129. Hell


Dobby quickly helped mend Michael's wounds. Michael was unconscious the whole time so he waited for him to wake up before informing Alexander. Olivia was there too.

"Ah... " Michael slowly woke up.

"Easy, your wounds aren't fully healed yet. I was able to remove the dark energy from your wounds so it should heal in a couple of days." Dobby spoke.

"What? Who are you to be able to do that?" Michael asked.

"I am Dobby, a high elf," he replied.

"No wonder, your magic must be very pure. Where is God-son?" He inquired.

"He's currently out exploring the Universe. Though we can go to him if you are okay with that." He suggested.

"Then please, take me. I need his help."

Dobby nodded and stood up. He telepathically sent Alexander some words and soon a pink door appeared in front of him.

"Olivia, are you coming with us?" Dobby asked.

"Yes, let's go. Amy must be missing me." She was already ready with her bag.

"Alright, Michael. Follow me" Dobby opened the door and went inside.

Michael first looked at it and assessed the magical door. He couldn't imagine how it could take them to God-son in space.


Alexander was sitting in his office in Finta when he received Dobby's message. It was a small reminder to him that he was in MCU. Even if you don't look for trouble, trouble will still find you.

The door opened and Olivia, Dobby, and the winged angelic person came out of it.

"How are you Dobby?" He hugged his friend.

"Haha, all fine, boss. But we have some pressing matters for now." He gestured at Michael.

"Yes, yes, good to meet you Michael" he shook the angel's hand.

"Likewise, God-son. You must help me put Lucifer back in hell," he seriously spoke. Michael was an angel in the service of God. Even if he was just the iteration of Marvel universe he still knew who Godson was. Not just him, all other major Angels and Gods knew about him.

[A/N: Just think of it as a shared consciousness. We know that some God characters in Marvel exist in countless numbers of other universes, e.g Supernatural show. This implies that all the major multiverse Angels and Gods know about the existence of God-son]

Suddenly Alexander's armor appeared on his body, "Let's go then."

"Haha, thank you." Michael laughed.

"Dobby, are you coming?" Alexander asked.

Dobby stretched his shoulders "Yes, boss. About time I do some exercise."

"I am going too," Hela came in.

"Haha, sure. Don your armor and get ready. Michael, how do we get to hell?" He inquired.

"Hell exists in the lower dimension of earth. There are hundreds of these lower dimensions with each having its own hell lord. Lucifer is one of them." Michael explained.

"So, do you want me to kill him?" Alexander asked.

"No, don't kill him. It would disrupt the balance of power. We need to stop his attack on the Mortal realm and seal back the path he found."

"Alright then. Go to that door, think about a place in Hell you think it would be safe to appear and open the door."

Michael did as asked, he opened the door. Alexander could see the red world on the other side.

"Let's go"

All 4 entered the hell. Alexander quickly put away the anywhere door.

"Remember, Lucifer is strongest when here. So be prepared for anyt..." Michael couldn't even finish speaking when suddenly he was attacked by what looked like a mix of cockroaches and a snake.

Alexander swiftly cut the thing, "It's you who need to be careful. You are still recovering. Stay behind me." He ordered.

Then they flew deeper into the Hell, leaving a bloody path behind. The place was infested with various kinds of ugly species.

Soon the man of the hour also appears and tangled them in a battle.

"Hahaha, God-son. Who would have thought I'd see you so early? Here I was planning to break out and find you. To suck your power. Haha, Michael, Michael... You so foolishly did as I wanted you to. You have my deepest thanks." Lucifer devilishly smiled.

"Hmm, as scheming as you would expect a hell lord to be. What gives you such confidence that you can beat me?" Alexander amusingly asked.

"Haha, because I have the blessing of Dormammu." Lucifer took out a black orb thing and broke it. Suddenly a dark cloud came out and attached to Lucifer's body like an armor.

"Argh, this might be problematic," Alexander muttered.

"You guys keep the area around me clear. I'll deal with him." He spoke and got serious.

"Let's get this over with, Lucifer," he dashed.

Lucifer also dashed at the same time. He had a long black spear in his hand while Alexander had his long dragon Slayer Sword.


Their weapons collided and created a loud boom, breaking the sound barrier. Alexander could feel he was using his one hundred percent physical strength, and it was his weakest aspect.

"Quite strong you are, God-son, but If that's the limit then you are unlucky." Lucifer smiled.

Alexander had to change his battle tactics and focus on using more magic.

They went for another round of sword exchange. Lucifer slashed towards him and Alexander ducked and stabbed at his stomach.

Lucifer anticipated and moved back "No no no, this won't do, God-son."

Alexander suddenly felt something on his cheek. He touched it and saw his blood. It had been so long since he had bled in a fight. And to his surprise, his blood wasn't red anymore. It was golden.

Alexander started to loudly laugh "Hahaha... Finally, someone who could make me bleed. But if you think this is my limit. Then you are in for a show"

Alexander summoned thousands of dragons made of Frostfyre and the fiery red hot Hell started to turn into an icy land.

Then behind Alexander appeared millions of shining swords, hovering in mid-air like they were his extra hands.

"Your first mistake was to seek me, your second mistake was to become Dormammu's pawn and your last mistake was to think you could defeat me." Alexander hovered in mid-air. The Frostfyre was still wreaking havoc around.

Lucifer's eye twitched. Realizing that he might not be able to defeat him.

Suddenly a demonic voice came from the armor covering Lucifer. "I knew you can't do it. You doubt and will be defeated."

"What, No. That's not what we agreed on. You can't do this. Leave my body," Lucifer shouted.

"Too late," the voice replied.

The black armor started expanded and swallowed Lucifer. Now there was a new demonic face in the armor.

"Dormammu, I presume?" Alexander asked.

"This realm is mine, now." Dormammu proclaimed.

*Sigh* Alexander slowly started to put away all his swords like the battle was already over.

"You know, Dormammu. Among many of my abilities, I had this one which granted me a million times comprehension. Which simply means that I am very smart."

"Stop talking and fight" Dormammu got agitated, sensing something bad was gonna happen.

"Haha, cool down. So, you should know that you and the dimension where you are from is made up of Dark Energy, right? This means that it's just another form of energy. So, what if I had a way to convert that dark energy into the energy I use?"

In a split second, Alexander took out Apec. As soon as it sensed Dormammu, it started to suck in the Dark Energy and converted it into his magical energy.

"NO,..." That's all Dormammu's small shadow could say before it was fully sucked into the Apec. Though this was not the end of him as the real Dormammu was still alive in his own dimension.

Soon Lucifer was seen laying on the ground, growling in pain. Alexander slowly walked to him and pinned his sword on his neck.

"Still want to fight?"

Lucifer suddenly realized what kind of mess he was in. So he pleaded, "Oh Supreme God-son, please don't kill me. I'm sure a being of your caliber could let this small one go?"

"You are really shameless," Michael commented.

Alexander took out a blood contract and threw it on Lucifer's face. "Sign it or die"

Lucifer comically took out his reading glasses from god knows where and read it carefully.

He lightly mumbled each sentence, "... I will not harm any being living beyond my hell dimension in any way. I will answer to God-son's command whenever called for..."

"This is cruelty... Slavery...how can y..." The sword touched his neck.

"Sign it or die," Alexander repeated.

"Alright alright, let me get my pen" he tried to stand up.

"With your blood, Lucifer."

"Ah, okay" Lucifer surrendered.

Lucifer stamped his thumb on the paper and signed it. But then he received a kick to his ass.

"Do you take me for a fool. I saw you killing that insect behind you and using its blood."


Alexander made a small cut on Lucifer's face. "Use that."

"Ah, jeez... Okay," Lucifer touched his own blood and put a thumbprint. Soon the contract and Lucifer's body shined in white light.

Alexander quickly took the contract and put it in his space pocket.

Lucifer stood up and asked, "So we're a team now, Boss? What do we do?"

"Nothing, you will stay here. If you get bored then go to earth and have some fun. Drink, play, or whatever. But remember, if you break any clause in the contract, you will die," he warned.

"What, really? Finally, I'll be able to drink again. Any good bars you recommend, Boss?" Lucifer inquired. Alexander was seriously contemplating where Lucifer's confidence came from.

Dobby quickly walked forward and handed him a business card for his Westeros Bar. "Come to my bar called Westeros. You can not find anywhere on Earth of what I sell"

"Woah, bold claims, elf. I'll surely come"


Alexander knocked on Lucifer's head, "His name is Dobby. Disrespecting him is as good as disrespecting me. Let's go, everyone. Our work is done here."

Michael and Hela looked a bit exhausted from their fight with the endless horde of demons. Alexander took out his anywhere door and went back to Finta.

"Bye-bye, Guys. Please come again," Lucifer waved.

Soon the door closed and it disappeared.

"S*IT" Lucifer cursed.

[You can see Lucifer on Illustration channel of my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *GOD, MATTERS!* and *Joakim Jönsson*.

Thank you for your support!