70. Darker side of the world.

Alexander stood on the deck of Yamato Warship. The fleet was heading towards Qarth. He and Dobby were going to go ahead and deal with the city's defenses.

Those who deserve to die would die. He was going to dissolve all merchant groups of Qarth and combine them into his Merchant guild. There would not be any new ruler in the city but a Governor appointed by Winterfell.

Pureborn of Qarth ruled from the Hall of a Thousand Thrones, The warlocks of Qarth have their center of power in the House of the Undying. These two would be fully destroyed. The House of Undying and its warlocks would be given death and the Pureborn would be judged. He had seen enough bullsh*t about pureblood supremacy in Harry Potter and knew that they could not be normally treated.

The merchant guild, Thirteen, the Tourmaline Brotherhood, and the Ancient Guild of Spicers will be dealt with too.

"Let's go Dobby" he and Dobby went to Qarth through the anywhere door.

It was morning and various activities had just started. Shops were slowly opening. He had told Dobby to go and deal with the Pureborns in the hall of thousand thrones while he deals with the House of Undying.

[You can see Qarth and House of Undying on Illustration channel of my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn

Or see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]

He calmly walked the streets. It was a really colorful city if one were to ignore all the darkness hidden in there.

~After I'm done, this will really become the most colorful city.~

The House of Undying was really a creepy place. There were no other buildings near it. The main building also looked like a crumbling stone ruin. He walked to the door and knocked on it.

A wraith-like man came out. His lips were blue due to drinking the Shade of the Evening.

"I am Alexander Stark from Westeros. I want to meet the Undying ones." He straightforwardly stated.

"You must drink the Shade of the Evening before entering, so you may hear and see the truth." He said and gave him a glass. Why would they ignore the request of a big lord from Westeros?

~Oh really, I'm pretty sure this is a hallucinogen.~ he thought.

He took the glass and acted like drinking it. In reality, all the Shade of the Evening was being sent to his pocket dimension. Then he used slight magic to turn his lips blue.

"Follow me," the wraith said and led him in. Alexander quickly checked his sins.

||Pyat Pree - Category 3

Murder - 3788

Blood Sacrifice - 98(All children)

Dark rituals - 286

Sin percentage 70%||

~He's borderline 4th category. He's not even one of the Undying Ones. How many sins would they have committed?~ he thought and turned serious.

Pyat took him somewhere deep underground and stopped in front of a big black door. He signaled to him to go inside.

Alexander calmly opened the door and went inside. It was a big dark hall. In the middle was a table around which 10 men sat. They all looked even uglier than Darth Sidious. Their bodies were bluish too.

He quickly looked at their sins and sure enough, all of them were category 4. Some were just a few decimal points away from category 5. They all were hundreds of years old. The magic they used to prolong their life involved slowly taking out blood from children and drinking it with the Shade of the Evening. They had killed/ate thousands of child slaves which they bought from the Slavers bay. Easy to say, just dying was too little of a punishment for them.

Alexander decided to stop acting like a respectful lord and start acting like the God's Advocate.

He waved his hand and a nice golden throne materialized on the empty side of the table. He calmly walked up to it and sat down.

"Y-You are like us. I can feel your power. Such magic. I want it." One of them screeched.

"Don't you dare to consider me like you. I don't kill babies to get stronger." Alexander angrily spoke. He waved his hand and the metal chair the ugly man was sitting on, transfigured. The chair now had various tight cuffs and buckles holding him. Not just him but every other Undying one.

"I'll start with you. I don't even want to look in your mind. I know it's as filthy as Morgan le Fay's, if not more."

Then the man's body started burning. But every time his body burnt, it also healed up. It was Alexander's way of torturing him physically. The man was also going through Time Torture in his brain. He was not burning there too but also getting stabbed by each person he killed. He went through 500 years of torture in his mind while in the real world, his body burned for an hour.

The other warlocks were trying to free themselves but couldn't. They tried to use various kinds of magic but nothing helped.

"This is the Doom of the House of Undying. The cult that you have created over the dead bodies of an unquantifiable number of people will end today."

"Hahaha... We warlocks are spread all around the world. You cannot end us by just killing the 10 of us. They will come after you and your family. You have doomed your own house, Alexander Stark." One of them said,

"Then I'll kill you ALL" as his words fell, they all started to burn and go through 500 years of Time Torture.

"Accio Suprima Warlocks," he silently chanted.

One by one, about 2300 warlocks popped into that room. The moment they appeared their bodies became paralyzed. Alexander checked all of them for their sins and they all deserved death. Their whole cult was based on dark magic. He didn't even feel like using them like what he did with Lucius in the past world. He already had the purest brings, elves. To help him. He gave them the same punishment.

"May God not have mercy on your souls," he said and left the room to see what secrets the building held. He wanted to see the rooms that showed the visions.

He was not disappointed. There were runes inscribed on the floor. He also felt that there was something mixed in the air. Then the visions started to kick in.

Vision 1: "Olivia, look at our sons. They helped me make the medicine and save you. The world loves them." Alexander happily said, sitting on a sofa with an old woman in his arms. T.V. showed his sons giving an interview.

"Yes, Alex. They are the best thing to ever happen to us" She replied and gave his old wrinkled face a gentle kiss.

But... There were tears in Alexander's eyes. Then suddenly everything turned white.

Vision 2: "I AM... INEVITABLE" He only heard a heavy voice and the vision changed again.

Vision 3: "What's your name, son?" Alexander inquired.

A small, malnourished blond boy replied, "Steven Grant Rogers, sir"

Vision 4: It showed him being stuck in a death loop. The area around him was all black and whenever he respawned his body would painfully disfigure and die. The process repeated for hundreds of times before the vision ended.

Vision 5: "Ah, we missed you so much all these years, grandpa." Hermione cried with Edward standing behind her.

Vision 6: It showed him in a castle made of ice. The people living in it all looked as white as ice. There were some kids too. They all looked sad and weak.

Vision 7: "AND I... AM... IRON M" he could only hear that much before he felt something trying to break into his mind.

He fought the invasion. He shielded his mind to one hundred percent and looked around for the source of the invasion. After a while of searching, he finally found it.

It was a tree. A tree with consciousness. He used his eye of judgment on it.

||The ancient tree of Death - Category 5

Murder by sucking up the life force while showing visions - 1,876,989.

Sin percentage - 97%||

"This is pure evil. Demonic. No wonder, not many people come out of the house of Undying alive. I must kill this thing"

He used his eye powers to erase it. The golden flames came out of his eyes and attached themselves to the tree.

The tree started making shrieking noises before turning into nothingness. Not even ashes remained. Once the tree was gone, he felt that the strange air particles in the air were gone too.

"What were those visions? Olivia didn't get cancer? Hermione and Edward?. Dammit, I should not think about them. Prophecies and visions can never be trusted" he reprimanded himself and walked away to search other places.

In most of the places, he didn't find anything and kept on searching. Finally, he came to a large hall that looked like a sacrificial ceremony place. But the room was empty.

He carefully looked around and found a secret door behind a big portrait. He opened it and went inside. There were some traps as well but nothing he couldn't handle.

The stairs led further down and in the end, he found 2 doors. He went into one and found a lot of gold, jades, and other valuables. Then he walked into the other room.

The horrors he saw in the room made his scalp numb. He felt sweat dripping from his temples.

Then his mouth left a long sigh. A long sigh filled with rage, exhaustion, and sorrow.

"How can one human do this to another, To children?" he questioned himself.

In front of him were hundreds of small cages. In them were nearly a thousand children. From toddlers to little babies. They were tightly overpacked in each cage.

What made it worse was that there was no noise. He didn't know if they were fed something so he looked into one's memory.

The child was so scared when he was brought here, and when he was locked in the cage. He had given up on the will to live. He had accepted that no good thing could come. He was the son of a slave woman. He remembered the face of his mother before he was separated from her and sold. All the children in the room were brought there a week ago and had not been fed anything. Many were on the brink of death.

Alexander quickly cast wide-area healing spells with 100 percent of his divine magic. He also conjured thousands of Godroids and made them tend to each child. Feed them potions. Be it rejuvenation or blood replenishing.

~Maybe... This world really is beyond retribution. I should just end everything and leave.~ he thought in self-doubt. But then he suddenly remembered the smiling faces of Little Rina, Alexandra, Jon, Eric and many more good people.

~I can not do that. If I did, then I'd be even worse than the demons. But I must quicken my efforts.~ he said to himself.

"Berry, come out. Help the children here." He called him out. Berry didn't come alone though. He brought 13 other phoenixes with him. They all flew around, dropping tears in some children's mouths and singing something to lighten the tension.


Alexander heard the first wail of a child since he entered the room. Then he suddenly remembered something. He quickly apparated to the room where all the Warlocks were still burning. He increased their Time Torture to 10,000 years.

He then returned to the children. Many had started to look around in confusion. Alexander cast a cheering charm and gently spoke to them all.

"My children, don't be afraid anymore. I've come to save you all. The bad people who brought you here have already been caught and punished. I am Alexander Stark. You all can call me Grandpa. I will take care of you all. You can play, eat and sleep all you want in my place."

Then he opened the anywhere door which led straight to the biggest orphanage in the 7 kingdoms. It could house 5,000 children. Thousands of Nanny bots worked around the clock there to help them. Once they settle down, they will be given lessons too.

Children looked at the magical door in amusement. Alexander waved his hand and each kid had a lollipop in their hand.

"Follow me kiddies," he warmly said and entered the door.

On the other side, Rinna was playing with some orphan kids in the yard of the orphanage when the magical door suddenly opened.

She looked curiously at it but didn't go near it. Then Alexander came out of it, followed by 1078 kids.

"Waaaa... So many new friends," Rina loudly gasped, making Alexander chuckle.


24 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

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