unsatisfied.

Melchior's problem was that Keila received all the credit for the Martian victory, while his contribution was not recognised. Thus, the temporary power that Keila granted him before going on her mission to Earth was now contested. There were many other contenders for leadership, both on Mars and in the Olympus Republic. The Olympus Republic was a de jure republic and an election would take place to replace Hellas Petrakis who had fallen in the war.

But Melchior wasn't going to give up his power. He would never live to serve some Martian or worse yet, go back to Eden, governed by that wimp Metatron. Melchior had tasted the intoxicating feeling of absolute power, and he would never give it up. And why would he?

Melchior walked up to a mirror and studied his face. There was a large scar on the right side of his face with his outer ear missing. Melchior's tinnitus kept beeping, and his constant migraine made his days miserable. Melchior's doctors had offered him advanced gene therapy to heal his wounds, but Melchior had rejected the treatment. His injuries made him who he was, and they fuelled his rage and ambition.

Melchior Dorevitch considered himself, the true hero of Mars. The general who had soldiered on despite immense pain, to lead his troops towards the final decisive victory against the Terran Council. Meanwhile, the supposed heroine, Keila Eisenstein, sat out the final battle and then claimed all the glory. Melchior didn't believe that Keila had stopped Bjorn Muller from crashing Phobos onto the Martian surface! It was all lies and deception.

Melchior made up his mind, he wouldn't strive to rule by being popular, he would rule through fear. Melchior's implanted "God" microchip allowed him to terrify his subjects and opponents.

Melchior clenched his fist and watched in joy how he killed his opponents, one by one, using the powers of the Divine Zetan Technology. Having murdered the last contenders for the presidency, he laughed maliciously. After that, he summoned a few courtesans to brutally fulfil his other needs.