174. Campaign Announced

Alexander woke up the next day beside his lovely wife in Phixheim. He didn't need to sleep but still did as it was a nice excuse to spend more time with family.

He got up and decided to make breakfast for everyone that day. He went down and saw his kids already up and active.

"Goodmorning girls. How's your teaching coming along, Wanda?" He asked. He usually gave her lessons and then appoint a Seraph to observe and help her.

"It's so fun, Grandpa. I didn't know my magic could be so powerful." She excitedly told him.

"Haha, yes. Magic is very helpful. What about you, Amy? What are you up to these days?" He asked.

"Oh, Glanpa. I became a producer and director in Hollywood. I am going to make a movie now." She proudly informed.

He patted her head, "Good, I am proud of you, sweety."

Dobby walked in, "Oh, good morning, Boss."

"Good timing, Dobby. Your favorite pineapple pizza is ready."

Dobby's face lost its color and turned around, "Goodbye, boss."

The girls started laughing, "He's just teasing you, Uncle Dobby." Rina said.

Dobby knew that but this made the girls happy and that was a good enough reason to be a bit goofy. Dobby took the remote and switched on the T.V.

They all stopped eating in shock due to the news being shown.

[News: These are the view from Malibu. Stark Mansion was just attacked by some Terrorist organization called Extremis. It is yet to be known of the condition of Mister Stark...]

Dobby looked at Alexander, "Do you want to go there?"

"Nah... We'll go there after our press conference. Besides, he's not really in danger. If he was, then I'd have been notified. Howard must be going nuts right now, though, so tell him to cool down. We will go with him to look for Tony after the conference." He told him.

"Alright, you're the boss. However, Pepper must be worried more." He said. Howard and Maria didn't live with Tony to give him some privacy. They instead lived in the Stark Tower in New York.

"Maria will take care of her. She already sees her as her daughter in law." Alexander pointed.

"Yes, just like Olivia," Dobby added.

"Glanpa, where is little brother?" Amy asked.

Alexander sighed, "My sweety, your little brother is in love."

"Hehe... Now we'll have another couple." She chuckled.

"Yeah, speaking of couples. Rina, go and check up on Medusa. She still hasn't returned from Asgard. Has she forgotten that she has a family here." He said with slight irritation.

Rina was quite happy as now she had an excuse to go to Asgard and have some eating and drinking competition with Thor. She really liked slapping the prince of Asgard with her victories.

"Take Gali with you. It's good if she sees other places." He suggested.

"Yesss" Gali cutely cheered. She was getting bored sitting in Phixheim all day long now.

Alexander got up and decided to leave for his press conference. It was going to be held at the Universe Tower.


He had decided to take advantage of his military uniform as it made him stand out and look good. This was going to be a daily sight until he wins the election.

All the big news channels had sent their reporters. It was all because of his recent popularity. He's been ranked as the most popular person in the world in many magazines. He was also selected as the most desirable grandpa but he never talked about that.

He went ahead and took to the podium. He cleared his throat and started speaking in his majestic voice. Dobby stood just a step or two beside him.

"Thank you everyone for coming here. I have three very important announcements to make today. Two of them are about two different newly developed drugs by me.

The first one is related to the future of the country. Or let's just say all of humanity. We have all come a long way, from cave dwellers to now. Many times, we faced difficulties. Some ambitious people tried to destroy the small blue marble we live on.

But in the end, the good always won. But we can not depend on luck every time. It's time we start preparing. It's time we take space exploration seriously. We need to start colonizing the solar system if we want our species to ever reach the level that our recent attackers were."

All the news correspondents had somehow realized which direction Alexander was going. They still stayed quiet and waited for confirmation.

Alexander continued, "But I've also realized that the system can not be changed from outside. You need to be a part of it to change it. Hence, I declare that I will be running for president in this year's election. I will be running as an independent candidate though, mainly because I have equally good relations with both the parties."

As soon as his words ended the crowd of reporters jumped from their seats and started asking questions. He had to raise his voice to calm them down.

"Let's be civil here. My announcement hasn't ended yet. My other two announcements are as big as this one so be patient. Now, to my next subject. Let me ask the people of this world a question through your cameras. Imagine one day, your little child or sibling gets into an accident and their enhanced powers wake up due to the trauma. But then you find out that the child's enhancing has disfigured the face or body. Maybe it made them look blue or green. Remember, this can happen to anyone. Even if both parents are normal people their child can be enhanced.

"Tell me. Wouldn't this break your heart? Knowing that the child will have to live like that for the rest of their life. This is why I did some research and made a medicine that can make all the physically enhanced return back to their normal body. Once taken, it will make you able to control your transformation.

"I'll announce my last announcement with this. I have also created a cure for cancer. It has been approved by all the regulatory authorities. The two new drugs will be available from the coming Monday around the world.

"Now I will only take one question as I have somewhere important to go."

Soon a reporter was randomly chosen, "Sir, what are your thoughts on the recent attack on Tony Stark?"

"Funny you ask. I am headed to that site after this. However, I am fully sure that Tony is alive. He's probably working on some projects. Now, about the attack. I'll be personally handling it. No terrorist organization can be left unchecked. They are a cancer that my medicine can not heal, unfortunately. I'll just have to use my fist. Thank you, please follow my V.P Candidate, General Dobby. He will take you to the refreshment area." He announced and dashed away.

Dobby cursed under his breath. The reporters frantically started asking questions. So he just copy-pasted Winter Soldier's story and fed them. That was the only way he could convince them of why he was still alive.


Meanwhile, in a certain Shipyard, Aldrich Killian saw the news. He was honestly a bit scared now as the old monster will be investigating himself.

"Huh, just start counting your days now, Killian. If not Tony, then Mr. Universe will. You still have a chance. Let me go." Pepper shouted at him. Aldrich Killian had painstakingly kidnapped Pepper when she was going to the Stark Industries office. He had lost a good amount of his Extremis Soldiers. But he wasn't worried as more could be made.

He went to Pepper and grabbed her neck.

"There is no going back now, Miss Pepper. This will only end with Tony's death." He confidently said and left her locked alone.

~I guess I'll need to ask the real Mandarin for help~ he thought and dialed the number.


Alexander met up with Howard and got ready to find Tony. They already knew where he was.

"Let's go, Howard. First, we'll get Tony and then we'll get Pepper. Then destroy this Extremis. Seriously, I sometimes think the project rebirth was a mistake. Now, look how many new super-soldier serums have come. All derived from the original." He complained.

"But we wouldn't have a captain America then," Howard argued.

"Where is uncle Dobby?" He asked further.

Alexander laughed, "Haha... My V.P. is busy answering some questions."

Howard seemed like he remembered some bad memories, "Ah... You really threw him into a hell hole this time. I can't imagine how he's handling those vultures."


Dobby was just fine. His kind nature was loved by the reporter so much that they all started to call him Uncle Dobby. A name that was going to get stuck with him now.

Dobby just sat with all the invited reporters and drank and ate. He was really a politician material.


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Joakim Jönsson* and *Conrad*.

Thank you for your support!