145. The Institute For Gifted Children

Jean Grey was living the life she always dreamt of in Phixheim. She was doubtful at the beginning about coming with Alexander. But now she had fallen in love with the place. The environment and the people were so nice that she never lost control of her powers.

Berry the Phoenix also helped her train. She spent a lot of time studying Occlumency. In the hope that it would give her a better control of her mind. But it was really hard to do and she would sometimes rage out. The phoenix would sing songs and calm her down.

There were the cute Unicorns and other animals as well and they all liked to play with her. She could not believe that the old man owned his own solar system.

She had become friends with the kind doctor called Erskine. The man had been teaching her. She always wanted to become a doctor and she had already completed her school so she decided to study with him.

She completed her 4-year medicine degree under him. Alexander pulled some strings and secretly made her give exams for all the 8 semesters of Harvard Medical School. She passed with flying colors and got her degree.

She was also on good terms with the kind old man Ragnarok. She learned about controlling flames from him. She now had a pretty good control over her Phoenix power. Alexander had gifted her a locket which would let her know if her powers were about to lose control. She still felt weird that Alexander was a big God.

But her time had come to an end today. She wanted to go out and help the X-men and other mutants. She really liked her peaceful life here but she needed to broaden her horizon.

Alexander was going to come with her to drop her off at the Institute. She was looking forward to seeing all the old faces.

"Alright. You ready, Jean?" Alexander walked to her in a relaxed manner.

"Yes, let's go." She excitedly spoke and then got embarrassed realizing it.

"Haha, I thought you liked living here. Well, I guess you didn't like this old man." He shed some fake tears.

"NO, it was awesome being here. Everyone is so nice. I just want to help at the institute." She clarified.

Alexander walked to her and patted her head, "Haha... I know, child. I was just messing with you. Let's go then."

Jean shyly nodded and followed him. She had really grown accustomed to Alexander's kind and loving attitude.

"Who do you think missed you the most?" He asked.

"Ah, it's gotta be Kitty and Rogue." She smiled remembering them.

"What about Scott?" Alexander asked.

"I'm sure he's gotten over me by now. It's been 5 years after all. I'm also not planning on being in any relationship anytime soon. I want to focus on work." She thoughtfully replied.

Alexander suddenly stopped walking and turned to her. He put his one hand on her head and caressed her red hair. "Well, be careful. You have grown into a much better girl than you used to be. You are now a lot more beautiful in both mind and body, and I am proud of you. This new you might make his forgotten feeling resurface. Ah, look at me. Old man rambling about your personal life. Well, I just wish you to be happy. And don't ever forget, you have a home and a family here. You are not alone."

His words made her nearly cry out and she hugged Alexander tightly.

"Thank you, Grandpa. Thank you for everything. I was so alone and lost back then. Thank you for holding my hand when I needed it the most." She mumbled.

Alexander kept on caressing her hair, "Hah, you silly girl. Don't cry, I don't want Charles to say that I didn't give you good food after seeing your red eyes."

"Hehe, he really might say it. But I hope he's changed after you gave him his legs back. I haven't forgiven him yet though." She spoke with not even a wee bit of anger in her voice. It seems she had gotten really good with her Occlumency.

Alexander walked to the Anywhere door and opened it. "Let's go then."

He walked straight into the lawn of the school. It was a huge castle now. Not as big as Hogwarts but still quite big. Charles had bought 50 Nannybots from him to care for the castle.

They walked into the much bigger school. Little kids playing in the garden stopped playing and looked at the two new strangers. There were currently 1500 mutants living in the castle. It would have crippled Charles Xavier just feeding them, so he got them help for the Kindheart foundation. Now the money for food came from the foundation at the guarantee that it will only be used for food.

Alexander saw a four or five-year-old little kid looking at him with interest. Alexander looked at him and pointed to the sky. Suddenly M&Ms started to rain down. They all cheered up and started collecting them to eat.

"Hah, you really have a way with kids." Jean enviously praised.

"I was like them once. Alone, hopeless, and looking for little happiness. Experience teaches you everything. I am sure you'll be a great teacher and doctor here. After all, you were like them once too." Alexander parted some knowledge.

Jean thought about the words and looked at joyfully dancing kids. She saw her own shadow in them.

Then suddenly a manly voice came, "You looking for someone, bub?"

Alexander turned around and looked at the short man. He seriously didn't know how Logan could look so manly while being so short.

"Hahaha, how is my Wolfy doing?" Alexander laughingly walked to him and patted his shoulder. But Wolverine didn't like it and tried to cut his hand, only to be stopped by an invisible shield around the arm.

"Haha, now now. No need to be wild. I guess you don't remember me. You must have lost your memories." Alexander spoke.

Wolverine looked confused, "My memories? How did y..."

"JEAN" a loud voice interrupted him. Kitty came running to Jean and hugged her tightly.

"Haha, how is my kitty?" Alexander walked to her.

"Grandpaaaa" she then jumped into Alexander's arms. Alexander had been meeting some mutants in the Institute secretly. He had helped Rogue solve her touch problem. Now the girl had come out of her low self-esteem personality.

"I am good. Why didn't you come for so long?" She complained.

"Ah, you know. Your Grandpa is a very big man. I was busy. But look, I brought gifts for you." He took out the unreleased PlayStation with various games and a T.V.

"Take this. This is a new product that is going to be launched soon. You can play games on it." He explained.

Max aka Magneto slowly flew near him, "Not even ten minutes and have already started to spoil them."

"Haha, that's just the way I am made." He walked and gave him a hug.

"How are you, son? How is your mother?" Alexander asked.

"I am fine and I took her to Nevaeh Hospital. They pretty much cured her weakened body and kidney problems. Now she has some more years to live." He informed.

"And see you become a great man," Alexander added.

"Yes, that as well." Max embarrassingly replied.

Then Logan interrupted, "Wait. Who are these two? I am the security head so I should know before you take them in."

Max decided to tell him, "Logan, he's the founder of the new Institute. He made the whole castle. That lady is Jean Grey. A former student. She had troubles containing her powers so Mr. Universe took her with him."

Logan was surprised, "I didn't know you were a patron of the school. You are doing a good job."

Logan might be a tough guy from outside but from inside he had a heart of gold, maybe a little soaked in blood but still gold.

"Haha, it's alright. Logan. Come find me later. We'll grab a beer and I'll answer your questions." Alexander offered, knowing that Wolverine must want to know about his past.

"I'll take you up on that offer." Logan agreed.

"Grandpa, Jean. Come on in. Rogue would be so happy to see you. Quick quick." Kitty dragged them in. Soon it was only Logan and Max left.

"Hmm, why does he look familiar," Logan muttered.

Max looked at his in surprise, "You don't remember him? I thought you also fought in world war 2."

"I did, but I don't remember a lot," Logan growled.

"Well, you might wanna go and see the national war museum. You'll find about him in there. Anyways, let's go in." He flew away.

Logan looked puzzled and decided to go and check out the museum before going to Alexander.


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Joakim Jönsson* and *Conrad*.

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