73. Memories from the Dawn Part 1

The next day, Alexander brought little Rina with him to Yi Ti. She was greatly excited to see a new kingdom. They crossed the Anywhere door while being invisible.

When they came out on the other side, they were greeted by a flourishing market. So many people were walking the streets. Many were wearing straw hats. The building and scenery looked like he was in some mythical ancient Chinese world. Tall pagoda-like building were everywhere. The people also looked a bit like eastern Asians and they wore clothes like in ancient China.

He flew around with Rina in his arms, looking around the cities. He was surprised by the sheer scale of the cities in Yi Ti. There were so many of them and all were of the same or bigger size than Norgold. The palace of the God-Emperor was also bigger than the whole King's Landing.

But each city he visited, he also found his temples. They were crowded with people too. And all of them were similar to the ones in Asshai.

~Why do people in the east worship me so much?~ he thought to himself. Then, once again, he had a memory resurface. This was a lot bigger than the last one.


After what happened in Asshai. He created the Empire of Dawn and then trained a boy to become its emperor. At that time, the city was inhabited by nearly the majority of the world's population. But not all of them lived there.

Some chose to go to the now dark Asshai to practice magic as the magic was stronger there. Maybe due to that strange liquid, in later years, many types of magic came into existence. Blood magic, necromancy. Due to prolonged exposure to that dark city and weird magic, some humans mutated into weird creatures. For example, bloodless men, winged men, etc. The city had turned into a hub for dark magic. That is the only kind of magic that was in the world. Alexander didn't stop them from practicing it but he put strict rules.

Like no innocent person should be hurt because of magic and that no child should be hurt either. All the sorcerers accepted his words. Why wouldn't they? They worshiped him as their Supreme God. Even more so after he made the Empire of Dawn.

The emperor that Alexander had installed in the Empire was also hailed as the God on Earth or the son of All-father.

Alexander gave the Emperor enough elixirs for him to live for thousands of years. Things went well for a long time under him. The human population started to heavily expand to other parts of the world.

A large group of the humans migrated from the Empire of Dawn and headed to the South-Western part of the Essos, they called themselves the first men after they crossed the arm of Dorne and ventured into Westeros. Another big group headed to the North-Western part of the Essos and settled there. They developed their own simplified writing scripts derived from the kingdom of dawn. They called themselves Andals.

Later another large group of people traveled West and settled around the banks of the river Rhonye. They became river faring people.

Then another large group went to the mid-West and established the Dothraki seas. But this time they weren't murdering bandits. They were still wild and crazy but also a little bit civilized. They didn't hurt women and children and the elderly, they offered them to join them. They still steal though. They also started a practice of electing a king among themselves by khalasar fighting each other in 1V1.

All these people combined, created the population of Essos. Many new cities were created and many fell. The population increased rapidly.

But still, there was one thing very common among all these people. They worshiped Alexander as The Supreme God. Many of them had made up new gods for themselves like the seven or the old gods but still, they all acknowledge the fact that the All-father was one above all. Hence in every temple or sept, they made for a god, there would be a place to worship him too. They made big statues of Alexander and they were very accurate as well. Long hair and beard with loose robes. A book in one hand and a great sword in the other.

They worshiped him as the Supreme God of creation and destruction and also believed that the other Gods were also his creation, but they refrained from openly praying to him as they believed that Alexander was too holy and should not be disturbed for petty wishes. Rather, they prayed to smaller gods in the hope that their words would reach the one above all. Another reason for that practice was that there were many records of the Supreme one descending to the world when a worshiper worshiped directly when they were in a dire need of help, for example in mortal danger. There were also records of Supreme one punishing the evil men who wished evil things from him. Over time, many new names were given to him, but the one that circulated the most was All-Father.

Everything was going well until the God on Earth, Emperor of Dawn died. For some next generations, his descendants rightfully ruled the empire but each new rule lasted less than before and brought more turmoil.

Then Amethyst Empress, was murdered by the bloodstone emperor, he then began a reign of terror and slavery on the people, he started practicing dark arts and necromancy, took a tiger-woman(mutated girl) for his bride, feasted on human flesh and cast down the gods of Yi Ti(Alexander) to worship a black stone fallen from the sky (a part of the moon that Alexander destroyed). The event was later called Blood Betrayal, in the annals of the Further East. Then, the Long Night came.

Back then, Essos was connected to the North aka the land of always winter. It connected with the cold ice desert called grey waste in Essos. The others/ white walkers were very strong. Even though they numbered less, as they marched closer, the world got colder.

[You can see full theorized map of Planetos on Illustration channel of my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn

Or see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]

The cold spread throughout Essos. Mothers died in their sleep while hiding their babies in their arms. The bloodstone emperor soon died of unknown reasons with his wife. The Empire fell into a panic. The remaining descendants of the God on Earth fought each other for the throne with backstabbing, treachery. Playing their games for the throne even in that dire situation.

The common people, the nobles, the intelligent beasts. All started to pray to the Supreme One. To come and save them from the long night.

Alexander was exploring Sothoryos at the time, but he did feel their prayers and responded.

Alexander came down from the sky engulfed in a majestic fire shaped like a phoenix. When he touched the ground all the cold in the kingdom vanished. The people knelt on the ground enchanted prayers. Various beautiful songs from strange birds filled the sky. That moment was later described as the Rise of the Sun in some holy scriptures of the Yi Ti.

"Oh Supreme One. Please save us," some old man shouted.




They chanted. There were about a million people and their shouting made the ground shake.

Alexander raised his hand for all of them to stop.

"All of you have suffered enough." After saying that, he cast a wide area healing spell. All the people suddenly started to feel better. Those who were shivering in the cold stopped shivering. Children who had stopped crying due to a lack of energy started to cry again.

Everyone realized that is was doing of the God-king. It was a blessing directly given to them.

"Tell me who is the strongest, the most righteous and intelligent fighter among you?" he asked.

The people looked confused for a while but then an old man looked up from his kneeling position.

"Oh Supreme One. There's only one boy with the qualities you speak of, he is known as Arthur Dayne. He is the first sword of the empire."


A 6 feet tall boy about 25 years old, dark hair with violet eyes and fair skin came running to him and kneeled.

"Stand up child, I grant this greatsword called 'Dawn' to you. You will wield it and lead the fighters to fight the long night. From now on, you will be called Arthur Dayne, the sword of the morning. You are the hero, the Azor Ahai."

Arthur took the sword and kneeled on the ground once again with his sword pointed into the ground and both his hands on its hilt.

Alexander then put his palm on Arthur's head. "You have my blessings"

As he said those words, the sword started burning with red fire. All the people around gasped and once again started chanting prayers and the name of their new hero.

"All of you must be hungry" he waved his hands and a huge wooden pot filled with stew appeared near him. With another wave, a huge basket filled with bread appeared. Another wave and a wooden plate appeared in the hands of every person there.

Considering that there were about a million people there, he made many more huge pots and baskets appear at every 100-meter distance.

"As long as the Long Night is here, you will get stew and bread from that basket and pot. Each of you is allowed to eat 3 times a day. The day the long night will be defeated, the basket, the pot, and all the plates will disappear along with me. From that day onwards, you will work hard and build the city once again and start a new life. The granaries will be filled to their limit when I leave. It's on you how you use it. However, fear not, I am not abandoning you. I'll always be watching, I am everywhere"

"Arthur, tell the soldiers to maintain public order and then come to me at the border of the grey waste." He ordered.

"Yes, supreme one. I will fulfill the command," Arthur stiffly replied.

Alexander left the place and went to the grey waste.


"If I knew that those icemen would do this. I would have helped them sooner." Alexander said to himself.


24 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

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