Fighting in the Trenches

The sky was pouring an icy-cold shower above the Guardsmans helms as they stood there — waiting for any enemy to shoot with their lasrifle's and heavy bolters. It was chilling outside, as if it felt like winter but was more wet and humid to the touch of human senses — all of whom are uncomfortable.

I was in one of the many trenches dug by the techpriest. The soft muddy earth that my boots stomp are as mushy as the clay-architectural sculptures I played with when there was only dirt and water. Oh how that brings back childhood memories when my father taught me how to sculpt Alverine — a native animal that hadria was known for. I wish I could start making some more clay models; if the commissariate would let me of course.

As dusk draws closer, I can see some transports heading this way. Must be the re-supply vehicle that we were waiting for, I hope this time they could bring something more tasty. I have yearned for my homeworlds dishes that were mixed with spice and other ingredients. It brings more flavour to the dish than these tasteless, mundane rations that everyone was distributed to by the following day.

The transport took a turn and then stops right where the commissar was standing. She inspects the interior if there are any mistakes or would be explosives that could potentially destroy the rations and the temporary bunker 56 km away from HQ. This simple bunker accommodated an entire company of guardsman and 4 leman russ tanks as well as a few sentinels station in strategic positions and 4 batteries of Basilisk artillery.

The reason for the bunkers existence is fairly simple. There lies a webway 7 km away from the temporary bunker designated as Ollaneous. This speculation was later confirm when scouting parties saw the eldar movements were moving directly towards this particular webway they set up. Perhaps it was for maintaining their supply lines his officers guessed.

I noticed someone drooling right beside me. It was Gebris who was next to me the entire time. Taking on sentry duty, nothing special. When I look back at the truck, they were already on the move and are putting down what appears to be the same grox rations I was taking for weeks.

'Haa~ looks like dinner won't be tasty for a while' I thought to myself; disregarding the already starving Gebris. I always wondered why does he like eating even though it doesn't taste that good and his special "relationship" with the commissar too is very odd... There are just so many things I don't know him or my squad. Especially that Czevak—despite being ridiculed by the Sarge he still has the hots for her.

"Yo Gebris, aren't you having a good time staring at the commissar or is it the rations again?" Felix remarked.

"It's the food." Castor replied for him because Gebris was still lost in thought.

"You know... We're told to stay put for the night so the commissariate won't blow our brains but then again, is she really going to shoot us?" Felix said as if he wasn't as naive as before.

"Careful now, she might turn around – holding a pistol straight to your face." I warned him with a simple sarcastic tone.

"*Slurp* Hey... isn't it time for us to eat now..." Gebris said as he withdrew his slobber back to his mouth.

"No." Me and Felix said in unison

As the final stacks of rations were now being carried to the storage unit. Commissar Janette Ironfang looked back at us across the trenches that separated between the latter. Me and Felix ducked down to escape from her vicious gaze but Gebris didn't follow us. Oh no, he is still daydreaming — what should we do?!

After a few seconds, Gebris came back to reality. Wiping off the saliva on his lips as he made eye contact to the Commissar. He smiles and waved at her — She turns around walking in an upright manner. Janette opens the metal door and waves back at Gebris with a grin on her face. Then it was shut closed from the outside world. She was gone and we're still alive. Thank the Emperor.

As Castor and Felix breathe a sigh of relief they then hopped up and faced at Gebris. Who was still staring at the metal door. We eyed at each for a good minute until one of us nodded in approval. Castor grabbed Gebris shoulder and leans on him.

"Hey, buddy. What's the deal with you and the Commissar? Wasn't she gonna shoot you; if you even dare to look at her while we're on sentry duty." Castor said curiously as he was firmly gripping his companions shoulder.

"We... We go back when she was newly commissioned as a full-fledge Commissar. I met her when she experience her first battle against the vile orks 2 years ago back in Hadria. Oh you wouldn't believe how frightful she was when I rescued her, she nearly wet herself when the orks tried to kill her but they didn't... Because I was there to save her." He solemnly said.

"Despite the fear and dread between us Guardsmen and Commissariates alike. I still saved her, mended her wounds and carried her back to the rest of the regiment. She was ridiculed as a coward for being terrified at an ork but in spite of all the prejudice she encountered. Janette still thanked me by giving me one of her rations that she had leftovered for saving her life in the Emperor's name. I for the most part was... Shocked to know a Commissar thanking me. Heh, even though it's considered as an informal gift, but at the time it was a life-saver for me since we've been having a food shortage. Oh that brings back memories." Gebris finished in a narrative made the two men quiet.

Who knew he has been in the guard for nearly 2 years. Same goes for me as well, except for Felix of course; he was still a new recruit. Maybe if he lives long enough then maybe he will experience what me and the rest of the squad has been through. When Gebris finished telling the rest of his story where him and the Commissar started spending more time (via in the field or communicating with formally). We went back to what we were doing while Domitian and Czevak were still on the way to meet them by the trenches. 'Where are they anyway?' I thought.

As the sun finally rose from the edges of the world, showing a glimmer of its warm rays that reinvigorates the soul of many. A lone guardsman was shot in the cranium by what seems to be a headshot but there was no sound that resembles gunfire from afar. The only thing that could be as a swift and silent weapon that can pull it off was the enemy that they were anticipating.

"ELDAR!" A sentry guardsman said and was soonly shot in the head - instantly killing him.

"Felix, Gebris take cover!" I yelled in response to the alarming attack.

The two men were now down in the dug-out trenches that is only 5 ft high. We grabbed our lasrifles and put on some ammunition which were batteries that can power our flashlights. I took cover and the assault was now on. We looked at each other - praying that the Emperor might be merciful to his loyal guard. We nodded and pounced our heads up the trenches that was our only means of cover. I aimed straight directly in the north, Gebris east and Felix west.

About 10 minutes later.

We've been waiting for an attack but we were surprised that there was no eldar in sight. Could it be that this was only a mere skirmish? Well by the Emperor's dangling balls it was nothing to be afraid of. I took a deep sigh of relief - it was only then interrupted by the sound of flying objects and multiple webways were opened. Unleashing the might of the eldar like a tide of expertly trained warriors that were nurtured for millennia.

I could see the colorful spots in the distance; estimated to be 1 km away from the small fortified bunker Ollaneous. By the throne, how many are there? They all appeared to be few but large tank like vehicles as well as some tall bipedal figures that resemble a slender giant machine. I don't know what their military doctrine are but it seems that they function like an elegant army in the stage.

They run in fast motion; there were numerous units that I was familiar with like hovering tanks and small bikes. There were Several of those levitating small bikes that only 1 eldar can ride. They appear more like scouts but are more deadlier when they strike, while I can see the hovering tanks which I presume are their main battle tank. They all have one blue and black colour that was more eye-catching than the vehicles themselves.

Luckily the 4 Basilisk were now fired and the rest of the company was now occupying the open gapes within the trenches. Many were wielding plasma guns, heavy bolters that were mounted and set up in position suitable for these weapons of war and line of guardsmen at the ready. It would seemed to be a wise choice to stay in a defensive formation like this. It was more practical and appropriate since we are only fighting what appears to be thousands of eldar.

As soon as the artillery commence the bombardment, a barrage of heavy bolters spraying rounds of enlarged bullets to the eldar suppressing them whilst they charge at their enemy. A shower of las-fire was soon permeating the battlefield and the smoke coming from the plasma guns can be shown to explode. It looks like we're fighting after all! I raised my las-rifle to shoot and kill any eldar. Deep down, I really hate fighting, especially with eldar.


"Autarch, are you sure that it is wise to attack this small enemy base that is only a few hundred man strong? Perhaps 120-200 would suffice but would 30 banshees really necessary for this assault?" An exarch was next to Autarch Frakkon who was overseeing the battlefield in a bird's view.

"Lest you forget that we are distracting the Mon'Keigh from their main force. Dividing them so we can destroy them slowly rather than an all out assault that would cost the thousands of Aeldari lives in vain." The Autarch replied, still observing the battlefield.

"Yes my Autarch but are we able to destroy them just by dividing their forces?" The exarch inquired.

"Come now, It isn't just the dividing the main Mon'Keigh force. It is all about who is deceived the most, and who will fall to one's trap. For I have set-up an elaborate plan to toil them; letting them believe that we are focusing our main force in this one, insignificant bunker. That way we may be able to attack their Headquarters without taking any substantial loses. We only need more time to annihilate the Mon'Keigh to oblivion." Autarch Frakkon said.

"Yes, Autarch." The exarch replied.

7 km away from the Ollaneous bunker, Aemylth was practicing her martial prowess. As she swung her chainsword like an elegant butterfly whose wings movements can't be seen within the naked eye. She swung and thrust, swing and slash, thrash and cut are all different kinds of moves that are reminiscent to one another.

Her fighting style is more akin to that of dancing - So graceful, very dignified and much more sophisticated like a skilled swordsman. Aemylth was only roughly 147 years old and is still currently maturing to Aeldari standards but nonetheless a warrior meant for war.

"Aemylth, you still practicing again?" Elris said as she was staring through the scope of her ranger long rifle.

"Aren't you supposed to be on scouting duty? Why bother me in my training again, Elris?" Aemylth commented in annoyance.

"I'm bored. There's nothing to do other than sit around looking at some savage beast that would be playing with sticks and stones." Elris said.

"Mind your tongue or the exarch with put you on disciplinary again." Aemylth said without disrupting her fashion moves.

The Eldar are prepared to attack the Mon'Keigh's base of operations. The only thing they need now is diverting multiple fake webway bases that could divide their enemies forces to weakened their numbers. All that's left now is finding the right base for the barbarians to focus - whilst we attack their homebase with only 4,000 of our own. As soon as they were given the signal to assault this small bunker that the Mon'Keigh foolishly build. Afterall, this webway base that we setup is nothing more than a trap.

"I am now ready." Aemylth said as she puts on her war helm.


Within the trenches of the Ollaneous bunker, Castor was spamming his las-rifle simultaneously as he puts it on full-auto. The sound of lasfire can be heard within a mile away, the cracking noise in which it makes was annoying. It smells of ozone each shot I fire, excretes smoke coming from the muzzle. The fight continues on but inevitably would end in an eldar victory for they have the numbers, technology and well-train soldiers.

I see no hope in surviving from this engagement if I even live to see tomorrow's dusk. Reluctant to give in - Castor relentlessly sprayed a barrage of cracking noises that his lasrifle resonates. Creating eerie sense of crude yet terrifying efficient rapid firing - as if he was holding a heavy bolter. The large figures of the enemy he was facing were drawing near and closer.

"S*it! If we had an imperial knight with us. This wouldn't have been a waste of ammunition!" Felix yelled.

"Keep firing! Don't you dare halt and turn around to the enemy! If you do so then a shell to the head would be your punishment!" Janette ironfang said as she was within the trenches cover. Monitoring the men who would break and desert his position. "Remember to put your faith in the Emperor!" she added.

This whole ordeal was excruciating to keep a level headed awareness as we were too focused on the task at hand. We the guard are as battle-ready as we were because other than the commissar being around. The cadian shock-troops were also present – unleashing the might of their homeworld that is cadia to which they performed professionally compared to the regular training that hadria could offer. They wore a light brownish tunic on the inside while having green camo armor in the exterior. 'I have to say, these guys are tough bunch' Castor thought.

"Boy, these cadians are a tough bunch. Wouldn't ya say, Gebris?" Felix said what Castor was thinking.

"Yeah they are but these eldar tanky's are much more tougher than our leman russ tanks." Gebris replied, reloading his lasrifle.

"C'mon boys, keep firing so it might break down! Maybe..." Castor said as he continuously fire at the Aeldari scorpion tanks. There were only four of them but are fast approaching them with extreme efficiency. Riding alongside with the fire prism tanks are ten walking figures that is taller than a sentinel. They're tech is after-all alien to human standards; including their culture and their way of fighting in war are as equally elegant and refined as their race always been.

Yet, despite all the greatness they claim to be – they still are a dying race on the brink of extinction. I don't know why they are fading away but at least we wouldn't have to worry about them being a threat to the imperium. They are just a mosquito fly that the imperials can tolerate. Sure they might be a formidable opponent in the field of war but as a whole – they are just merely clinging to what little hope they have left.

Castor somehow felt a bit of pity and remorse; killing a race that is only fighting for survival itself to this harsh galaxy. I shall pray that they will die a painless death, even if it means a millennia more of suffering and decay. I closed my eyes then tucked down as I reload my lasrifle another magazine of battery.

Gebris and Felix were firing at those walking mechs that are surprisingly more mobile than they appear to be. Keeping up with the scorpion tanks are the bipedal war walkers and wasps, which the eldar designated them as their walkers.

Castor took a deep breathe and pounces back to face the enemy again but when he looked up he notice something that would stop his heart-beat. He saw 3 vehicles soaring in the sky, approaching our position in a speed he cannot estimate how fast they were flying. As they finally reach what seems to be behind enemy lines and were about to descend to the ground.

I wasn't the only one who saw the them; a the heavy bolter units spotted it and were redirecting their aim towards and fired a barrage of the Emperor's fury. The aircraft however made a quick maneuver as it glided like a bird, winging in a stylish fashion. If the imperial pilots did this; they were simply just showing off but for the eldar, it's just a part of their training. I somehow envy the xenos, even though they are considered as filth in humanity's quest for cleansing.

The eldar craft landed 10 metres away from the entrenchment line. We redirected our fire at the landing aircraft but was soon intercepted by the jetbikes which finally reached only a few meters away from us. It was enough time however for the eldar to have safe landing as the cargo door opens, revealing the dozens of eldar Howling Banshee's and Striking Scorpions that are a expert in melee combat.

They rushed out of the vampire raider and reeked havoc upon the imperial guardsman holding the line. The leman russ tanks were busy firing at the fire prism tanks while the sentinels were firing at the war walkers. They seem to be evenly match but we have the superior numbers.

I aimed my lasrifle at the enemy who was cutting down every guardsman that tried to attack the xenos or flee in which forced the commissar to shoot the deserters. Resulting in heavy casualties from our end. The other dropships were also landing in different places within the intrenchment. Me and the boys were firing at the eldar banshee's that are brazely killing our men.

One got so close to me that I thought I was a goner at that point and tried to slash his throat open. I was fortunate enough to have Gebris on my side since he is an expert in fighting banshees in CQC. Gebris blocked the blow and spins around, thrusting his bayonet into the eldar's abdomen.

"Oh thank the Emperor, you saved me back there..." Castor said in a very sincere tone.

"Heh, you owe me a pack of rations, Lorr." Gebris said and pulls the trigger of his lasrifle.

"Can you still fight, Castor or did you piss your pants. If ya wanna change, the bathroom's in the back over there." Felix remarks and points his thumb towards the metal door.

I quickly got up and grabbed my lasrifle in the ground and put it on semi-auto. The eldar were descimating the guards morale while Janette was killing off any banshee that tried to kill her but they underestimated the commissars strength in wielding a sword as she was skilled swordswomen. She swung her saber like a lunatic as she eliminates any eldar that goes in her way. She's a pretty strong women if you ask me.

Janette was shooting her bolt-pistol towards a group of 3 eldar banshees that were killing the men who are desperately fighting for their lives. When another eldar banshee snuck behind her - it was preparing to strike her back from behind, saving her comrades in the process. Until Gebris saw what the eldar was doing and got up from the trench. Me and Felix notice Gebris jumping out of cover as out eyes were wide open.

"Gebris what are you doing?!" Felix shouted in disbelief.

He ran like a madman, not caring about if he got shot or get evaporated at from a laser. He just dashed towards the commissar and raised his lasrifle — aiming at the eldar banshee who didn't notice until now. Then fires but he only hit the shoulder — it was enough for it move back a few paces.

"COMMISSAR, BEHIND YOU!" Gebris scream and Janette pulls her eyebrows up and spins – Killing the eldar behind her.

She sighed until the other eldar were enraged by the death of their comrade so they shot her and Gebris. Shuriken shards were flying in the air like a sharp knife. Gebris runs towards the commissar who was crossing her arms to protect her face. He pushes her in the trenches, giving only temporary cover – Gebris gets up and takes cover. Firing at the banshees; he first shot was lucky since it was a direct hit from their helmets. He then puts in auto fire and sprayed it like a laser light show. Janette on the other hand soon got up and fires at the enemy she was trying to kill a while ago.

"You know, you can't always save me, Gebris." She said as she smirks and fires her bolt-pistol at her foe.

"I know mam but what would happen if you died then and there? We still need you to keep the guard in line miss." Gebris replied, shooting relentlessly at the eldar.

"You are quite bold, aren't you?" said the commissar.

The two seem to be enjoying it and were doing it excellently but as for Castor and Felix. They are still shooting at whatever enemy they could find, it is either a tank or a Banshee. They simply just shoot whatever that doesn't look human.

At first we were just spamming our lasrifle like a heavy bolter but we put them on semi-auto so we could precisely kill our targets rather than kill our own. As the eldar banshees were mercilessly killing everyone — Their blue-blackish paint job was at least distinctive enough for us shoot at them. That's easier said than done.

Amidst the chaos, Gebris and the commissar were still battling on with the eldar. She saw an eldar taking cover behind a dead tree — she went towards the and shot it there while it was sitting. It apparently was resting behind a dead tree but it would soon experience true slumber as Janette went towards it.

The banshee didn't know the commissar was coming until she grabbed it's shoulder then shoots it in the head. There was blood all over her face and in her suite but she didn't mind. Ironfang then faced at Gebris who was looking gloomy when she killed the helpless eldar. She smiled a little hoping to cheer him up a little bit. He closed his eyes and mirthly smiles back but only slightly. He was still bothered by the death of the eldar that could have been useful to them and would have been spared but that is only fantasy, not reality. He nodded at her for killing the eldar and she nods back.


Unbenowst to them however was an Striking Scorpion Exarch crouching in the trenches and saw the back of the standing Mon-Keigh. He steadies his Shuriken pistol straight at the hind of it. Then pulls the trigger with 4 rounds of Shards and the creature is falling.


Janette was walking closer towards Gebris so she could thank him and Gebris took one foot forward till he felt something sharp piercing his back. He then saw the eyes of Janette's widen eyes as if they would pop at any moment. Gebris smiled again and the slit of his eyes were nearly closed — all he could finally see was a worried Janette running towards him. As he fell in the arms of Janette Ironfang and he hears his name being called again and again.

"Janette... did you have any rations to give me?..." Those were his final words until his eyes were finally shut.

Castor saw what had happened to Gebris at the last moment. He regrets not doing anything, only put more unease in his heart as Felix was busy trying to reload his almost jammed lasrifle. When Felix was done fixing his lasrifle; he came to me and was about to say what I was looking when he too stare at where I was facing.

He stood there, stayed quite — this was not like Felix. It seems he still has a lot to learn. Castor could see the eldar retreating and saw another eldar that was behind Gebris within the trenches. It leapt out of the ground and dash towards the vampire raider. As soon as all the banshees were now regrouped the vehicles were also retreating and are now withdrawing engagement.

He looked back at the two, seeing them cuddle together with Janette giving Gebris a head-pillow in her lap. Gebris would have loved it, even though she knows he's already dead. Then the rain started pouring droplets of cold water again and would soon become heavier and heavier. It stopped while we were fighting the eldar. It only added more sorrow and grief within her.

"You said you never liked the rain since it soils your food... *sniff* Right, Gebris?" Janette said as she slowly puts her forehead in between his.