Chapter 10 Hilda Muller Becomes the Leader of the Terran Council.

Hilda Muller was looking at the gathered dignitaries in the meeting room of Europeum Tower. As always, the top-level meeting had two representatives from each faction. Hilda didn't recognise many of them, as they were all new due to the massacre at the Rashidium summit. This suited Hilda well, as it would be difficult for her to claim power if all the old faction leaders were still around. As it was now, Hilda had the best claim to authority with a proven success in repelling the Xeno invasion.

Hilda Muller began to talk:

- Dear delegates. Welcome to the Terran Council meeting for March 2875. We have many things to discuss, but we start off with a formality. You are to verify my position as chairwoman for the Terran Council as well as Supreme Commander for the Terran Council Security Forces.

The delegates sat dumbfounded and didn't know how to react. They had anticipated more pleasantries and formalities before discussing this sensitive topic. Eventually, Ping Chen spoke up:

- Miss Muller. My apologies, but you have misunderstood how the Council works. The Council strives to mediate between the leading factions. You haven't made a case for your claim yet.

Hilda smirked sarcastically towards Ping Chen before she replied.

- I don't think you know who I am. I was at Rashidium when the Xenos first struck. I was one of the few survivors, and do you know why?

- Because I struck back. I killed several of those beasts on my own before I evacuated the city.

- I have saved us by repelling the Xenos and securing the perimeters to the portals.

- THAT is worth more than whatever financial achievements the rest of you claim to have.

James Goldstein joined the conversation:

- While the situation is dire, it's good to have my faction back on the Council. I recommend that we DO NOT choose another House Muller candidate, as Joachim Muller's leadership led to disastrous results. Joachim caused the loss against the Martians, and the unpreparedness for the alien invasion.

Hilda Muller:

- Silence, you fool! The Goldstein's have been infighting for decades, and under your "leadership" we would have fallen to the Xeno invaders.

- The people need and want a strong leader that can keep them safe. I am at that leader. The last thing they need, is another money counter.

James Goldstein:

- Since when do you dictate what the people need?

Hilda Muller:

- I don't, but you must know what is going on with the common man. Who do they turn to? It is not the banks!

- I'd win if it were the popular vote.

Ping Chen:

- That might be, Hilda, but the popular vote means little as this is not a democracy!

Hilda Muller:

- Six months after the defeat on Mars, and you still discount the popular will. Where would you run if the people turn against you?

Enrique Bolivar had heard enough of the quarrel. His territories had been severely affected by the Xeno invasions from the Central American portal. Enrique knew why his people were still around, and it wasn't the size of his vault that had saved him.

Enrique Bolivar:

- Dear delegates, I have heard enough. I lost my father Santiago in Rashidium, and most of us lost loved ones in that attack.

- What we need right now is security. We cannot achieve that by focusing on commerce. That is why I cast the votes of House Bolivar on the one who saved us, Hilda Muller.

Jordan White joined in:

- I also cast my votes on Hilda. My cousin Markus told me about her incredible feats of bravery when she saved him from the savage alien attack. This is what we need in these challenging times.

James Goldstein:

- From what I have heard, "saving" him wasn't the only thing she did to him.

Hilda Muller:

- Whatever you are implying is irrelevant. I got the majority vote now.

James Goldstein:

- So, it would seem. Such a sad day, when a promiscuous woman becomes the leader!

Hilda Muller:

- It's not the Bronze Age anymore. Let your buddy Abraham know that if you see him!

- Anyways. Thank you, Enrique, and Jordan for voting for me. Now let me tell you how I plan to take the fight to our enemies.

After this, Hilda gave a detailed account for how she planned to fight the Xenos and what contributions she required for the war.