78. Schemers

1 month later. Alexander officially returned back to Westeros. Although the journey from Asshai to Westeros normally took a year because you needed to follow the wind patterns. But it was widely known that North's Iron Warships were very fast and could ignore the wind patterns.

Alexander walked down from Yamato Warships in Norgold. Seeing the busy city and working people really makes his heart elated. He took pride in the fact that he made the lives of so many people better.

Brandon came to greet him on the Gold Harbour.

"Haha... How are you my boy, haven't seen you in a while" Alexander gave him a hug.

"Well, It was you who gave me such a big city to run. But on the good side, now I and Ned get to sit together and bitch about our work like some rich fat lords." Brandon joked.

"Haha... Good to see you still haven't lost that jolly nature. How's Ashara?" He asked.

"Haha... She's good. My little Alexandra will soon have another brother or sister. I've sent her to Winterfell, she'll have company there," he embarrassingly said.

"Good, good. The wolf pack is getting bigger and bigger. May God forever keep the pack safe." Alexander said.

"Wait, aren't you a god?" Brandon whispered.

"Hah I am, but my father is unquantifiably stronger than me. So for me, he's the god." Alexander said, blowing Brandon's mind with the new information.

Soon Brandon matched Alexander, "By the way, uncle. I've successfully bought the land from various lords for the project 'WORM'. Everyone except Boltens have sold the land and signed off the deeds."

"Good. Grab all the smallfolks from the territories of Lord Bolton. Those poor people don't deserve to live under a lord like that," he said.

"Alright, I'll be going to Winterfell now. See you at the Lord's meeting." He said and got on his dirt bike that he spawned from the cheat code. By now, all the roads in the north had been perfected. Many new small towns had been formed beside those roads.

He zoomed through the road on the bike. While on the bike, he had the idea of introducing bicycles and cargo tricycles. It would greatly help people for traveling and transporting things to short distances. For long distances, the Project 'WORM' would help. He was going to start the project after facing whatever the various lords were planning against him. He wasn't dumb enough to not use the vast amount of spies in his service. He knew that many suspicious things were happening in some places.

Gates of Winterfell castle were wide open for Alexander. As soon as he entered, he saw a big line of people waiting for him. Brandon, Anna, Elina. They also had little ones in their arms. It was Rina who ran to him first.

"Hahaha... Come here," he grabbed her and put her on his shoulders.

"How have you been sweety?" he asked.

"Very good, dearest Grandpa," she politely replied.

"Why are you acting so formal, what did you do?" Alexander got interested.

"Ummm... N-Nothing" she softly replied.

"Ahem..." Lyanna decided to speak. Also trying to hold her laughter.

"Our lovely Rina was learning how to hold a sword this morning with Benjen. She mistakenly pricked his butt." She said.

"HAHAHAHA... Our young wolf got injured by the small desert dragon" Alexander roared in laughter. Though only they could hear his last words.

"Hahaha..." Lyanna also started laughing.

"Come on, be a little mature," Benjen complained.

"Those words don't suit you Benjen. You have visited nearly every woman in every pleasure house in the North." Lyanna retorted.

"Come on, I was doing health checkups. Besides, I am not that kind of man" Benjen huffed and crossed his arms.

"Here, take this. Consider it a gift" Dobby suddenly handed the small Pendrive to Benjen.

Alexander recognized it and somehow controlled his laughter.

"What's in this?" Benjen asked.

"Look at it in private," Dobby warned and then went on to pick up the other 3 children. Dobby was equally as favorite of Eric, Alexandra, and Jon as Alexander. Dobby mostly spends his time with them when he's in Winterfell.

"I can feel a new wolf in his way, Ashara. He's healthy and happy." Alexander said.

"Oh, thank you, uncle." She embarrassingly replied.

"Alright, let's go in and eat something. By the way, did you hear any word from Kreed and Bronn in King's Landing?" He asked Elina.

"They have done quite a good job and are currently on their way back. The whole Flea bottom has been rebuilt, and the sewer system is also in perfect condition. Robert really liked the 3 men(Godroids) you sent to help him. He even appointed one as the Master of Law. One is the Commander of City Watch and the Last one is managing the city administration with Jon Arryn." She briefed. She had really turned into a full-fledged secretary.

"Good, good. I hope all this is not too much work for you Elina. You must enjoy yourself sometimes." He advised.

"Not really, most things are easy. The Godroids you gave me have been very helpful too. I am also happy with my life. I get to spend a lot of time with my family too." She said she wasn't just including Eric and Rina as her family. But the whole Stark house.

"Haha... Very good. What about our treasuries? How much have we made from the initial 10 million?" He asked.

"We have done very well, uncle. We are currently at a steady rate of income. We're earning more than we're spending. Currently, we have 75 million dragons in our account. We have increased our initial funds by 7.5 times." She proudly declared. She was sure that they were already the richest house in Westeros. This was all even without counting all the money still lying in the big Vault.

"That is amazing my child. I am going to start phase 2 soon. I know I said we'll do it after some time but the things I saw in my travels. I want to increase our working speed so we can help more people. Anyway, any message for me?" He asked.

"Yes, there are 2. Catelyn recently gave birth to a daughter. They named her Sansa Stark. Ned wanted you to meet her. Then there is a personal letter from Hoster Tully. He has invited you to the marriage of his son/heir with some cousin of Lord Bolton. Hoster Tully is also taking another wife. It's some girl from House Frey. He wants you to attend the wedding at the Twins with family in 3 months, he says that it will strengthen the relationship between North and Riverlands as Edmure Tully will be the next lord of Riverlands." She said.

As soon as Alexander heard that. Bells started ringing in his head and the bells were red in color. ~Are they trying to pull a red wedding on me?~

"Hmm, they really are desperate to kill me. Whatever, I'll still go to the wedding. If nothing happens then it's good, but if something happens, then I'll have the perfect and righteous reason to attack and expand." He said.

"What? Why would Hoster want to kill you? You are the one who helps him make money." Elina asked.

"Haha... My child, greed makes people do crazy things. Initially, Hoster thought that his daughter would become the wife of the next Warden of the north and his grandchildren would rule it someday. But then Brandon popped up again and he gave me the lordship. He still wants some control over the north through his daughter and grandsons, but I am sure the Boltons won't agree with that, so there must be something more in all this. Even more so now that we've become so rich. Everyone wants to rob and kill us these days. Haha," He explained.

"Thank god I am just a secretary, wait, you are the god. So thank you uncle," Elina said and chuckled.


Riverrun, Riverlands.

"How can you even think of doing this, brother? This is treason," Brynden 'Blackfish' Tully protested to his elder brother, Hoster Tully.

"I know and that's why I am not alone. The question is, are you in or not?" Hoster angrily asked.

"No, I will not be a part of this treachery. Not when I know your little scheme will fail. You have no idea about the might of the north. They will crush us like nothing and I know it. Starks has dozens of northern houses loyal to him. We don't even know the number of their soldiers yet. You should also not forget that Lord Ned Stark and Lord Alexander Stark are very close to the king. The Highgarden might as well support them. And don't forget the Iron Bank of Westeros," Brynden warned, but his words fell on deaf ears.

"You need to take risks to grow sometimes. What armies? What King? What Iron Bank? We'll kill all the starks in one single strike. Only Ned and his family will remain. I don't care if you agree or not. Things have already been set in motion. Even Catelyn has more brain than you, she agreed to all this" Hoster had an evil smirk as he said that.

"You all have turned mad. I will not speak of this to anyone, but I won't involve myself in this. I am leaving for Vale. I'll pray to god that you don't end up dead." Brynden walked away.


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