Chapter 6

With the same report being given to them, Shi Heng showed no signs of aggravation since his bet earlier with Ren Tian was a win/win for him. The same couldn't be said for Ren Tian though as he gulped down yet another glass of alcohol.

As if Ghost Face and Shi Heng understood what was about to happen, the two quickly stood up and backed up two steps to allow Ren Tian to act as he was about to without any restraint. They felt that this would be better to allow him to let off some of his built up steam.

Shi Heng although was about to see Ren Tian freaking out badly, he couldn't help but to chuckle to himself. If he were to play his cards right now, even if he gave up his current position as a Crime Lord, this level of contribution to the Shi family would allow him to receive not just praise, but the position of the future leader.

Such a top rated power's seat in the Flower Continent was coveted by many, including those within the family who had somewhat of a competing chance. Those competitors meant very little to Shi Heng since he was a direct descendant of the Shi family to begin with.

"Damn that bastard! We should now create some type of plan to break the two up before it gets too out of control where we will be unable to do anything to them!" Ren Tian shouted as he slammed the table, finally causing it to break into itself.

Seeing this, the bodyguards in the room quickly reacted by pulling the broken down table away and replacing it as well as its contents down in front of the three Crime Lords. This happened almost every time Ren Tian was in front of a wooden table and was given bad news, so not only his, but the other bodyguards were ready to act since the beginning of this night.

Plus, this was still Ren Tian's district that they were in, therefore it was not like he had broken one of the other's property, making the situation much different, yet, much easier to handle compared to what it could have been.

"I might be able to work something out with some of my stronger recruits, but if that fellow is that physically dominant and has some reliable men around him at all times, it will be nearly impossible to take him down quietly." Ghost Face told him with a solemn expression on his face.

Out of the three powers being represented in the room tonight, his organization could be said to be the best when it came to kidnapping in secret. It couldn't be helped that Ghost Face's father used to be one of Flower Continent's best assassins in his prime. This was exactly one of the reasons why both Ren Tian and Shi Heng spent some of their resources to gain favor with him.

This did not mean that Ghost Face's organization was untouchable, it just meant that there was quite a few uses allying themselves with him for both the short and long term. If he were to become a trainer in either of their families, it would transform them once more which was extremely difficult to do at this point.

Just as the original Crime Lords of the Flower Continent recruited many of the top physically dominant forces of their respective districts, they also originally recruited as many martial arts schools in the cities as well.

Depending on the school, it allowed even the most common of thugs who would later join, to receive very top level training compared to others. To be able to train even the lowest ranked members of their respective groups, allowed many of the original Crime Lords, to remain in power even if they themselves were not powerful individuals.

"Do not act against them at all Ghost Face." Shi Heng cut in as his smirk finally faded away and was replaced with a serious look on his face. It was as if Shi Heng was waiting for Ghost Face to say these words so that he could take over the strategy on how to proceed.

"The Peng family is currently untouchable because they control many of the police officers within their city and have rather good government relationships. Even if we were to only target that Zheng Qigang, he is still within their city which means a confrontation with the Peng family is almost unavoidable."

"Ren Tian, I am sure you are very upset, but I can assure you, one of my sisters will marry you one day. When this happens, we will be brother in laws, and as your already sworn brother through this alliance we have, I can assure you that we will collectively one day make Zheng Qigang pay for this."

"Ghost Face, please send two of your most trustworthy men to Zheng Qigang's district to watch over his activities. It would be wise to even have one of the two men join his organization so that intel gathering would be even easier."

"We will be unable to take him down for now, but one day when the time is right, if we can take him down as our names continue to spread throughout the underworld, it will be a great stepping stone for us. He seems like the kind of man who has big aspirations so he will become much stronger in the future and possibly take over the entire city." Shi Heng told the group before waiting for their responses.

"Very well, tomorrow I will send my best men out to do it, but just keep in mind that it will take some time until I am comfortable enough to allow them to try to join Zheng Qigang's group. Knowing him and the Peng family, the reason they have spread the news out to even reach us on the other side of the continent, is so that enemies who try to infiltrate his group could be noticed quickly." Ghost Face told his two friends before standing up to leave the room for the night.

"You are lucky that you have that nickname Shi Heng. I will now be calling it a night as well, but you had better bring one of those sisters of yours to visit my residence soon." Ren Tian said as he started to walk out with both Ghost Face and Shi Heng.

It was only proper that since his two allies were currently within his territory, that Ren Tian would at the very least escort them out. The three all now realized that even with their great backgrounds, it was still possible for others to take their shine away from them.

Little did they know, the Ren and Shi families and their elders hoped that this would cause these three to be shaken enough to change. Sometimes, it took situations such as this and the pain from them to allow the younger generation to take the experience to flourish later on and to have unwavering wills.