137. Sad Amy

Alexander and his team infiltrated the underground temple. The Chaos King wasn't going to be a problem as he was stuck in another dimension, but he could still influence people and give them powers. For all this to stop, Alexander needed to stop that connection.

"Alright everyone, let's move in. Shiroi Kage, what's your ability?" Alexander straightforwardly asked.

"I can turn invisible and keep people ignoring my presence." He replied.

~so a natural invisibility and notice me not charm~ Alexander thought.

"Alright, you take your place. We will all strike at once. Remember, we are to remove this cult and leave no member alive." He ordered and everyone nodded.

Soon they all hid in various corners with earpieces. They saw worshippers trying to make a sacrifice. They brought a cage in which a scared pregnant Tigress was caught.

"Oh great Amatsu-Mikaboshi, this is an offering for our fights to come." One priest spoke loudly. Ten men dragged the scared and malnutritioned Tigress out with chains and sticks.

Seeing that they would kill the poor creatures, Alexander spoke in the earpiece. "Guys, I'm going to save that Tigress."

"Yes, she must be saved. Poor girl." Hela sympathized, maybe she remembered her wolf.

"Alright, ATTACK" Alexander shouted and jumped, killing all the priests around him. All of them deserved to die. They worship an evil being and have done many cruel things to make him happy.

Hela first jumped to the Tigress and protected her from all attacks around her.

Suddenly a blue fire blast flew from a priest's hands.

~Ah, of course, they'd have mutants in their ranks.~

"Be careful everyone, they have mutants among them. Still, no mercy," he ordered.

All the Seraphs and others also started to systematically use their powers. Colorful blasts were appearing all around. One by one, all the priests fell.

"Alright, that's enough. Now let me check the breach in the dimension." Alexander told everyone.

He walked to the platform on which various statues were put. All of them had a demonic theme going on. He checked everything there one by one. Then his eyes fell on a gem placed on the forehead of a statue.

Alexander observed it closed and felt the flow of energy around. The gem was certainly spreading some kind of energy. He felt like it was calling him.

~Come to me and all your desires and wishes will be fulfilled. Touch the gem and have the great power of gods.~ The voice said.

Alexander smiled, "A demon offering God's powers? I can't decide if it is funny or pathetic. This gem is the gateway to your dimension right. Then let me send a gift~

He took it out and channeled the most potent Fiendfyre into it. It would surely burn the Chaos King's dimension for a while. Then he destroyed the gem. As soon as it turned to ashes the underground temple started to shake and loud angry screams came from the walls.

"It's going to come down, everyone. Leave through the door now." Alexander shouted as he took out the anywhere door. They all ran into the door. Hela picked up the tigress like a plushie toy in her arms and exited. At last, Alexander threw a very powerful Fiendfyre before leaving. It would burn everything that was in the underground chamber.

On the other side of the door, they all exited into a huge hanger near a company's safe house in Japan.

"Good work everyone. You too Shiroi." He praised everyone.

Then all of them started leaving one by one. Hela had decided to adopt the tigress, Alexander had already allowed her after he talked to the tigress about Phixheim rules.

"Shiroi, thank you for coming with us. You have a really great talent for fighting. What do you say, I want to hire you as the protector of Japan. You will have Nevaeh Industries' resources at bay. My people will also help you if you need it. You should know, you alone cannot be everywhere to protect people." Alexander offered.

Shiroi thought for a bit. He already worked as a vigilante and expanding his operations wouldn't hurt. He'd be helping more people.

"I think I will accept your offer, Mr?"

"Oh, I am Alexander." He replied.

"Thank you, Mr. Alexander. I will appreciate your help." He respectfully bowed.

"Haha, then I wish you good luck in your future endeavors. I'll be leaving now. Take care." Alexander and others vanished.


Alexander and his small team appeared back in Phixheim.

"Hela, get her fed and cleaned. Amy would surely wanna play with her." He suggested.

Hela nodded and dragged the big cat with her.

After that he went inside to meet his son. Leo was happily giggling while lying between toys.

"Haha, show me a smile." He touched his cheeks.

Olivia walked in, "Alex, I want you to go and have a talk with Amy. She's been upset since this morning. You know she's very small and you are her favorite person. I think she feels like you don't love her anymore because of Leo."

Alexander was confused finding that, but agreed. Amy was too small, and such thoughts could arise in her mind.

"Alright, I'll go and talk to her." He replied and walked out.

He looked for Amy and found her sitting near the lake, all alone and throwing some rocks into it. He silently walked behind her and swiftly caught her in a hug.

"Haaaaa caught you, my little princess." He roared.

"Ahahahaha... Glanpa. When did you come back?" She cheerfully asked.

"Just a while ago. I missed Amy so I looked for you. Why are you sitting here alone?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing. I was bored." She replied with a bit of sadness.

"Hmm, then let's have fun. Let's go and fly outside." He went to Earth and flew over the Swiss mountains with her in his arms.

"Woahhh, so pretty" she exclaimed from time to time.

"Yes, just like my Amy." He added.

"Amy, what is your full name?" He asked.

"Oh, I know. It's Amy Maxim Universe." She quickly answered.

"So doesn't that make you my family? You are my sweet little Granddaughter. Just like Medusa, Rina, Hela. You are all pieces of my heart. I love you all the same. Sometimes, because there are bad guys out there, troubling other children, I go out and beat the bad guys. This is why I am sometimes not able to spend time with you. But always remember, I love and would do anything for you all." He said.

Amy was silent for a bit and then suddenly places a kiss on his cheeks. "I lub Glanpa too. My thank you kissy."

"Hahaha, come here you little squirrel." He hugged her.

They flew around the world, eating various cuisines. It made Alexander remember his trip to Yi Ti with Rina.

When they returned back to Phixheim, Amy was again her cheerful self and went into the castle skipping happily.

~Now what should I do?~ He thought.

~Hmm, Wolverine is still out there alone in this timeline. I should lead him to X-Men. It'll be better for his development.~ he decided.

And so his small adventure started. He first tracked Wolverine and gave him small memories that going to the Institute would be good. Till now wolverine was traveling in the forest like a mindless beast.

After that, he focused on space. Elders were a problem so he decided to deal with another one. He had received a report that some man by the name of Obliterator used his big cartoonish guns to kill many people on various planets.

The Obliterator was the dumbest of the Elders. He used his weird guns that looked too big for his size. If somehow he lost his gun then he'd cry. But one thing was sure that he liked killing people and had already killed millions.

Alexander came to the planet Obliterator was wreaking Havoc. He was shooting at people mindlessly while laughing.

It took just a wave of his hand to make his toys vanish. Without the guns, Obliterator fell to the ground and started weeping.

"You have brain damage but your sins are too much to be ignored." Alexander loudly spoke.

Soon Obliterator's body burned to ashes with his painful screams.

~One less Elder in the Universe now.~

Alexander flew around in space helping planets and killing the killers for a long time. Eventually, his name became quite famous as the Old Savior.

It had been a few years since he started acting savior. Amy had grown quite well. She had found out that she liked painting. She was just turning 10 now. Alexander had given her a catalog of sceneries. She would sometimes ask the family members to take her there.

Alexander was proud of her. She was growing just fine. But today was the day Howard came to him.

"Old man, we have successfully built your first Super Star Destroyer. Come with us, you'll love it." Howard excitedly pulled him.

They apparated to the space station Howard had built for the construction. The Super Star Destroyer was massive. Its length reaching 19 Kilometres.

"Ghost, take over," Alexander sent his command. This way, he would have full control over the ship no matter where he is.

"Haha, this is amazing, Howard. You must have gotten enough experience now. Now I want you to start making smaller versions of them too." He advised.

"I was thinking the same. You already have Ironheim, you don't need big ships. You need the small ones that are more practical in wars. I still can't believe we just made the Star Wars' ship." He gawked at his own creation.

Suddenly Ghost spoke, "Sir, I have received confirmation that something entered Earth's atmosphere. It was too small for a ship."

"Alright, I'll go and check it out. Good going, Howard. Make sure you go to Maria regularly." He advised.

"Haha, I didn't tell you but we are planning for a child." Howard proudly spoke.

Alexander stopped as he was about to leave and gave him a hug. "Good, a new child will probably make you more responsible."

"Hey, I am already a responsible person, old man" Howard complained.

"Haha, alright, I'll be going now. Take care"


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *GOD, MATTERS!*, *Joakim Jönsson* and *Conrad*.

Thank you for your support!