131. Buffed Up

Alexander looked at Howard the duck. He remembered that he also came there in the Endgame to beat Thanos from the future. Although he knew that Howard the duck had not a very good personality, at least he had some honor.

"Hey, collector. What about selling that duck to me?" Alexander suggested.

"Ummmm, I can but I'll need something of the same value in return" he thoughtfully replied.

"Hmm, how does a discount on Firewhiskey sound?"

"Oh, how much are we talking about?" Collector excitedly asked.

"For 6 months, at 30 percent less price," he proposed.

"I accept." Collector shook Alexander's hands, thinking that he'd buy all Firewhiskey possible in 6 months. Unknown to him that Alexander would blacklist him from the shops.

Collector walked to Duck's cage and opened it, "Get out, you. I've sold you. He's your owner now."

"Oh, so a new story begins for me." Howard the Duck jumped Down from the cage and walked to Alexander.

"I am thankful to you, kind sir." He gave a gentleman bow.

"Follow me, we'll talk later" Alexander walked and returned to Ironheim.

"So, where are we going, boss?" Howard asked.

"Nowhere, keep your debauchery in check and I might just send you back to your dimension. You will be working on my planet in the meantime." He ordered.

"Woah, you can send me back? Hmm, this is new. No one never said this to me." Howard mumbled.

"So, you gonna be a good boy or bad?"

"Good boy, sir." Howard saluted.

"Good, let's go then."

Alexander settled the Duck on Finta and went alone to brew his potion in Phixheim.


"Is everything prepared, Alfred?" Alexander walked into the lab.

"Nearly, boss. Now we only need a power source. The more powerful it is the better." Alfred suggested.

Alexander thought for a bit, "hmm, Power Stone has infinite energy. Nothing can be better than it as a power source."

"And I presume you know where it is?" Alfred asked.

"Absolutely, I'll go and get it," he replied and vanished.



Alexander came to the planet for the Power Stone. It was in the temple from where Peter Quill took it in the future.

He calmly walked into the temple. A simple Alohomora(Unlocking charm) opened the door. He straight-up walked in and took out the orb. The protection didn't burn him as he had covered his hand in Fiendfyre.

Honestly, Alexander was more interested in the orb. The same with Tesseract. The material which could hold an infinity stone couldn't be normal.

After getting it he again went back into Phixheim.

"Got it, Alfred."

"Nice, I've prepared the potion. The process is simple. Once you drink it, I will bombard your body with that energy. It will mutate your cells to become stronger without limit. Meaning that the more you train the stronger your body will get." Alfred briefly explained.

Alexander was optimistic, "Alright, let's do this."

He removed all his clothes and wore simple shorts.

"Lay down on the table, Boss" Alfred prepared all the machines. In the end, he took out the Infinity stone. To keep the power of the stone in check, they were using Apec to suck up all the extra energy.

"Let's hope this will be successful." Alexander sighed.

The potion wasn't a lot. Just a small injection. The real deal came after that, when that potion started flowing in the bloodstream and forcing the body to evolve.

Alfred quickly went to the Powerstone holder and brought it closer to Alexander. Soon Alexander's body started to absorb the energy from the stone. From the outside, not much change could be seen. But Alfred's high-tech machines were showing the molecular changes happening. His muscle density was crazily increasing.

But surprisingly, he didn't feel any pain. Maybe because of his magic.

"Boss, it's been an hour, do you feel anything? Like your will explode from overflowing energy?" Alfred worriedly asked.

"Wait, there was a risk of exploding?" Alexander questioned.

"A-Ah, yes... But does it matter? You are immortal after all," Alfred tried to justify.

"Well, you are right. But you should tell me stuff like that. Nobody likes exploding. And no, I don't feel anything. I can take in more energy." He replied.

"But your muscles have already reached the tensile strength of steel."

"Not enough, steel is pretty weak you know. Even Thor can put a dent on it." Alexander scoffed.

"Then what are you aiming for?" He asked.

"Something like Adamantium"

"But we don't know its tensile strength." He retorted.

"Exactly, so pour as much energy as you can." Alexander encouraged him.

"Umm, alright but if you explode, it's not on me," Alfred said, feeling nice that he wasn't liable for anything that was about to happen.

"Alright then, I'm going to increase the energy." Alfred slowly brought the stone closer to Alexander. By the end, it was touching his skin.

"Oh, I feel something. Like, like, something is moving inside my veins." Alexander exclaimed.

"That's obvious. The amount of energy your body is absorbing is crazy. I don't know why you haven't exploded yet." Alfred inferred.

Alexander looked Alfred his the fake eyes, "why do I feel like you want to see me explode?"

"Oh, no no... I was just stating a possibility. I am happy for you, boss. Haha"

"Alright, Let's see how long this process takes." He shrugged, Alfred might be a little crazy about science but Alexander knew that he wasn't evil.

So, 6 more hours went by. Alexander had gotten bored sitting there so he brought a TV and some snacks.


Alfred ate chips.

"Woah, Alfred, how can you eat?"

"Oh, I made myself as humanly as possible. I have a fully functional digestive system now." He proudly claimed.

"I am proud of you, Alfred. I know how hard it must have been." He said, remembering the days when he was madly trying to make a cancer vaccine.

"What's the tensile strength now, Alfred?" He asked.

"A lot more than Vibranium," Alfred informed.

"Hmm, just a little more and we'll end this. I already feel like I am full." Alexander suggested.

By the end of another hour, Alexander's body had started to shine in purple light.

"Alright, end it, Alfred. I don't wanna look like Thanos."

Alexander stood and put the Power Stone back in the orb and asked, "Where's the weighing machine?"

"In that cupboard" Alfred pointed without looking.

Alexander calmly walked and took out the machine. He could feel that his weight had increased a lot.


The machine exploded under his weight.

"We need a bigger scale," Alfred suggested.


So they went out to the industrial weighing machine. Alexander slowly got on it. It made some crumbling noises but in the end, gave a reading.

"4,000 kilograms," Alexander exclaimed, unable to believe his eyes.

"I knew it. Your muscles and bones have become too dense. I don't think there are many things that can physically hurt you." Alfred mumbled.

"Well, who knows. Marvel universe is filled with freaks. Anyways, I'll go back to Morag and put the orb back in its place, and also train myself to not hurt Olivia and the children." He decided.

He wore his clothes and popped back out. He put the orb back in and left the planet for some Star-Lord in the future.


A week later,

Alexander finally got out of his training chamber. He was afraid of hurting his family so he spent the time training his body.

"Glanpaaaa" Amy came running.

"Haha, how is my sweet Amy."

"I'm good. Sister Hela took me to Asgard. And... And she beat uncle Thor." She tried to hold her laugh.

"Haha, what about uncle Loki?" He asked.

"Oh, he came with us." She replied.

"Didn't your sister Hela beat him?"

"She did, but not too much. It was mostly uncle Thor." She replied.

"Glanpaaaa, I want to see a rainbow. I-I saw in the book that it has gold on one end." She longingly demanded.

"Haha, then let's go on an adventure, my child." He flew in the air and a rainbow appeared in the sky. They followed the rainbow while singing songs.

At the end of the rainbow was a big cauldron full of shining gold coins.

"Waaaa... Look look, glanpa. Gold," she excitedly yelled.

"Oh wow, but is it really Gold?" He went and picked up a coin. Then unwrapped it and revealing the brown chocolate.

"Glanpa, I eat too" she jumped.

"Okay," he poured chocolate in her mouth.

"Ummnomnm... Ish tasty" she gave her rating.

"Then let's take it for everyone." He picked the cauldron in one hand, grabbed Amy in the other, and flew to his family.

When they were near the castle they heard 2 giggles. Alexander looks below and his blood started boiling.


[You can see Howard the Duck and the Orb on Illustration channel of my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *GOD, MATTERS!* and *Joakim Jönsson*.

Thank you for your support!