103. A threat to the World


Ned's third daughter. His first child from his new wife. Named Arya, 7-year-old, was exploring the Stark Crypts.

For some reason, she heard someone calling her. She followed the voice and came to the deepest level of the Crypts. Then she walked to a wall and just stood there.

"Touch the wall" a whisper came.

She was about to touch the wall but Brandon stopped her.

"Arya. What are you doing?" He asked.

"Uncle, there is someone inside. She asked me to touch the wall." She innocently said.

Brandon looked at the wall and felt cold. The whole corner was really cold.

~I should tell uncle about this.~ he thought.


Some hours later, Alexander came to Winterfell to check what Brandon told him about. He went straight to the deepest floor of the crypt. He also heard a voice telling him to touch the wall.

~Well, there's no harm in trying~ he put his hand on the wall.

Suddenly the wall lit up and little by little the bricks moved away, making a big door.

He entered and saw a path leading down. The more he walked down the colder the surroundings got. After one point the steps and wall turned into ice.

Soon he found himself in a big hall. All made of ice. Even though the place was so deep underground there was somehow light. At the center of the hall, a big throne-like chair was placed. On which a female figure was sitting.

Just then Alexander felt like a memory resurfaced in his mind. A memory that made him feel complete again.


7500 BC, Age of Heroes

13th Lord Commander of Night's Watch

500 years after the wall was built, people had slowly started to forget about the long night that had come to pass. The 13th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Brandon Stark, found a woman beyond the wall. Her skin was as white as the moon and eyes like blue stars.

The Lord Commander quickly fell in love with her and had a union. It really was love, but for others it was unholy.

Later the Lord commander brought his wife to castle Nightfort which was the main castle of Night's Watch at that time and declared himself the King and her the Queen of the wall.

He ruled for 13 years. When Brandon the Breaker, the King of Winter and Joramun, the King Beyond-the-wall found out. They teamed up and destroyed the reign of the Night's King.

Brandon Stark, Night's king, was slain. Later it was found that he was offering orphaned children to the White Walkers. But in reality, he was just helping the White Walkers to maintain their population.

Brandon the Breaker when found out that the Night's Queen was pregnant with a Stark Child. He secretly brought her to Winterfell and hid her in the deepest part of the Crypts. Where she later gave birth to a healthy boy with magical abilities. The boy was a warg and had a very high tolerance for cold. Brandon the Breaker named the boy a Stark and raised him as his son. The Night's Queen, seeing her existence as unneeded, locked herself inside the Crypts.

Brandon the Breaker later died without any real heir and the mantle of the King of Winter finally fell into the hand of the son of Night's King and Night's Queen. He was called Brandon the Cold.

The whole current Stark generation was a descendant of a union between a Stark and an Iceman/White Walker.

[Memory ends]

~So that's why the Starks have such a high tolerance to cold.~ he mumbled and walked to the Night's Queen.

"God-king." She quickly got up from her seat.

"You have been calling for people. Did you want to go out?" He asked.

"Thank you for coming. No, I wasn't planning on getting out, but I sensed him. He is coming to attack. I also couldn't feel my people. This world is in danger, God-king." She quickly spoke with a horror-filled face.

"Easy there, your people are safe. I sent them to a place where they could live freely. Now tell me who's going to attack?" Alexander asked.

"R'hllor and his minions. There is a legend that us Icemen and those Fire demons were at war once. In the end, we won but only could make them run back to their fire moon. Then you destroyed that moon when they tried to attack. We thought that they were dead but no. I can feel them. He's coming with his army." She explained.

"Hmm... Is R'hllor a mortal or a demon?" Alexander asked. He wasn't sure now if R'hllor was an original demon from hell or a mortal turned demon.

"He's a demon. Though he was once a mortal, after practicing dark magic for so long he became a demon. My brother, Hegor, and I have heard of these stories since we were children. You must do something God-king." She pleaded.

"I will save the world, child. No need to worry. You should go back to Hegor. He'll be happy to see you again." Alexander sent her to Frostheim.

~No wonder the world's purity had been stuck to 70% for the past 5 years.~ he thought.

"Dobby, call a war meeting. Threat level Ragnarok," Alexander sent a message.


In King's Landing.

All the main people responsible for the working of the federation were present.

"Alright, I have just received the news that R'hllor, the lord of light is a demon and had been living on an obliterated moon in the sky. He has amassed an army of fire demons as well.

They are going to attack the realm. I will fight them but you must also keep all the defenses up. We don't know what or what his minions look like. They might start attacking the world when I am fighting their leader, though I will try to deal with them before I start fighting R'hllor. Spread the message that all people are to stay in their homes. Tell them about what's coming. Tell them that All-father will save them." Alexander briefed the people.

"When will they be coming, All-father?" Tyrion asked.

"I don't know. That is why I am taking the fight to them. Dobby, you can stay here and help. Tell all 1000 Elves to stay ready to fight. I will leave in an hour. Now move." He ordered.

The people dispersed to do their duties. Only Alexander, Dobby, and Tyrion were left.

"Good luck, Boss," Dobby said.

"Haha... You know I am unkillable, Dobby. Let's see what this R'hllor has. I had told him to stay away from the realm but he didn't listen to my advice. Now I will treat him like any other demon." He replied.

"I'll pray fo..." Tyrion stopped mid-sentence.

"Argh... You are the god so I don't know whom to pray"

"Haha... It's fine. I have all the blessings I'd ever need. Now I need to inform my lovely wife too or else she'll get angry," Alexander said and popped into the tower of knowledge. Olivia had taken the mantle of the director of the health education department. After all, she was a military doctor.

"Hey, Oli. I need to have a word with you. It's an emergency" he dragged her out of the class.

"What happened, dear?" She asked.

"You know, there's a demon called R'hllor and he has amassed an army and wants to attack this planet so I need to go to the moon and fight him before he comes here." He explained her in as simple words as possible.

"... What?"

"Ah, there's a bad gu..."

"I know what you said, Alex. Will you be alright?" She worriedly asked.

"Yea, my dear. I am unkillable. Literally." He reassured her.

"Then I wish you luck. Do you want me to help somewhere?" She asked. Over the past 15 years, Alexander has helped her learn magic and has brought her to the Supreme Magi level.

"I don't know. Dobby and the elves are on standby though. I have also created more Godroids and stationed them in each town and city." He said.

"Good, I'll be on standby too then. Go defeat him, my man," she punched him in the chest.

Alexander smiled ear to ear and popped away.

He flew into the sky and looked for the blasted moon. He orbited around the planet and didn't find anything. Then he widened his area of scanning. After hours of searching, at last, he found it out of orbit. He could see that most of its part was gone. A big spherical empty place was also there which he guessed had the core.

He flew to it with his battle armor on. He didn't know how strong R'hllor was so he stayed alert.

He found out that there was nothing on the surface. There was a big tunnel leading inside which was probably where the party was. He entered it and went deeper and deeper.

With each passing meter, he could feel the temperature rising. After god knows how long he saw a light. As he reached the end, he came into a huge fiery chamber.

In the middle was a fire throne on which R'hllor was sitting. Around him, thousands and thousands of fire demons were standing.

"Welcome, God-son. I knew you would come." R'hllor spoke in his demonic voice.

"I am not very happy about seeing you. I told you to stay away from the realm. Tell me. What's your big plan?" He mocked.

"My plan is simple. You have something that belongs to me. Give it and I will not unleash my army on the realm of men. Refuse and everyone dies." R'hllor threatened.


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30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *GOD, MATTERS!* and *Joakim Jönsson*.

Thank you for your support!