46. A party with the Gods & Purple dog

There was no cake at the party but there was limitless veg and non-veg food. So Alexander also let himself go. There were a lot of gods present. He recognized some. For example the one with elephant head, lord Ganesha, the one with lightning bolt staff, Zeus and then there was his half-brother Jesus.

Jesus was sitting at the bar, drinking some wine. He decided to join him. "Hey there brother"

"Ah... Hey, Alex. Finally father found someone to correct his mistakes. Why do you look exhausted brother?" Jesus asked.

"Hah... Well, I had to go to the same world twice." He answered and sipped on some wine.

"Yeah, let me guess, father forgot something?"

Alexander nodded.

"Yeah, he does that a lot. One time I was sent to a planet of cockroach civilization. But when I arrived they hadn't even evolved into a stone-age civilization. Then I had to wait for thousands of years to let them evolve and then become a messiah." Jesus said as he sipped on his wine.

"Wait... What's your job exactly?" Alexander confusedly asked.

"Oh, I go to different worlds, get born there, become a messiah and then get killed by them."

"Well, that sounds more like a curse than a job," Alexander added sympathetically.

"I am used to now. But sometimes, father makes me regret agreeing to this job." Jesus said tiredly.

Then suddenly Lord Ganesha came and sat beside them. "Hey guys, well, if we're talking about father problems then let me share mine"

"When I was small, my mother instructed me to stand guard while she took a bath. Then suddenly my father came, whom I didn't recognize as I had never seen him. Seriously, guys, my mother made me from sandalwood, turmeric, flesh of her own body, and some holy water. I stopped my father from entering into his own home and enraged him. Then he straight up chopped my head off in anger. When my mother found out, she got angry at him. To ease her anger he just put some random elephant's head on my shoulders. I mean, come on, at least make it a lion or a tiger." He said and took a bite of his sweet dumpling, which was his favorite food.

Alexander lightly asked Jesus who the guy's father is, "Oh, he's the Hindu elder god, Shiva the destroyer."

Alexander warmly patted Ganesha's shoulders, "My sympathies"

"Thanks, man. You are very nice." Ganesha said and got back to his eating spree.

"ALEXANDER, COME HERE, SON. LET ME INTRODUCE YOU," God roared. Alexander walked to his father, who was surrounded by various goddesses.

"My son, meet Gaia, the mother of life and primal mother earth goddess," God said.

Alexander could clearly see that his father had hots for her. "Hello, mother Gaia."

His words made her blush slightly and God looked at him with a thankful gaze.

"Oh, just call me Gaia. You are one of us now," she warmly said.

"But I was born from you. From earth, so no matter what, I'll stay the son of earth." Alexander buttered her.

She felt really happy after hearing that and gave him a motherly hug. After some chatting, Alexander and his father were alone.

"Hey, old man. You once told me that trillions of people call you God. There must be more than just trillion people in the multiverse right?" he asked.

"Yes, Trillions call me GOD, others call me other things. There's even a civilization that calls me Cu-nt. In their language, it means something similar to GOD." God said and laughed heartily.

Alexander also laughed at imagining people praying while chanting Cu-nt.


After the party, it was time to get back to work.

"My son, it was fun having you here. Be sure to check up on this old man from time to time. There's one more thing, your birthday present. Take this" God gave him a box.

Alexander opened it and found a metal rod in it. "This is?"

"This is the strongest metal in the multiverse. It can become whatever you want it to be. Small or big." God answered.

Alexander held it and thought about a sword that he saw in his world once in an adult anime. The rod changed into a 6 feet long sword. It was called the dragonslayer. [From Berserk]

"Nice, I'll use this with my armor," he said.

"Thanks, old man. It's time for me to go. See you later, good luck with 'mother' Gaia." he teased.

"Hahaha..." he heard God laughing before disappearing.


A white light came and Alexander found himself standing in a desert? The sky looked orange.

"Where is this place? Wait, what's this? A glasshouse?"

He looked inside the glasshouse and could only see tall plants. To get a better view he flew to the top of the glasshouse. At its center, there was an old house and a windmill. A white-haired fat old lady was out to harvest some vegetables with her purple dog?

[A/N: Guess where he is?]

The dog walked on his 2 feet towards the giant pea plant but the plant tried to eat the dog.

~What the hell is this place?~ he asked, dumbfounded.

He kept on looking and soon all the plants had started to attack the house. Alexander decided to act and broke down the glass. Then he cast a nice fiendfyre and burned all the plants down. The dog was also trying to save his owner by picking her over his head and running around.

Alexander slowly landed on the ground. The old lady and the dog looked at him with interest.

"What is the name of this place, lady?" He politely asked.

"Oh, this is Nowhere in Kansas. This is courage. Why don't you come in and join us for dinner?" She asked.

~what's with the extra-friendly nature? Did she just forget that her life was in danger some seconds ago and I don't think there's a place called Nowhere in Kansas.~

"Thanks, I'll take you on that offer" he politely answered.

The weird dog looked at him with intelligent eyes. Alexander took out some biscuits and gave them to him.

"Here boy, these are for you," Alexander offered.

The dog walked to him on his 2 legs and took the biscuits with his hands, "Thank you"

~Woah... It spoke~

Alexander followed them into the house, only to find an ugly old man.

"Where's my dinner, Muriel? I want my food." He demanded.

"Oh just a minute, Eustace" Muriel went to the kitchen.

Then the old man looked at Alexander, "Wonderful, another mouth to feed. You need to pay to eat here"

Alexander checked his sins.

~A useless man.~ he thought.

||Eustace Bagge - Category 2

Dog abuse - 456

Domestic abuse - 29

Attempted murder - 2(his own dog)

Literally unreasonable - at all time

Dumb - at all time

Sin percentage - 40%||

He silently put the old guy through time torture. He faced every bad deed he did on himself but it was amplified by 10 times. Then he also went through a how to be a gentleman class for about 5 years in his mind.

"Here you go, meat pies," Muriel came with plates.

After eating dinner, she further invited him to stay. Which he accepted. He looked at the dog and went to talk to him.

"Hey, Courage. Who's the most intelligent person you know here?" He asked.

Courage though for a bit and then spoke, "Follow me"

The dog took Alexander to the first floor. Then he pointed to the computer. Alexander didn't know what to expect and just checked the computer out.

"What can I do for you, sir?"

A voice came from the computer. Alexander felt a sudden dark aura from it.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I am the help, sir," the computer said, a bit of nervousness in its voice.

"You're a demon aren't you? You're the one who's making all the weird stuff happen?" He asked.

"N-No, sir... I-I am just a computer with artificial intelligence... Believe me" the computer stuttered.

"We'll see about that," Alexander said and quickly put the computer in his space pocket. When he brought out the computer again, there was a red demon beside it.

"Damn you, you spoiled my fun. This world is mine, go away," the demon yelled. Courage was shivering in fear.

"You don't know about me? I am God's Advocate. Here to purify this world. You Mr. are going to die." Alexander said and used his eye power.

There was only one punishment for Demons like these. Soul erasal. They couldn't be sent to hell as they came from there. They could only be erased from existence. He used his eye power and burned the demon to nothingness.

"Ah, thanks for saving me, Sir. I am forever indebted to you." The computer spoke.

"You can still speak? I thought it was the demon," Alexander surprisingly asked.

"No, sir. I am a real artificial intelligence. The demon had Been living inside me for years and making people's lives miserable. He even made that dog weird." Computer said.

Alexander then remembered the dog. He looked around and saw it hiding in a corner. But it had started to look like a normal dog, just in purple color.

He hypothesized that it was the demon's doing. The sky outside also looked normal. The desert had turned into farmland.

"What's your name?" Alexander asked.

"My name is Alfred, an A.I made to serve and help." The computer replied.

Alexander used his eye of judgment just for the sake of it.

||Alfred the A.I - Category 0

Sin percentage - No related programming found||

"Alright, you wanna come with me?" He asked.

"Sure, there's nothing to do here anyway," Alfred quickly answered.

Alexander picked up the A.I. computer and put him in his castle in Phixheim. He left a normal P.C. in its place.

"Let's go downstairs, Courage," Alexander said to the dog.

Downstairs, the old couple looked normal now. Eustace was a perfect gentleman now and was helping his wife. Alexander said his goodbye, gave them some gold coins for the food and left. His task was done.

~I Hope my next world will be a large scale one~


24 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

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