99. Pack Up

Alexander came to Yunkai, the city was famous for its bed slaves. They would force girls into prostitution from a small age and teach them various techniques to satisfy their clients. Death was the only option for the slave masters here too. Just like the cruel death, he gave to the slave masters of Astapor, he killed all the Slave masters there and handed the city over to his people.

His last stop, Meereen, was the biggest of the three cities. It was bigger than Astapor and Yunkai combined.

This was a city with various businesses. There were various big Pyramids of different colors occupied by different noble families. The city was ruled by the great masters. Members of the old slaving families. There were 15 families.

Then there were the fighting pits and the temple where various kinds of things happened. From healing to pleasure. The city was also deeply involved in the slave trade. Alexander knew that the only way to correct the clusterfuck of a city was by thoroughly cleaning it. The mentality of the nobles could never be changed. Not without using magic. But then again, they were involved in slaving. It was basically their culture. And such cultures were best to be removed.

But to his surprise, when he reached the big city, some slaves were already planning on revolting. He investigated and found a man named Leonel. He went and had a chat with him.

"How many of you are there?" He asked.

"All-father, we are blessed that you have come to us. I have gathered one thousand slaves who want freedom. I hail from Carcosa and am part of the order of free. My colleague Fransisco had told me how you liberated Qarth." Leonel respectfully said.

"Good. I have liberated Astapor and Yunkai as well. This is the final one," Alexander informed.

Leonel was surprised because he didn't receive any news about a fight breaking out there.

"I will deal with the Slave Masters. Then my people will come and organize the city and help the former slaves to adapt to the new life."

"Thank you, All-father. If it's you then we don't have to worry." Leonel bowed.

"Haha... Get up my boy. You are doing a good job."

Alexander then used accio to gather all the slavers in the city and passed his judgment. All of them except 2 deserved death. The two that he did let live were also made to sign a lifelong contract to be a good citizen.

After he was done, he notified Dobby and Leonel. In a few days, the Slavers Bay would be officially renamed Freedom Bay.

"Hey there, little Missendei. Do you know about the Dothrakis?" He asked her.

"Ummm... They steal from people?" She said, not sure if she was right.

"Yes, my child. You are correct. We will be going to meet them now." Alexander announced and flew up in the air.

~Dothraki also ate the Apple of knowledge so they should also have grown a little bit in mind.~ he thought.

Because of the changes brought by Alexander, the Dothraki weren't as violent as in the show or books. They didn't kill for no reason and only stole. They were still very powerful people though. Now instead of them being divided into various Khals, they had a practice of electing a new Khal King by fighting.

Alexander went straight into their main city. Vaes Dothrak. It was a big city but the buildings were made of wood and mud. Very primitive.

He landed in front of the biggest building in the city which was probably the residence of the Khal King. Khal Drogo from the show was still very young and hadn't even become a Khal yet. But the boy was still tall and strong.

The Khal King was named Khal Naek. Alexander's god status made everything easier as no matter which community or which religion. Everyone recognized Alexander as one true god.

He told them about his plan on including them in his World Federation and upgrading their city to becoming like a modern one. He also told them his plans on bringing the train to Essos as well. The Khal King was happy with all the things his people would get. In the end, Alexander ended up becoming the new Khal King by the agreement of all the Khals. He still let Khal Naek act like a governor. In the meantime, his people would come to the city and change things.

Then Alexander flew to Braavos. To meet Daenerys and Ragnarok.

Little Dany was playing in the courtyard under the Lemon trees. She had been living a fulfilling and happy life without any worries. Ragnarok kept Viserys at bay so she never faced the bullying.

It was just another playful day for her. Playing with the various plushie dolls was the favorite pass time of her. But suddenly she heard a thud from behind her. She looked around and saw the person she had been hearing about for so long. She had heard the stories about the All-father and had seen pictures.

"Glanpa?" She cutely voiced.

Alexander was surprised that she straight up called him Grandpa and was feeling just like he did when he met Rina for the first time. The little chubby girl was too cute.

"Haha... Yes, little Dany. I am grandpa. Come here." He went ahead and gave her a hug. She also happily returned it.

Then he waved his hand and a mountain of plushie toys came in front of her. She looked at them with stars in her eyes. Alexander also noticed the envy in Missendei's eyes.

"Little Dany, meet Missendei. Would you like to be her friend?" He asked.

Missendei and Daenerys were nearly the same age. 3-4 years old. Both of them looked at each other for a while. Then suddenly Dany walked to her and hugged her.

"Flends," she said.

"All these toys are for you two. Where is your Grandpa Ragnarok, Dany?" Alexander asked.

Daenerys thought for a bit and replied, "umm, inside?"

"Haha... Okay, I'll find him. You go and have fun." Alexander ruffled their hair.

"Hey... Fat dragon. Come out," Alexander walked into the house.

But instead of Ragnarok, Ser Willem Darry came out. The knight had grown fat now. "Who dares to call me fat."

Willem Darry quickly fell to his knees. "Ah... All-father. Ragnarok had said that you'd be coming. Sorry for disrespecting you."

"Haha... It's alright, son. You did a good job all these years." Alexander replied and quickly healed the man's joint pain and bad eyes.

Feeling the change, Willem quickly knelt down again. But then Ragnarok came out.

"Haha... Get up fatty. You look like a ball when kneeling," he told Willem. They probably had formed a good brotherly relationship all this time living together.

"Haha... How are you Ragnarok? Where's the other boy?" Alexander asked.

"Greetings All-father. The boy's inside. I was teaching him High Valyrian."

"Good, it's time to go back to Westeros now. Let's have them meet their niece and nephews." Alexander said.

"Really? I can go and see my family too? Finally, the time has come." Willem interjected.

Alexander nodded. "Yes, pack your stuff and get ready. I will be going to the house of Black and White for a while first."

"Yes, All-father.I'll quickly prepare."

"Ragnarok, there's another girl with Dany in the courtyard. Take care of her too for a while will you."

"You got it, boss." Ragnarok walked to the courtyard with a big smile. He probably liked playing with Dany too.


"Valar Morghulis" Jaqen H'ghar greeted him at the door of his temple.

"Valar Dohaeris, my boy. How are you?" He asked.

"We are receiving fewer contracts these days because of you bringing peace. To us, this means that we have done a good job. Less bad men is good for the world." He said in his monotonous voice.

"Yes, soon. This word will not require the services of the house of Black and white." Alexander said.

Jaqen H'ghar looked at his face. Not knowing what he'll do next. He had spent all his life in the service of the temple after all.

"Now, no need to be worried, son. I have two options for you. One, I disband the temple and you all can go and live a normal life, or second, you can follow me to other worlds and help me purify them. Though I will have to give you some new training in warfare and technology."

"We will follow All-father. We would love to serve you in bringing your light to other worlds." Jaqen replied without even thinking.

"Hahaha... good, son. Then I'll teleport this house of black and white to Phixheim. It's my world where pure beings live. You will live there and train there. Recall all the faceless men back." He ordered.

Jaqen nodded and left for work. Alexander could feel that Jaqen was secretly excited.

~Ah, they would make the best spy and infiltration department. I should create some super-soldier serum too.~ Alexander thought.


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *GOD, MATTERS!* and *Joakim Jönsson*.

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