Chapter 3 Fairy Tail (3)

Before I can even celebrate, I felt a strange kind of energy flowing inside all of my body.

"AHHH!" I screamed in pain, I kneeled into the ground, as I felt my cell being destroyed to multiply and become even more stronger than the previous one. This extreme pain lasted 30 minutes before it stopped.

*Huff..! *Huff!

I took a deep breath, as strange black fishy liquid surrounded me.

"That was so painful.. but it was worth it." I murmured, feeling my body full of vitality and strength and my Ki becoming stronger and bigger in reserve.


My nose twitched, my sense of smell that became enhanced was assaulted by a terrible smell that almost made be black out.

"What is this thing...!" I said, I slowly got out of the black liquid covering me.

'This thing will be hard to get clean.' I though, looking at some of the black liquid that was still covering me.

I then went to lake that I found while exploring and took a long, relaxing bath.

After finishing washing my body, I decided to check my status.






Name: Makato Yu

Affiliation: Lobby 78

Ki Rank 4.

Ki Reserve: 400/400

Passive Skill: Ki Control Rank 4 (Level Up!), Basic Swordmanship lvl 7 (Level up!), Enhanced Reflex (New!), Enhanced Agility (New!), Enhanced Smell (New!).

Active Skill: Body Reinforcement Lvl 4 (Level up!) Gluttony lvl 2 (Level up!) Thri-Ki-Slash Lvl 1 (New!), Ki Sword lvl 1 (New!), Bloodlust lvl 1 (New!).

' Enhanced Reflex - Makes your ability to respond quicker. '

' Enhanced Agility - Enhanced your agility '

' Enhanced Smell - Makes your sense of smell better than normal. '

' Thri-Ki-Slash - Attack 3 times without stop. '

' Ki Sword - Can create a sword made out of ki or coat and enhanced a sword. '

' Bloodlust - Producing a aura that can stun, scare or decrease your opponent abilities. (Note: Only works at those cowardly people and low strength.)'







'I sure have gotten a lot stronger..' I though with happiness visible in my face.

'But I need to get more stronger I'm still weak..' I sullenly though as I know there exist many dangerous individual and can't my arrogant nor careless.

With that mindset I decided to get stronger before leaving this forest.


My stomach growled, I chuckled and decided to eat first to replenish my energies and nutrient I consume due to my cell becoming more stronger and active.

'I need to hunt first..' I though, I sneekily hide in the shadows looking for a wild animal.

' Skill 'Basic Stealth' has been learnt! ' The System voice sounded in my head, causing me to delight, as they say more arsenal are better.


My nose twitched as I smelled something, I went to the direction where I smelled something.

' I see... a wild boar.. ' I though looking at the wild boar broad back that was laying silently on the ground.

' Time to test my new skill. ' I though as I cast 'Basic Stealth' and 'Body Reinforcement'

I slowly walked behind the boar, the boar then sense something approaching it's back and turned around.


But it was to late, my sword shine brigthly as I pierced the boar vital spot and slash it to death.

' The skill 'Basic Stealth, and 'Body Reinforcement' Leveled up! ' I smiled hearing the notification, and then start to proccesed the boar to cook it.

After a while I finished processing and cleaning the boar and then roast it on the fire I created.

' The skill ' Basic Dissembling' and 'Basic Cooking' Has been learned! Life skill has been added! ' I let out amused look, I took a bite in the boar leg, hearing the life skill being added.

' I guess skill like tailoring will be put their ' I though.

Time passed and I finished the whole boar that even left me speechless.

I then went around and explore to use my 'Gluttony one last time before setting out of the forest,'

I then spent hours exploring the forest, while also making a mental note of possible exit to this forest.

Then after searching around, I stumbled a strange cave entrance, and I am a cautious person, so I made my way around to get away from it, but.. a dark energy erupted inside, causing me to stopped on my tract.

"Ku, Ku! To think I a human in here will find his way here," A cold voice resounded inside the cave with murderous aura leaking.

I cursed my luck and prepared myself to fight.

"I have slept for so long that Im hungry, since your here, be glad that you will be my first meal!" The voice sarcastically said.

My eyebrow narrowed, as I saw a faint silhouette coming out from the cave.

There I saw the owner of the voice, a small body covered with strange mark, and a devil wings rooted in his back. Seeing this one though crossed my mind.

' A demon! ' I though remembering the demon race on fairy tail.

"Ku! Ku! Prepare to die!" Many thorns growed and attacked me.

I took my 'Sword' and use it with 'Ki Sword' causing white light to coat my sword.

*Swing..! *Swing..!

My sword slash faster than my previous attack, due to my new 'Enhanced Agility'


All the thorn broke as I rapidly cut it.

"Tch! Not bad!" The man said slightly annoyed, his wings mover, creating a strong gush of wind, as he charged fereciously at me.

'Bloodlust!' 'Body reinforcement!' I internally chanted, as I felt my ki decrease. (The skill that only use Ki will decrease ki)

"Die!" The man screamed not affected by the Bloodlust, his claw ready to rip me to death.

"..!" Thorn growed beneath me, causing me to be alarmed.



My blade shined, as I smoothly did a three consecutive strike.


But still some got past me and cut me, but thankfully due to my 'Enhanced Reflex' I managed to be not strangled and be hit in my vital spot.

"It's the end!" The man said, as his claw pounded at me at my shoulder, due to me dodging a little with my reflex.

"Agh..." I groan in pain, but my Ki quicky reduce it.

'This man is strong..' I though realising this man was a strong opponent than the previous beast he had fought.

"Ho? You managed to dodged it," The man said slightly amused.

"I guess your slightly better than those human I hunted previously,"

'What should I do to defeat this guy..?' I though not responding to the man.

"Thorn curse!" Many thorn surrounded me, my face became sullen and dark.

'I guess I will take a risk..' I gripped my sword tigthly.


The thorns came at me, aggressively.

'Body reinforcement!' 'Ki Sword!'

'I need to be stronger at using my Ki and sword...' I though, I decided to trust to my strongest strength, my swordmanship and Ki...


My sword flashed quickly, cutting and deflecting the incoming thorns.

'Faster...!' I though, I focused on my sword movement and arm.

'Faster and stronger...' My sword moved a little faster, as my swordmanship gradually became better, making the flaw I made lesser and lesser.

"Ahhhh! Persistent!" The man said annoyed, his magic was slowly running out.

"Demonic Claw!" The man said, his right claw shined with black light.

"Die!" The man charged at me.

"Huu..." I breath in, as I slashed the final thorn to pieces, my body was full of cut.

I stared at the incoming demon and focused all of my Ki reserved into my sword.


The blade glowed brightly as the Ki condensed into it, making the blade exudes a terryfing sharpness.

'This is my final and risky move!' I though, my face was pale and my heart was shaking in fear that this won't work.


The ground beneath me cracked as I charged at the demon.

"So you have chosen death," The demon said, as he look at my pale face and smiled widely.


The sound of metal resounded in the air, as the two of us confronted with my sword and his glowing claw.

"It's the end!" The man grin, as his other arm glowed brightly and went toward me.

"I don't think so..!" I said, a wide smile appeard on my face, that already have victory.


"...!" The man showed shock, as I blocked his claw with my arm that was pierced by it, causing blood to spil.

Not feeling the pain, due to adrenaline flowing through me, I kicked the demon on the stomach, not letting go of his left claw.

"It's the end!" I shouted, as I waved my sword, releasing the ki I stored, toward the demon.

"No-!" The demon said with ashen face, as he saw the sharp energy sword attack.



The demon falled to the ground, as a deep slash wound appeard on his body

"Human..!" I stepped on the demon face before he can say anything.


The demon head rolled to the ground as I cut his head making a thick stench of blood that assualted my nose.

"I finally..." I said tiredly, as I chuckled, but then my vision gone hazy as I felt my consiousness to slip any moment.

'Endure! Endure!' I repeatedly though in my head. I stared at the demon corpse.

"...'Gluttony'..." I weakly said, as I falled to the ground next to the demon.

To be continued...