182. Dealing With Demons

Alexander was in his workshop working on a new water treatment machine which could make ocean water drinkable. This was the second step in removing world hunger.

Mainly in the African and Arabian countries, where water sources were scarce. He was already dealing with the terrorists there with his Faceless Men killing any terrorist that shows his face and SHIELD sweeps whatever's left of them.

As he was working, a blue Patronus in the shape of a phoenix appeared. Alexander thought that this was also one of his kid's pranks.

"Dad, I'm in trouble. Some guy named Druig has caught me and Natasha in a cage made of Celestial armor. I'm not able to get out. He wants to experiment on me and take away my powers." Leonidas' voice came.

As soon as Alexander heard the word trouble, his armor materialized on him and the Demon Slayer sword came into his hand.

He took out the anywhere door and set the destination as Leonidas. The cage may have stopped the regular means of teleportation but the Anywhere door was totally something else. Even he hadn't been able to figure out how it works.

"Sir, should I notify the Defenders?" Ghost asked.

"No, no need. This is just a small matter." He said and went to the other side.

On the other side, he came into the cage. "Hey, son. It seems you are afflicted by the curse of this world."

Natasha had woken up and wasn't very worried as she knew Leonidas had sent a message. She looked at Leonidas, "What curse?"

"Haha, Dad says that as long as you live, trouble will always find you no matter how hard you try to stay away from it." He told her.

"Then I guess we all are cursed." She contemplated.

Druig noticed the new arrival in the cage and laughed, "haha, welcome, General Universe. I was waiting for you."

He pressed a button and some kind of forcefield covered the cage. "I knew you would come somehow. Call it a hunch maybe."

Alexander just looked at him with a plain face, "I am finding myself troubled in deciding whether you are a fool or just stupidly brave. You should know that things like Celestial armor can not stop me."

Alexander pulled back his sword as he aimed at the glass. Then made an extremely powerful slash at the seemingly indestructible glass wall. It shattered into thousands of pieces on impact.

Druig realized he messed up and thought of running away and knew he couldn't win. Eternals had powers like psionic abilities, enhanced strength, and cosmic energy firing from their hands and eyes. It was nothing when compared to Alexander.

Alexander teleported in front of running Druig. He held him by the neck and used Legilimency to see why he targeted him. Sure enough, there were more people involved.

Druig had shaken hands with Mephisto and some other minor Hell Lords. The deal was to teleport him to a sacrificial place in another dimension the Hell Lords had prepared but Druig got ambitious and decided to do his own tests first. He also found out that Druig was a very disgusting person who liked torturing people. He had some not so great plans for Natasha. So he instantly put him in a 100,000 years Time Torture in which he'd have some fun with a thousand Thanos' look-alikes.

He then looked at his sins,

||Druig - Category 4

Murders - 995,009

Torturing - 12,687,977

R*pe - 446,097

Sin Percentage - 82%||

Druig was screaming with his eyes closed and his hand covering his ass. Leonidas and Natasha had guessed what the man was going through but didn't ask.

Alexander looked at the two, "What were you two doing to get caught together?"

Both of them turned red as a tomato. Alexander instantly understood and just laughed out loud, embarrassing them further.

Then Natasha remembered their sweet moment getting ruined by this guy. So she went to him and kicked him for a while. Leonidas just chuckled.

Alexander then again took out his Anywhere door. Leonidas saw and stopped him, "Dad, where are you going?"

"Oh, don't worry son. I'll be back in a minute. I need to teach a lesson to some people." He said and went in.

Alexander appeared in Mephisto's realm. He flew straight to where he felt the highest demonic presence. He saw some demons sitting in a circle, seemingly waiting for a certain sacrifice to come.

"YOU DEMONS, I thought you'd learn your lesson from what I did to the beast but it seems I was wrong. Now, I will cripple you so you don't even dare to look into the mortal world for years to come." He loudly announced.

He quickly took out Apec and started sucking all their demonic energies into it. They all gathered to attack but he used the reality stone to make their legs disappear. Mephisto was the strongest of them and was able to overcome the magic of Reality Stone after a while but Alexander then used the Mind Stone to put him to sleep.

All the Hell lords cried for mercy but he didn't show any. he had only let them go until now because they were important for balancing the universe on a dimensional level, but their ambitions made them too proud of themselves.

In just a minute, 3 out of 25 Hell Lords died due to energy exhaustion. The rest were turned into a weak and crumpled version of themselves. It was like they aged too much. Then he left them and only focused on Mephisto and took away 95% of his Demonic energy that he collected in so many years.

When he woke up he realized his situation, "NO! Give it back. You false god. I will kill you."

"You should control your mouth lest you say something which convinces me to kill you. I am also putting a curse on all of you. For the next million years, none of you will be allowed into the mortal world in any shape or form. If you still do, then it will be your death. Goodbye," He walked back to his Anywhere door and went back.

As soon he disappeared all the Hell Lords started fighting among themselves to kill the other and get each other's energy. Alexander had thoroughly crippled them for a long time to come.

When he came out to the other side, he saw that Leonidas and Natasha were fighting some people. There were 3 and they were flying around and shooting lasers from their eyes and hands. Their leader seemed to be the blond boy.

"STOP" He loudly ordered everyone. They all stopped seeing him in the room. Ikaris recognized Alexander.

"What have you done to Druig?" He asked.

"I have passed the judgment. Right now he's going through torture and will soon die." He stated.

"You have no authority to judge him. Only the Prime Eternal can do that." He argued.

"Boy, I hold the authority to judge every living being in the universe. Ikaris, Prime Eternal. Sin Percentage 49% You are just 2 percent away from death punishment. And don't you dare to talk about judging him. Wasn't it your job to kill any Eternal who goes mad like, Druig? You have not done your duty correctly. All the deaths caused by Druig are also on your hands" Alexander lectured him.

Ikaris wasn't really a bad person, he had a sense of justice like superman but even he makes dumb mistakes sometimes.

"I-I... Who are you?" He asked politely.

"I am what you would call God's Advocate. I am the judge and I am the executioner. Appointed by the big creator himself. You won't understand any of this so don't worry. But one thing is clear, this man will die." He announced.

Ikaris nodded as he was going to kill him too and creating senseless fight wasn't worth it. Alexander moved to unconscious Druig and simply disintegrated him.

"Now, let's officially introduce ourselves. I am Alexander Maxim Universe. Too many titles so I will skip." Alexander said.

"Ikaris, Prime Eternal. This is Sersi and that big guy is Gilgamesh. I still can't believe your son took him down." He exclaimed.

"Haha... He has my blood so being OP is like his second nature. But he still has a lot to learn. Oh, I haven't introduced them. This is my son, Leonidas and this is my future daughter in Law, Natasha." He announced.

Natasha and Leonidas acted like love birds without any worry and were holding each other's hands.

"Why don't you join us at Olympia? It's our new city." Ikaris invited him.

He looked at his two children, "You two wanna come?"

"Yes, our vacation got ruined here but we should continue it," Natasha stated.

"I thought we came to work," Leonidas asked.

"We did, Fury had sent me to check up on Red Guardian, and now we are free to do whatever we want." She said. Leonidas was sure it was some scheme of hers but who was he to complain. He was enjoying her company.

Alexander laughed, "Haha... All right then, let's go."

[You can see Mephisto and Ikaris on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Joakim Jonsson* *Conrad* *Douglas Flower*.

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