Chapter 2 First Adventure

5 years had passed since Tillia gave birth to two beautiful baby girls. Their names were Sabella and Anri Grimm, both parents were so happy to expand their family. The two girls are growing up just fine. One day it was a rather wet and humid day on the island, causing the ground to be mushy. Inside the healers hut Tillia was picking out an outfit for Sabella to wear as Sabella was sitting on a stool inside the bathroom waiting for her father to cut her hair. Her father held up a razor to her head and safely cut half her hair off into a crew cut. He grabbed a hairbrush from the counter near the sink. He brushed the bristles through the long part of her dark blue hair. "Is this the haircut you wanted?" He asks her as he brushed the cut hair from her shoulder with his hand. Her red hues lit up with excitement as a big smile spread across her face. "Yes! I look so cool." She shouts excitedly running her small hand along the short part of her hair. "Sabella, I got an outfit for you to wear." Tillias voice called out from the children's bedroom. Xander picked up Sabella and placed her on the ground before she runs to her bedroom. As soon as she enters her room, she runs up behind her mother and hugs her. "Mommy look at my hair." She says happily as Tillia turns around bends down to look at her. She smiles to her softly as her hand brushed her hair from infront of her eye. "You look so beautiful sweetie." She spoke gently as she looked into her red and purple hues. "But you shouldn't cover your eyes, they are to beautiful to hide." She continues before Sabella shakes her head making her long hair fall infront of her face again, covering her purple eye. "But all the other kids make fun of me for having different eye colors." She whimpers as she looks away. Tillia frowns sadly at her before stands back up. "Never let anyone get you down, come let's get you dressed." She encouraged before picking up a long sleeved shirt pushing Sabellas small head through the hole. She dresses her with many layers of clothes to keep her warm. "Anri is waiting for you in Elder Bodashs hut." Tillia says before walking into the bathroom to talk with her husband.

The front door opens slowly before Sabella peeks her head out. She looks down at the mushy ground before stepping out. She makes her way over to the biggest hut in the village opening the door and walking in. The inside was so warm and covered in all kinds of pelts and animal heads mounted on the walls. "Sabella over here!" A high pitched voice called out from the dining hall. She walks in seeing Anri drawing on a scroll of paper. Her long dark purple hair was tied back in a ponytail with a ribbon. One of her purple hues was covered by her hair. She looks over of her sister before approaching her. "What are you doing, Anri?" Sabella asked curiously looking at the picture she was drawing. "It's a map of the island, we're going to have adventures so we gotta have a map." Anri replies eagerly before rolling up the map and looking over at Sabella. "Our first day to go adventuring, dad said we can explore the mine." She says before taking her hand and quickly makes her way out of the hut and straight to the mine outside of town. Entering the dimly lit mine, the sisters quietly make their way through trying not to make any noise. Inside the first area of the mine was a sleeping nix hound. It laid there twitching it's leg rapidly. Anri let go of her hand, placing her finger to her lips telling Sabella to stay quiet. She lowers her body closer to the ground sneaking past the nix hound. Sabella just walks by the nix without sneaking. "Speedy sleeps through everything though." She whispers to Anri making her turn to face her. "That's not the point Bell, we're supposed to pretend that's she's dangerous." Anri sighed looking at how clueless Sabella looked. "Never mind, lets continue." She says before continuing to walk through the mine with Sabella behind her.

The rest of the mine was empty except for a small chest at the very end of it. "Treasure!" Anri says excitedly running over to the chest opening to find a couple of pieces of gold and two snack bags. "Jackpot!" She whispers to herself as she takes the treasure. Sabella starts walking closer but stops when she heard noises coming from above them. She looks up squinting her eyes before screaming loudly. Anri jumps from the sudden scream before looking at her. She saw she was frozen in fear, she followed her eyes to a giant frostbite spider on the ceiling of the mine. "Sabella move!" Anri screams out before the spider jumps down at her. Anri bends down and covers her face with her arms hearing the spider salivating infront of her. Sabella snaps out of her fear seeing her sister in trouble. "Anri! I'll save you!" She yells before reaching out her hand. A small flame starts forming in her palm steadily getting larger before shooting from her hand. The fireball hit the back of the spider causing it squeal and hiss and back away from Anri. Sabella runs over to her and helps her up and start to head back to the entrance. "Is this part of the adventure?" She asks her in a shaky voice but she could tell that this was real danger. The sound of rapid skittering was approaching from behind causing them to look back. "We gotta run!" Anri cries out holding onto Sabellas hand tightly and running for the entrance.

Once they reached the outside they start screaming letting everyone know there's danger.

Everyone in the village stops what they are doing comes to their aid. Their mother and father rushed out of their hut and goes over to the crying children. The spider lunges towards them but was stopped in it's tracks. An old rusty sword piercing through the body of the spider caused green liquid to seep out. At the other end of the blade was a large muscular man with a large blonde beard. His clothes were made from a skinned bear. He pulls the sword out of the spider carcass and cleans the blade with a rag. "You should be careful, especially if you don't know how to fight." He spoke in a hardy voice. "Thank you, Elder Bodash. We are in your debt." Tillia says as she bows to him picking up the two crying children. "Someone needs to teach those two how to fight, they won't make it when they're older if they don't learn now." He replied before walking back to his hut. Tillia looks down sadly before making her way to their home. Xander follows them back before sitting down on the couch "I'll teach them to fight." He says looking over at his wife as she consoles the children. "We'll start first thing in the morning." He continues as he pats the girls on their heads. "Don't worry girls, the spider is gone now." He kissed both of their foreheads. The children eventually stopped crying leaving only sniffles behind. "I want to protect everyone, but I got so scared." Anri said before looking down. "don't worry anymore, I will teach you guys how to fight to protect yourselves." Their father said smiling down at them. "Now go put on your nightgowns, dinner will be ready soon." Mother said.