142. Changes on Earth

Mount Everest,

6 hours had passed, If Howard didn't have a superhuman body then he'd surely be dead by then.

"Ah, dammit. Just form already, I'm hungry." Howard grunted. Too bad for Howard, magic wasn't something that came with a good brain.

After another hour of hard work, he finally made a full teleportation ring and returned. He collapsed on the ground as soon as he came.


Amy and Leo who were playing skipping in the yard ran to him and started jumping on his exhausted body.

Mordo who was walking by looked at the scene and shook his head, ~What has Kamar Taj degraded into.~


Seeing that there was nothing else for him to learn, he decided to look after his business a bit. Though he wouldn't leave his children there alone so he'd come to Kamar Taj for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Then to read goodnight stories.

It was the 90s and the world was going through a technological change. Many big companies were growing up. Amazon, Google, etc. Stark Industries, on the other hand, was already a behemoth. It wasn't supposed to be like that. This happened because of Alexander's 100 million initial funding. It was already valued at 80 Billion Dollars. Alexander as 15% owner of it, was worth 12 Billion.

Many times a probe was launched to find out the unknown 15% owner of Stark Industries but it failed every time due to some unknown reasons. Alexander's dividends were still piling up in the bank, which was now worth 50 Billion Dollars.

Stark Industries wasn't a major tech industry yet. It mostly dealt with weapons. Though it did have a research department. They were also working on the big arc reactor.

Tony was what Alexander expected of him. He was careless, narcissistic, and a playboy. Newspapers were filled with scandals. Howard would surely get angry when he finds out.

But, there was an even bigger monster among the companies. It was Nevaeh Industries. It hasn't stopped growing even now. But the interesting thing was that it was still a private company. Run by a board of directors who were his Seraphs. The estimated market value of it was speculated to be between 150 to 200 Billion Dollars. It had revolutionized the medical industry with its technological advancements in medical equipment and medicines.

Many tried to stop the company but all attempts were thwarted. One of them even came from the president at the time, Bill Clinton. And it didn't go well. His threats went public on tape and people didn't like it. Mass protests broke out against him. All in all, the guy was going to be impeached.

Then there was the Kindheart Foundation. It wasn't a company but it was still worth billions. There was a very famous monthly magazine by the name of Kindheart in which all its achievements and work gets publicized. All the rich people donate money to the Kindheart foundation in the hope that their name would appear in the magazine.

Surprisingly, the biggest donor was neither Nevaeh nor Stark Industries. It was a company called Dobby's Brewery. A company that Dobby started to sell Butterbeer and Firewhiskey. He had allowed it to be only sold in bottles around the world. Only he could install tabs in his Westeros Bar. Westeros Bar was a very famous place now. It was like a tourist destination. Whoever came to New York also visited the place.

The reasons were simple. One, it was the birthplace of Butterbeer and Firewhiskey and Two, the building was where The America's Old Man lived and drank. The bar had hundreds of pictures from World War II. Dobby had faked his identity as the son of the late General Dobby. Westeros Bar had also received a Michelin 3-star rating for its burger.

The whole E 69th street had changed with all its new skyscrapers, but the Westeros Bar building was still unchanged. The building and the flat of Alexander were actually added to UNESCO'S World Heritage site.

Howard's mother had also died in the same building at the age of 89. She died with a smile as she had seen her son become a big man from nothing.

Alexander's old car was also put in a World War 2 museum, owned by Kindheart foundation. The museum also showcased all the paintings and sculptures Alexander took from Hitler's vault.

April 30th was still a national holiday and was celebrated as Warrior's day. It was also celebrated in the U.K., France and some other European nations. Alexander was surprised when he saw that the world had still not forgotten him. There were movies based on him and Steve. Museums dedicated to him and Steve.

Anything related to him is now a collector's item. The gun he used to kill Hitler was sold in an auction for 150 million dollars. Though it was bought by Howard.


Nevaeh Industries.

"Alright, everyone. You all did a great job. Even better than my expectations." Alexander talked to his Seraphs.

"We are happy to serve you, All-father." One of them replied. All-father had become a common name they used to refer to him.

"Haha, I hope you are not overworking yourself. You know the rules. Overworking gets you 1-week detention in the amusement park." He reminded them. This was the rule he made to make sure that they didn't follow their old house-elf tendencies.

"So, I called the meeting because I had the idea, why not use all the knowledge I have to make games, movies and T.V shows that won't exist in this world? So, I've decided to create an entertainment branch of Nevaeh Industries. It will make movies, TV shows, and games according to the data I provide.

But first, we need to push the technology. So let's launch a simple LCD first. Make a purchase of Sony's Entertainment branch and release the PS2 with slight modification. The PS3 will be launched in 2004 and the PS4 in 2010. I will send 5 more Seraphs to ease out the workload. You can also hire the Droids. Arnold had trained them well." He explained.

Soon the meeting was adjourned and Alexander headed to Venice to check up on his faceless men. They have made a big name as the strongest and most dangerous assassination organization. But it was also famously known that the Faceless men were a religious bunch and never hurt children or innocent people.

He was greeted by Jaqen H'ghar. Jaqen was wearing a nice black suit now.

"How are you, my boy," Alexander asked.

"We are very good, All-father. This world is really in need of your cleansing. I could not believe that this place is so much worse than Planetos at first." Jaqen spoke.

"What happened, boy? Why such views?"

"The mere contracts we receive are many times more than Planetos. There is also so much going on. Just the other day we dealt with an Italian Mafia family who was trying to set themselves up in Venice. Even after it is common knowledge that Venice is our territory." He explained.

"What do the people here think about the Faceless men?"

"They are happy. Because of us, no Italian Mafia comes here to bully or extort money. They look at us like we are their protectors." He informed.

"Haha, good job then. So, who did you receive the most contracts against?" He inquired.

"Tony Stark. We ignored them though. There were some for Elder Dobby as well. Someone didn't like that Elder Dobby owned a whole street in New York, inherited from you."


"This world really is messed up. Anyways, good job. Keep working. If you get into any trouble, make sure to call me. Remember, this world is very dangerous." He gave his blessings and returned to Kamar Taj for dinner with the kids.

He ate dinner and went to have a chat with Howard.

"So, how is my son doing?" Howard asked.

"Well, the company is doing great. Can't say the same about Tony." Alexander replied.

Howard was surprised, "What happened?"

"Your son doesn't have self-control. He's narcissistic and a playboy. The news is filled with his scandals. There's a rumor out there that he sleeps with a different girl every night." He told him.

Howard clenched his fist, "I'll give him a good hard slap when the time comes to meet him."

"Haha, then expect one from Maria on your face too. You were too hard on him, Howard. Instead of being strict, you should have acted like a friendly father. A father with whom he could share his feelings. Just like what Medusa and Rina do. The Loki incident is an exception."


"I think you are right. Maybe I was too hard on him." Howard contemplated.

Alexander patted his shoulder, "Don't worry, you'll get your time to repent soon. Let's go back now. Amy and Leo must be waiting for me."


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Joakim Jönsson* and *Conrad*.

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