42. Neville Longbottom

3 years later - World purity level 89.9%.

*Sigh* ~just 0.1 more to leave this world~

It had been good 3 years. Hermione had left Hogwarts after her 5th year. She gave her N.E.W.T.s at the ministry and passed with flying colours in 13 subjects. He had retired from the ministry and Dumbledore had taken over the role of minister of magic with Hermione as his undersecretary.

He probably had 3 more days to stay there. His company was doing great, both in the magical and muggle world. Most of the orphans in the world now have a place to live and study. No new dark lord had tried to rise up in the meantime.

Grindelwald also worked in the company administration for the time being. Edward was the only one who knew that grandpa Universe whome everyone loved so much was about to leave them. Though he knew that Alexander was just going to another reality to continue his work. He still felt like his old man was dying and leaving him for forever.

On the other hand, most of the Hogwarts batch of 1991 had graduated. Harry was an established star in the quidditch world. Surprisingly, Cho Chang was still with him and also joined quidditch. Ginny could only suck it up and forget Harry. Ron had taken a managerial job in his company. His brain had been healed now but he was still a normal average Wizards.

Nagini had settled down with some guy from America. They had taken over orphanage operations in the whole of America. Snape had married the Japanese girl he found online. They were both amazing Potioneers and together they had been inventing new potions. They would get them patented by the company and then give up the formula for royalties as Universe Industries had the world's biggest supply network.

Sirius had found some muggle girl and married her. He treated her really well and was also happy by pissing off his dead ancestors as the next person to be born in the black family will have muggle blood.

Luna was in the last year of Hogwarts, though she had started to smile a lot more. She also published weekly articles in the Daily Prophet. Hagrid had also married Madame Maxime.

The law and order had been improved a lot in the Wizarding world. Hate crimes had become nearly nonexistent. No one cared about your blood, as long as you are good, you'll get the job. The ministry of Magic employs many muggle-borns now. The world followed the example of the British Ministry of magic and introduced similar laws in their areas. ICW had grown a spine and now actively participated in keeping world peace.

Gringotts had been good too. They had apparently invited him to their bank. They wanted to give him a thank you gift.


At the Gringotts

"Mr. Universe, we are happy to gift you this finest creation of our best goblin blacksmiths. This armor is meant to fit you. It has many magical properties. Then there is the sword. It can grow and shrink in size. Sharpness can also be controlled. This is for the service you have done for us and the whole world." The director of Gringotts said.

He knew that rejecting it would be disrespectful so he took it.

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Well, he had planned for his spectacular departure from the world. For that, he was going to see what his animagus was and see if he could use it.

He went to the middle of a jungle and turned into an animagus, he wasn't disappointed with what he became. A giant white-winged lion with some ornaments on his body. While on 4 legs he was 30 meters tall and 70 meters in length. But he could also stand up on 2 legs and use a sword with his hands. While on 2 legs, his height would become 100 meters.

After seeing his animagus, he decided to use it in his upcoming fake fight. 'sacrificing while trying to save the world' headline doesn't sound so bad, he thought.

There was just one thing left to do. He wanted to gift a Philosopher's stone and a perfected elixir recipe to Edward. He wanted them to live for so long that when he becomes strong enough he'll probably be able to come back and see them.

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To see them on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


Alexander was walking around Hogwarts, he just wanted to see it for one last time. While walking around he saw a boy pulling his trolly bag. Alexander recognized him as Neville Longbottom.

"What are you still doing in Hogwarts, son?" He asked.

Neville looked up and replied with a shocked expression. "I-I was taking my herb collection, s-sir."

Alexander nodded. He knew that the boy had low self-esteem. He wasn't confident in doing anything. He also knew the reason behind it. After what happened to Neville's parents, he was left under the care of his grandma. He was the heir to the Longbottom family.

The problem arose when he didn't show the signs of magic even after some years. It made his grandmother anxious that he was born a squib. She started to put him in danger and purposely made him angry so that he would unleash magic, but nothing happened.

However, the real trouble came when Neville's great-uncle tried to squeeze the magic out of him. Once he was thrown from the Blackpool pier, he nearly drowned that day. Another time, his great uncle held him by his ankle from the upstairs window and 'accidentally' lost grip. Thankfully Neville just bounced off the ground and nothing happened.

It proved that he was a wizard but the scars had already been made. Then they gave him his father's wand when he got selected for Hogwarts. A wand that was not suited for him. Resulting in trouble casting spells which in return made him more unconfident of himself. Because Alexander changed the story so much, the boy never got the chance to shine.

Alexander decided to help the poor boy. "Come with me, son. You need a new wand."

He said and put his hand on Neville's shoulder and apparated to the Ollivanders shop.

"Oh... What a surprising visit, Mr. Universe, and who do we have here, Mr. Longbottom. I don't recall selling you a wand," Ollivander said.

"That is exactly why we are here. I want you to help him choose a wand. He won't be needing his father's wand soon," Alexander said.

Neville was confused by what he just heard but he didn't have the guts to ask the strongest Wizards in existence. He quietly went with the flow and tried out wands. Finally, he got matched with a 13", Cherry, unicorn hair. He then saw Alexander paying for his wand.

"S-sir" he tried to stop him.

"No problem, kid. Consider it your first job bonus," Alexander replied. Further confusing Neville.

"Alright, it's time to fix some people" he once again put his hand on Neville's shoulder and apparated. This time they appeared in the reception hall of St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. The hospital didn't receive as many patients nowadays. Mostly because everything was peaceful and also because of all kinds of magical healing potions Universe Industries produces.

"Son, do you know which room your parents are in?" He asked. Neville nodded.

"Okay, take me there, then," he said. All the nurses and hospital staff gawked when they saw him passing by.

~I guess I still have some allure to the ladies~ he thought.

Alexander was old but he didn't look like a filthy old man. Nor like Dumbledore. He looked smart and handsome with a muscular body. His skin was as smooth as a later middle-aged man. But his eyes always gave his age away. They showed the look of oldness in them.

Soon they arrive in a private room. There were 2 beds and on them were 2 unconscious bodies. Bellatrix and some death eaters had broken their minds with repetitive Cruciatus Curse. This Curse is very painful, it makes all the neurons to send the feeling of pain. Repetitively using it on people can break their minds or kill them.

An old lady was sitting by the side of the unconscious man's bed. Alexander looked at her with disgust.

"Neville?" She cried.

"Grandma, Mr. Universe brought me here." He said.

She looked at Alexander with shock and worship. Alexander returned the gaze and in a split second, resurfaced the memories where she unknowingly tortured her grandson. She just stood there without moving, remembering the things she did. Alexander moved to the two unconscious people and poured some potion. Neville just looked at his parents in hope.

After about 15 minutes, their bodies started moving and then twitching. Neville looked worried at that. "Nothing to fear, son. Their bodies are just healing. This is normal"

That gave him some relief but still... After 20 minutes the twitching stopped and they opened their eyes. Alexander quickly gave them another potion to replenish their strength and relax their mind.

Suddenly, Neville's grandma came out of her stupor and quickly hugged Neville. She repetitively said sorry to Neville. When Neville asked what happened, she told him why she was asking for forgiveness.

Being the kind boy he was, he quickly forgave her. Then she noticed her now awake and healthy son and daughter-in-law.

"What! Son, daughter. You are..." She stuttered.

"Yes, mother... Thank you for helping us, sir," Mr. Longbottom said, looking at Alexander gratefully.

Neville lunged at his parents and embraced them with a tight hug. He was just 13 months old when they were taken from him. He didn't even know what they sounded like. And now, he had them both.

"Mention not," Alexander said and left an appointment letter on the bed for Neville. It was a job offer for him to come and work as a herbologist at Universe Industries. Then he left to prepare for the departure.


24 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

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