17. A Big News

Snape held Alexander in high esteem so he shut his mouth and sat down on the chair.

"What is it, Alex?" Dumbledore asked.

"Your long lost student has returned. He was trying to get his hands on the philosopher's stone but Harry and his friends found out about it. Apparently, he was using Quirrell's body as a medium. He probably made Quirrell an incomplete and unstable Horcrux... Watch this if you don't believe me." Alexander showed the video to both of them.

Dumbledore wasn't showing much expression but Snape looked horrified.

"No need to worry Severus. You don't have the mark anymore. But Albus. I am going to kill him for once and for all, I hope you will not try to stop me in the name of being honorable and let him go on trial. Sorry to be blunt, but the justice system of the wizarding world is a hundred years behind muggles and I have no trust in ministry. Who knows, Voldemort probably already has his people in there." he lightly dropped a hint.


"Yes, I know the ministry is not the best but we have to work with whatever we have and I will not stop you from ending Voldemort. He forfeited his humanity long ago. Can I ask you what are you going to do with that video?" Dumbledore asked.

"What else, this is going to be tomorrow's breaking news but fear not. I will not let people panic. I will give a personal interview and tell everyone that killing Voldemort is easy for me." Alexander confidently said.

"But you do know that the ministry will never acknowledge your words. They will probably declare your company illegal." Snape said.

"That's what I expect Cornelius Fudge to do. He is an incompetent man who is so drunk with the power his status provides that he's ready to do anything to keep that power. The ministry has lied to people so many times but if they mess with me now, I'll show them the power of mass media" Alexander answered.

He then noticed the conflicted face of Dumbledore.

"Albus my friend, I know that you are a good friend of Cornelius but you also know what kind of person he is. He is inept for handling the ministry. While what I am doing will create a new foundation for the magical world. Foundation based on truth. The government has no right to lie to its people. I don't ask you to choose a side, Albus. All I want you to do is to sit and watch how the situation unfolds and hopefully, you'll be able to judge correctly." Alexander said with firmness, looking straight into Dumbledore's eyes.

"Heh... Okay, I'll wait and see how things turn out." Albus agreed.

"Good, I'll check how the trio is doing. After all, there is a quidditch match coming soon. Snape, you should follow me," Alexander said and left the headmaster's office.


While in the empty hallway, Alexander talked with Snape.

"You are equally as responsible for harry as much as Dumbledore. You clung to the past and refused to notice the boy she left behind. Did you come up with any plan to mend your relationship?" He asked.

Snape looked down at the floor and said. "I don't know how to face him. I am sure he already hates me for being partially mean to him. What should I do?"

"Haha... Love, Severus, love. Show him that you care about him. Tell him about his mother. Tell him the truth that you used to like her. I think Harry will forgive you. He is a small, insecure and abused child. All he needs is some love and care. Maybe you can start by gifting him a nimbus 2001. Start giving him extra personal lessons in potions, while doing that you can talk to him about his mother and stuff. Hell, use a pensive to show your happy memories with his mother," Alexander suggested.

Snape nodded his head multiple times.

"Very nice idea indeed... but I haven't heard about any nimbus 2001" he confusingly said.

"Oh, it's the successor to Nimbus 2000. It'll be released 2 months from now in August. I can order one by tomorrow. You can probably give it to him through an owl and a personal letter."

"Thank you, that would be very helpful," Snape thanked.

"Alright, goodnight and see you tomorrow" he waved his hand and left.


While all this was happening, the forgotten reincarnated boy of the story, Edward Firestorm, was on a very dangerous mission given to him by Alexander.

In the past 1 year, Alexander taught Edward all he could about runes, wards, charm etc. Edward was a reincarnated guy after all and all reincarnated people have extra powers, so he had a superior IQ than any other person. In time he was able to learn all Alexander taught.

Right now he was in Azkaban, his task was to somehow convey the news that traitor Peter Pettigrew was still alive to Sirius. Considering that Azkaban was filled with dementors, to protect him, they came up with an invisibility cloak which also hid someone's magical presence and mind. The prison fortress was located on an unknown island in the North Sea, so he taught Edward how to fly as apparation was not possible.

Reaching the prison and entering it was the easiest thing but finding Sirius was not. He had to literally search cell by cell.

After searching for a long time he finally found him. Sirus wore tattered clothes and looked malnourished. Edward quickly put down a Uniphone with video of Peter playing on loop. He also left a fake newspaper in which Peter was awarded the order of merlin as a hero. Then he quickly threw a healing potion on him and left.

~Damn, that was so easy.~


The next day, the news about Voldemort's return and his defeat by Alexander was reported in the newspaper and T.V. The video was widely circulated over social media and video sharing platforms. The news media also did their part and glorified Alexander's role.

The general populace was a bit afraid in the beginning but after seeing the video and how he defeated the supposed dark lord, they felt a bit at ease. The most shocking news that Voldemort was half-blood was very depressing for the remaining death eaters.

Most of the smart witches and wizards had the means to confirm the names spoken in the video. Soon, people started to talk about it all over social media. Then came the announcement that Alexander would be giving a live interview the next day.

Millions of wizards and magical intelligent creatures all around the world decided to tune in to watch the program the next day.

Amidst all this, the ministry of magic was going crazy. Cornelius Fudge was yelling at anyone he could see. He had already given his interview to the Daily Prophet, refuting the video and claims that Voldemort was back. But to his surprise, the Daily Prophet showed his interview as someone trying to cover up and control the people with lies. The newspaper also questions all previous claims and decisions by the ministry. He was regretting ever selling it.

Guys from the news department were spread all around the world, even undercover in many ministries so the general public reaction to the video was compiled and shown on news broadcast.


In a certain castle in Austrian alps. An old man locked in a small room looked at the Uni T.V. He was surprised that the magical world had come so far as to make something so advanced but after some days he found out who invented it.

It was his short-term ally Alexander Maxim Universe. He was first surprised to see that the old guy was still alive but then felt relieved that there was still someone so strong alive. He didn't know how, but Alexander was able to send a Uni T.V. to him as a gift. The attached letter only said "Old boy must be bored"

Right now, he was looking at the new news. He was seriously surprised to see that the so-called Dark Lord Voldemort was still alive. But then he guessed how he was still alive which made him frown a bit. He himself once considered himself a dark lord and committed various atrocities but not once did he think about making a Horcrux.

Back to the T.V.

[Random anchor: let's have a look at how the world is reacting to this new video and news.

Stranger 1: Well, I live in Japan and there is a long long distance between here and the U.K so I don't really care, but I hope that ugly face guy dies.

Stranger 2: I felt like vomiting when I saw that ugly puss-filled face. Why would someone do that to themselves but again he's a dark lord so who knows if that's his fetish? Btw, I Love You, Mr. Universe.

Stranger 3: I can't believe that he's back. We are still recuperating from the last war you know and the ministry of magic is so disgusting. Even when the truth is in the front of their eyes they refuse to acknowledge it. I say, Cornelius Fudge should resign. I also hope that Mister Universe can quickly find this guy and kill him. We don't want another war.

Stranger 4: I dream of you every night, please impregnate me mister Universe. Please Fuc...

Random anchor: So the public is taking this news very positively. People are starting to lose their faith from the ministry due to their recent actions... Wait, we just received breaking news that Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban. This is once more a huge slap on the face of the ministry of magic, showing their incompetence.]

"I wonder if I can break out of here... Meh, I am too old for that, I'd rather watch the cooking channel and the movies channel all day every day. Good luck Alex... Oh nice, Home alone 2 is on." The old man changed the channel while mumbling to himself.


Back at the Hogwarts castle, Harry received a strange parcel in his mail and a letter which would only open when he was alone. So he picked things up and went to a secluded area.

He opened the letter and started reading it.

"Harry James Potter, no matter how much I try I can not bring myself to not hate that middle name of yours as the owner of that name was the person who made my life a living hell in my school days. However, I want to apologize to you for being shallow-minded. I want to apologize to you for not being there when you were suffering in that muggle house. I treated you badly because you reminded me of your father while ignoring the fact that there was an image of Lily in you too.

I really liked Lily since my childhood and I was devastated when I found out that she died while protecting you. Another reason why I treated you so badly. I have been foolish not to realize that Lily sacrificed herself because of love for you. Love that I never had or felt. But now, I have realized that I was wrong. Lily would not want me to keep on acting like this, especially with you.

This small piece of paper is too small to tell you everything about your mother or to write my apology for my negligence but all I ask is for one chance. Please meet me in the potion classroom tomorrow after the quidditch. I wish you luck and please accept that gift. Think of it as a belated birthday gift.

Severus Snape"

By the end of the letter, Harry had unknowingly shed some tears, and when he saw the name, in the end, he was shocked beyond belief. Still, he decided to keep everything to himself and meet professor Snape the next day. He wanted to know more about his parents and also get some answers.

Then his eyes fell on the long package. He slowly tore the wrapper and found a broom. He assessed it and found that it looked a bit similar to his nimbus 2000. He saw a small paper attached to it which said. "This is the new Nimbus 2001, it would release in the market in 2 months. All the best"

Harry's eyes widened in shock and excitement. He quickly forgot about the emotional storm that he just went through and took the broom outside to check it out.

It was pretty normal for a 12 year old to get excited after getting his favorite toy. While Harry was flight testing it, he passed by the potions class window. Snape noticed the broom and Harry, which brought a rare happy smile on his face.