169. A Fast Trial

The party went on and finally came the time for lovers. Alexander was surprised to see that there were so many couples.

Suddenly the lights dimmed and slow music started. Berry started to fly around and sang his love songs.

Alexander with Olivia, Steve with Peggy, Howard with Maria and little Tina jumping around them, Tony with Pepper, Logan with Jean, Hank with Raven, Reed with Sue, and many more couples took to the dance stage. He added an illusion that would give them a feeling that they were in an old bar.

Olivia came close to Alexander and asked, "Alex, is she the one?"

Alexander followed her eyes and saw Leonidas dancing with Natasha.

"Yeah, she's the one. Her name is Natasha. Now don't go and start talking to her about joining the family. Give them some space." He suggested.

"Oh, you don't qualify to give me love advice, Alex. You couldn't even kiss me first." She retorted.

"Oh, Olivia. You hurt me with words. But I have changed now, you know." He quickly gave her a kiss, embarrassing her.

Everyone chuckled seeing the old couple acting like that. Natasha also noticed it and smiled. Then she looked at Leonidas and spoke.

"Your mom and dad are quite open."

Leonidas laughed, "hah... You need to be a bit goofy when you are immortal. Otherwise, it would get too boring."

"What are you going to do now? Joining the Avengers?" She asked.

"Well, I have joined the Shield. That probably makes me a part of the Avengers as well. We might even go on some missions together." He plainly replied. Trying to keep a straight face.

Natasha was a spy after all and such things were too easy to understand. She slowly came flirtily closer to him and spoke in his ear, "Oh really. I hope we will go on a loooot of missions together."

But Natasha's flirting backfired. Instead of Leonidas getting flustered, he also came close to her ear, "You nearly sounded like you're looking forward to those loooots of missions"

She smiled and looked at his face. "You're learning."

"I got the best teacher after all." He cheekily said.


Steve was dancing with Peggy or it was correct to say that she was teaching him. But is was still very romantic. After some time, Steve gave him a signal that he was going for it.

So Alexander told Berry to focus his magical singing on the two. Suddenly the lights switched off for a second. When they came back, Steve was on one knee in front of Peggy.

Alexander made a slow breeze touch their faces and cherry blossoms fall from the ceiling. Peggy was expecting a proposal but not like this.

"Peggy, It won't be wrong to say that I have been in love with you for that past 70 years. In fact, it's you who truly showed me what love is. You lived all your life with just my memory. Now I want to make a lot more memories with you, Margaret Elizabeth Carter. Will you marry me?" He showed the ring to her.

Peggy was teary-eyed by then. Just a few hours ago she was an old woman counting her remaining days. And now here she was, once again young and with the love of her life. She couldn't tell if it was a dream of reality. If it was a dream, then she never wanted to wake up from it.

"Yes, Steve. Yes" she showed her hand and Steve put the ring on her finger. He got up and passionately kissed Peggy. The crowd around them erupted in wild cheers.

Just some distance away, Pepper was loudly clapping for them. "This is so nice, Tony."

"Yes, very nice. I really wanna know how that illusion works."


He received a light hit from his mother. Maria whispered into his ears. "You fool. She's secretly wanting you to propose to her as well."

Tony was surprised, "No, she doesn't."

"Oh, my dear son. You are just like Howard. So clueless. Understanding a maiden's heart isn't easy. Just hold her hand and make her feel loved." She pushed him towards pepper.

Some distance further, Olivia had somehow struck up a conversation with Natasha. She was currently in the process of fawning over her future daughter in law. Leonidas also stood there red-faced.

The night went on and everyone enjoyed it. Alexander also let himself lose as the work would start from the next day. First, it was the trial of Ronan and the council members.


The next day, Alexander got ready for trials. They were being held in Texas under SHIELD protection. It was going to be a closed-door trial and the current president Barack Obama would be watching it live.

Alexander was going to record the videos of their confessions and show it later in UN General Assembly where he was going to speak in a week.

The first ones to enter the Trial were the council members.

Hawley looked around and didn't find Alexander Pierce, "Where is Pierce? Did he make a deal with you? I want to make a deal too. Please let me go."

The prosecutor quickly shut her down, "Pierce is locked up for his other crimes and will soon answer too. All you five have been declared traitors of humanity by your respective countries. We have full authority to decide your future now. So you better prepare your words for that"

"All rise," the announcement came that the Judge was entering.

Alexander walked to the Judge's seat slowly and sat down. He looked at the surprised faces of the ex-council members, "What? Surprised that a certain Judge who took bribes from you isn't here?"

"No, we don't accept this. You are no judge." Gideon Malick refuted.

"Actually, I have a BAR license. The president also appointed me as the temporary Judge so no laws are being broken here." Alexander declared.

"Just save me the time and energy and confess already." He ordered them.

"There is no truth." They said,

"Did you not authorize a nuclear strike on New York?" He asked.

"Yes, we did." They answered without even realizing it.

"Did you not force Fury to stop looking for Steve Rogers and focus on Project Pegasus. The same project that dealt with the Tesseract. The same Tesseract with which the Aliens invaded?"

"Yes, we did." They again answered.

"Tell me, why did you launch a nuke and not trust the Avengers. Also, tell me your reasoning behind nuking New York City when the aliens were clearly pouring out from a hole in the sky."

Soon they started answering one by one. Their reasons were pretty simple, they didn't like the Avengers as it took away their authority. They wanted to be hailed as saviors by saving the world and also deal with the Avengers while at it. Simply said, they had a low IQ.

"Alright, I've heard enough. You all are a burden on Earth. Your foolishness could have killed not only millions but also the people who just stopped the invasion. I sentence all of you to die. The date of the execution is set to tomorrow morning, 5 A.M." He announced.

The 5 were dragged out of the court as they pleaded. Then came Alexander Pierce. Alexander repeated the things and he quickly accepted being the Hydra Leader. But he also told that there are hundreds of other active cells of Hydra across the globe.

"I feel disgusted to share the same first name as you. Alexander Pierce, you have been found guilty of committing crimes against humanity. For this, you are sentenced to die and the date and time of execution are set to right now." His words just finished and Dobby shot him in the head. Then Alexander used magic and cleaned the floor for the next convict.

Ronan was brought into the court and given a chair to sit in. "How was the Terran prison, Ronan?"

"Much better than what we give in Hala," Ronan replied.

"So, care to tell me what your plans were for Earth after winning the war?" He asked.

Ronan smirked, thinking that he wouldn't tell a thing. But words came out of his mouth on its own, "After winning this war, I'd have enslaved the Terrans. Make them mine for metals and destroy their own planet. When nothing would be left to mine, I'd sell them as slaves. Terrans are quite highly-priced for their smooth skins and various color and style choices."

What Ronan said was sure to make everyone in the UN General Assembly pee in their pants.

"What was the plan of Thanos for Earth?" He asked.

"Oh, that fool. He just likes killing people but disguises it in his senseless talk about equal balance. He would have killed half the life on the planet and left." Ronan informed.

Alexander sighed, "You know Ronan, this actually makes you look worse than Thanos. He would have at least left after killing. Unlike you, who was planning to enslave. Your crimes only deserve one punishment. DEATH."

"Huh...I just did what everyone else does. Strong exploits the weak. I was stronger so I attacked. Now you are the stronger one so you are killing me." Ronan said his last words.

Alexander just killed him and sent him to hell. The blue man had killed more than 80 Billion people and was a category 4 sinner.

"Alright, with this we conclude today's hearing. Let's go and eat something, Dobby."

[You can see Steve and Peggy on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Joakim Jönsson* and *Conrad*.

Thank you for your support!