Chapter 12

"It can't be helped, just send one of the others back to the mansion to request a little bit more backup. If anything happens before then, all we will need to do is quickly run back, right?" Peng Zedong told the security guard who was still next to her.

"That is true Peng Zedong, I will notify one of them right away. There shouldn't be any major issues, since I am sure your father will understand and possibly send over an army's worth of guards for you." he replied before whispering the orders to one of the security guards furthest away from Yao Ling so she wouldn't notice.

After realizing that the food vendor was only three blocks from their own district, the nerves of all the security guards lightened up slightly. It was obvious that they had a small office nearby where the one they had sent can go and grab all of them without even needing to notify the leader of their group.

This was actually one of the orders which were given to them. No matter what the cost, both Peng Zedong as well as Yao Ling were to be protected against any enemies of theirs. It would be easier said than done, but knowing how close they were to proper reinforcements made it easier for the bodyguards to concentrate solely on protecting these two girls.

Each taking a deep breath as they continued forward, the bodyguards all felt a sense of acceptance of their situation now and were at least able to cope with the potential danger which may come soon at any given time. However, not one of them was scared for their lives since they were all men and the Crime Lord of this area mainly tortured only unlucky women.

"That is it!" Yao Ling shouted out as she pointed towards the food stall that was now in eye view of the group. Some passerbyers looked at the group somewhat confused, but it seemed as if no one cared about them.

The group finally made it to their destination. Peng Zedong and Yao Ling's stomachs continued to growl and both were very pleased that they could finally fill them to their heart's content! Quickly, Peng Zedong told Yao Ling that she could choose a table to sit at while she ordered all of the food for everyone.

After walking around all day with almost no chance to sit down and rest, even the bodyguards in the group felt fairly tired. They could have lasted all day, but Peng Zedong realizing the situation they were currently in, wanted those protecting her and her sister to be able to properly do their jobs.

As Peng Zedong was ordering everything, she suddenly had a flashback with her father about one week prior to today.

"Peng Zedong, I know that making Yao Ling your sister in arms possibly had something to do with how I have asked you to treat her, but you must understand how this will positively affect your own family moving forward."

"The Yao family not only has great influence within the Iron Continent, but they were able to create several seats on the board of the Continental Alliance who alone holds the truce between our five major continents."

"With having the relationship we have had with them over these years, it was possible for us to leverage such a relationship with many influential figures across not just our Flower Continent, but other continents as well."

"Even if for whatever reason, the government of our Flower Continent wanted our entire family and structure eliminated, we would still have plenty of friends to rely on in order to safely flee elsewhere. Not everyone can accomplish this, and so I need you to remember this well my daughter."

"I can assure you that I will remember. That is, as long as you tell me what happened to mother." Peng Zedong replied to her father as his gaze wandered elsewhere before he left the room, leaving her with no answer.

"One day you will have no choice but to tell me!" Peng Zedong screamed at her father before the memory started to fade away and she was back to the present as someone was trying to talk to her.

"I asked if that is everything?" the cashier asked Peng Zedong. She had finished ordering but wasn't clear that was her entire order before her mind wandered off into a painful memory of hers.

"Yes, that will complete the order, please keep the change." Peng Zedong told the cashier as she handed over enough money to both cover the entire bill and a generous tip. Seeing how generous the tip was, the cashier's attitude finally shifted and bowed slightly towards Peng Zedong.

"Hey sis, I was telling all your security guards here that I think my own personal guards at home could definitely beat them up." Yao Ling told her as she took her seat across from her. It was clear that Yao Ling did not understand the situation she put Peng Zedong and the others in, and she was still teasing them to no end.

"When you get married first and force me to travel all the way to the Iron Continent, I will have no choice but to bring these guys along with us. Maybe then, we can test your theory out." Peng Zedong replied as she winked towards the rest of the group in a casual way.