113. Found Him

Alexander looked at the transmission and started laughing loudly, grabbing the attention of all the soldiers.

"Hahaha... Boys, the Germans are going crazy that I caught such a high ranking Nazi of theirs. They have ordered to secure the commander at any cost. I guess we'll have to make the new holding cells a bit bigger now." He mocked. Making everyone laugh again. The men had a general consensus now that Alexander was the best fricking commander in the world. Cool, talented, funny, and badass. Many of them were trying to copy his style of sunglasses and cigars.


The next day

Hitler's little cottage in the mountains.

"How the f*ck can you lose to an army of no more than 30,000. You had 100,000 men, planes, and ships. What kind of mad joke are you playing on me?" Hitler shouted with his saliva throwing style.

"Sir, they have somehow gained bigger weapons. Including many anti-aircraft guns." Keitel reasoned.

"F*cking resistance must have done it. But still... you had 100,000 men. You also lost the f*cking commander and the vice commander."

Keitel had to agree that it was really crazy how they lost. Then he suddenly had a great idea.

"My Fuhrer, what if we tell Schmidt to supply his new weapons to our army this time? He's been rambling that his weapons can win us war for quite some time. I think this is time he repays all the investment you put into his ambitions." He suggested.

Hitler thought for a while and smiled, "Yes, you are right. It's time Schmidt proved his usefulness. Send the order with my direct seal to him. I want that island under Reich's control by the end of this week." He commanded.

"It will be done, My Fuhrer." Keitel relaxed, thinking that he dodged the bullet. But then the damn one ball man spoke.

"Keitel, your 2 months salary will be cut for this incompetence," Hitler said and left.

~Fu*king little shit, I'll bring a girl with herpes to his chamber for his wild night this Sunday, he deserves it.~ Keitel cursed internally.

"3 months because you cursed me in your mind." Hitler walked back in and left again.

~let's make it Herpes and AIDS both.~


Swiss Alps, Hydra Base

"Haha, they can't even take over a small island and they think about ruling the world." Schmidt mockingly laughed.

"What is it, sir?" Zola asked.

"Hitler wants me to use our new weapons to take over Crete. They have already lost 100,000 soldiers and the commander to 30,000 allied troops there. Shameful. Zola, prepare a batch of new energy guns and send hundred of our soldiers under commander Hans' command." He ordered. Zola quickly left the room to prepare.

Schmidt stood up and looked out of the window. At the snow-covered Alps. "So the time has come"


United States

Howard had been receiving a weird transmission for some days. He had already guessed that they were coded encryptions. He tried to break it but it only resulted in meaningless words. Then after some days, he found that every new transmission had a different rule. It produces a different set of words with the previous method of decryption.

Not long after he found that it was the Enigma machine. He also knew that a guy named Alan Turing was working on breaking this machine in London. So he did what any reasonable man would do. He packed his bags and flew to London to help the noobs break the code.

No one stopped him either. At least it was diverting his mind from Alexander's disappearance. They were also happy that he was helping in breaking enigma, it was really a pain in the ass to the allied forces.


Alexander waited for the attack and he was honestly surprised when the Germans started shooting bluish energy weapons. So, he went all out and killed all the Hydra people. They were just a burden on the earth. He did keep their leader alive. SSR would have fun making him speak. He had searched his mind and found some things about their base. The man also had a poison tooth which he took out.

They again had caught 40,000 men. Also the new weapons. Their small island was impenetrable. But then a question came to his mind and he went to talk with Lieutenant General Freyberg.

"Hey, Freyberg, why haven't I heard anything from the British High command these days? They should have already come to permanently fortified this island." He asked.

"But you are the commander, shouldn't you be sending the reports?" He replied.

"Damnit" Alexander facepalmed himself. What kind of war were they fighting, his soldiers had gone so easygoing these days.

"Alright, I'll send the report. Lil Chin, Come here." He called.

Immediately a voice came from behind him "Yes Boss?"

"Goddammit," Alexander cursed.

"What's wrong with all you people." He shook his head.

"Tell the communications guys to send a report to the British High command," he ordered. Unknown to him, what kind of f*ck up his men were going to make.


1 week later.


Howard had reached the place many days ago. He was helping the noobs make a computer. He already knew how to make it but didn't use that knowledge as much. As it was given to him by Alexander. He just kept the level of technology to the original of what the Turing guy was planning. The only one who was not a noob out of all the others.

Noob was Howard's new favorite word. Now it was so easy to curse at brainless people without offending them. He just named the other people working on the project, Noob 1, Noob 2, and so on. Only Alan Turing had the honor of being called by name.

Howard's help proved to be instrumental in the machine's creation. And the first thing he did was decode the message.

"What's this code?" Alan asked.

"I don't know, I've been receiving this for weeks." He replied while inputting the values in the machine. Soon the various parts started moving.

Howard anxiously looked at the turning wheels. Then it stopped.

He took the decoding order and decoded the message.

"Pops ain't dead yet," he read that out aloud.

"YES... HELL YEAH... HAHAHA," He started to madly jump.

"The old man's still alive. Hahaha," Howard had watery eyes.

"Who is this old man?" Alan asked with interest.

Howard enthusiastically replied "Major General Universe. He's been missing for many weeks. We all thought he died."

"What? Did he create a machine to break the code?" Alan asked, thinking that his invention wasn't the first.

"No, he probably just used his crazy brain to break each new algorithm. Yes, he's beyond human understanding. Don't fret about it. It took me years to accept that he is way more intelligent than me." Howard patted his shoulders.

Alan was just contemplation about the monster who can break the enigma code in mind.


A British army officer came into the hall, "Mr. Howard Stark, you are being asked for by the Military High Command. They said they might have a clue for whereabouts of the General Universe."

The words of the officers made him jump in excitement.

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go. Wait, hey Alan. Take this and come to my company. You'd be absolutely cared for in my company and no one will judge you either" his last words were only understood by Alan.

Being homosexual was a crime in those days and Alan had been hiding it for a long time now. But there was always a risk of getting caught.

"Thank you, I will think about it." He replied.


In the war room. Many big shots were sitting. Surprisingly, Winston Churchill was also there. It made Howard wonder what the matter was.

"Alright, gentlemen, we just received a report directly from Crete Island for some reason. We weren't expecting much but the details were so crazy that I had to convene this meeting.

Reports have suggested that the 32,000 men who went to Crete Island have defended it well. But the main news is that all this was done under the command of Major General Universe, who had washed up on the island some weeks ago after his plane was shot down. Lieutenant General Bernard C. Freyberg had also delighted his command to General Universe.

Reports have suggested that they have managed to defeat the Germans multiple times. They currently hold 140,000 German soldiers as prisoners. Including the German commander Kurt Student and his adjutant. They have also secured 350 German boats and ships still in good condition.

Moreover, they reported that because of the ingenious command and tactics of the General Universe, the allied forces have faced zero deaths." Boom, the words fell to everyone's ears like bombs. White kind of mad man was this General Universe, they thought.

But there was one man madly laughing, "HAHAHAHA...YES, Only he would do something crazy like this." Howard boomed.

"Sir, what should we do now?" A senior officer asked the prime minister.

"Do you still need to ask me? Bloody go there and secure the island. The Americans have already done such help to us without even asking and without them even officially being in the war. They all must be tired now, move as fast as you can. I am sure Roosevelt must have sent his forces too to bring their prized general back home." Churchill spoke in his weird non-understandable accent.

"Take me too," Howard demanded.

"You sure, Kid?" Churchill asked.

"Yes, even if you deny it I'll find my way somehow," Howard straightforwardly said.

"Haha... okay then. But if you die, it's not on me." The overweight man left the room.



Alexander was sitting in his office on the island boredly. So he decided to go out and check what his soldiers were doing. He turned invisible and headed out.

The first place he went to was the open field across the office building. He saw a soldier taking a crate of beer somewhere. Then suddenly another man in civilian clothes came to the soldier.

Civilian: Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find General universe?

Soldier(stopped whistling) - Sure, you see that building. Head straight in, take the stairs to 1st floor, turn left and 2nd door to the right. You'll find him there.

Invisible Alexander was going crazy listening to the stupidity, ~What the hell, give him my bank details too while you're at it. You gave my location up so easily.~ he cursed

Then alexander went to a watch post and found 4 soldiers sitting on the ground, drinking and eating. Alexander used his magic to make one of them ask a question.

Soldier 1: Hey, Why have we become so lazy and easygoing these days? It feels like we're not at war.

Soldier 2: Well, that is because General Universe is Invincible. Did you see him shooting planes with his f*cking revolver?

Soldier 3: Yes, He's also very cool and badass.

Soldier 4: Yes, very handsome and sexy.

The other 3 looked at him. Soldier 4 suddenly realized what he said but to his surprise.

"""Yeah""" all other agreed.

Soldier 1: If I was a girl, I'd surely have hots for him.

Soldier 2: You're right man. Me too.

Soldier 3: A man like him deserves all the hot chicks in the world.

Soldier 4: Man, I wish I was a hot chick.

Again everyone looked at him.

Soldier 3: I'm sure general doesn't swing that way, Soldier 4.

Alexander just facepalmed him listening to their brain cells killing talks and went back to his office. ~I'm afraid the future of this world is shrouded in darkness~


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *GOD, MATTERS!* and *Joakim Jönsson*.

Thank you for your support!