206. Ego

Alexander had just landed the spacecraft near the temporary moon base. He sent everyone to the habitat and went alone to set up the ready-made dome-shaped habitat he brought with him.

It had trees and buildings already made inside it. It would later be expanded by going underground. There was no limit to how big you can make it. All that mattered was how much you wanted to dig.

The Dome was huge and could house at least 20,000 people. The moon colony wasn't going to get bigger than this as there weren't enough resources to further expand it. Rather, he'd focus on Mars after this.

The best thing about the Dome was that it came with its own Fusion Reactor. So the energy needs were taken care of. There were lots of trees so there was no problem with the air. It was like a whole ecosystem.


He enlarged the Dome. Its roof was made of steel glass. Alexander went to the temporary habitat to tell them about the new Dome. None of them knew about it.

So when they saw it, their jaws fell. "T-This is huge. Here I was thinking we'd slowly build all this." One of them said,

"Haha... Welcome to the future, kid." Alexander laughed.

"Woah... Glanpa, forget the space. I will make a movie on the moon now. It is much safer and pretty." Amy jumped in excitement.

"Well, let's go in, then." Alexander walked to the airlock. They went in, took their suits off. Then they crossed the last door. They couldn't believe the view.

The whole place was filled with trees with only buildings visible being multistory. "The surface will remain untouched like this. All the other facilities are underground."

He then showed them around the place and what their work was going to be. They were all scientists and 1 highly functional plant manager. They'll be responsible for the soon to be arriving mining specialists.

Alexander was busy speaking when he received the news from Ghost, "Sir, there seems to be a big blue blob that is expanding and destroying anything in its path."

"What's the location?" He asked.

"Missouri, sir." Ghost said.

*Sigh* "Alright, I know what it is. I will leave the Galaxy for a while. Tell all the agencies on Earth that I'm working on it."

"Where will you be going, sir?" Ghost asked.

"To Ego's planet. He's a celestial who wants to consume the Universe into his consciousness. I'll go and kill him." Alexander stated and looked at his team.


"Everyone, something very important has occurred on Earth. It seems it's another Alien attack. So I'll need to go for a while. Why don't you all go to the cafeteria and grab some food?" Alexander suggested.

Everyone understood and agreed. Except for Amy, "Glanpa, take me with you."

Alexander didn't say no. He would also like to spend some time with his granddaughter. "Alright, let's go then."

He took out the anywhere door and went to the other side. All the other astronauts just looked at the whole thing with wide-open eyes. They checked the ground from where the door disappeared.


On Ego's planet,

"Couldn't you have told me about this earlier, Nebula" Gamora yelled as they ran to the castle.

Previously, Nebula was showing her the cavern where she would have crash-landed on her if things weren't different. This Nebula was from the future so she already knew most of the future things.

"Do you really think he would have believed me? He's too happy with getting a father." Nebula retorted.

"But still, at least you could have told me," Gamora said.

"I didn't feel it was that important." Nebula replied. Although she had changed she still had the same attitude.

Gamora just shook her head and ran to the castle. They came across Drax, Mantis, and Rocket.


In another room, Ego had Peter under control.

"You don't understand the power I have bestowed upon you. You still cry for your foolish mother so I guess you'll just have to live for 1000 years as a battery." Ego shouted.

His energy tentacles grabbed Peter. After that, the events transpired as in the movies. But this time Nebula tased Gamora and took her to the ship earlier. Groot was too big as he didn't die in this reality. So he couldn't place the bomb at the core. Rocket just started the timer and told Groot to squeeze the bomb as deep in the core as possible with his branches. After that, they too came back to the ship.

Rocket gave the signal, "Kraglin, go."

The ship started to fly up. But then suddenly loud music started to come from outside.


Alexander arrived in the space outside the planet. He saw the giant face-like pattern on the planet.

"Ew, that's so ugly, Glanpa" Amy made faces.

"Now just imagine how ugly the man would be. Let's go." He said. They started to fly into the planet.

"Ghost, play me some music." He ordered.

Soon, beats of 'Take On Me' started to play.

"Woah, since when did you copy Dobby's music taste?"

"I just felt like it would be good with all the colors on this planet." Ghost clarified.

"Haha... Alright, reasoning accepted." Alexander laughed.

The music was being blasted out of nowhere. It was very loud. Alexander passed by a ship just then.

Inside the ship, Nebula noticed Alexander. She exclaimed, "I don't think you need to worry anymore."

Rocket looked at her doubtfully, "Why?"

"The music. That was Emperor Universe we just passed by." She revealed.


The fight had gone on for far too long. Peter and Ego were exhausted, on their knees, and leaning against one another like boxers after too many rounds. The timer was about to be completed.

Ego was weakened and tried to reach the core but Peter stopped him.

He looked at Peter with fear-stricken eyes, "Listen to me. You are a god, If you kill me, you'll just be like everyone else."

Peter looked at his father directly in the eye, "What's so wrong with that?"

Just then Peter started to here music. "Wait, I know this song."

🎶Take on me (Take on me)

Take me on (Take on me)🎶

Alexander walked in like he was in a park. Behind him was Amy with a nice camera shooting pictures while loudly exclaiming sometimes.

Ego was already weakened but seeing Alexander, his face lost all the colors.

"I am so proud of you, kid," Alexander said looking at Peter.

Peter quickly recognized, "Old man, it's you. Those songs you gave last time were really nice."

Ego then loudly spoke, "Why have you come here, Emperor Universe. You have already killed all my fellow celestials."

Alexander looked at Ego with disgust. "And I have no regrets about that. All you Celestials are the same. Experimenting with people's lives. Do you want to know why only Peter was able to have your Celestial genes?"

Ego looked at him with a hopeful gaze.

"That is because of the Host, yeah that group of Celestials did experiments on early humans. They were genetically modified by them. Peter's mother probably had the genes that were most compatible with yours, they then got passed on to him..."

"Can we stop talking about my mother? And why do you know about her?" Peter asked.

"I know everything that happens in the world, Kid. Now get up and leave. The bomb is just about to blow up. And it won't kill Ego. I'll finish the job." Alexander told him.

"No, I will not leave until he dies." Peter firmly said.

*BOOM* The bomb exploded and it started a chain reaction. The whole cavern started to fall down.

"WOAAAH," Amy exclaimed while clicking pictures.

Alexander turned his head and looked at Yondu, "Take the kid. Consider your ban lifted as well."

Yondu was already flying towards Peter in his Aero-gear. He picked Peter up and started going up. Behind them, the music still continued.

🎶But I'll be stumbling away

Slowly learning that life is okay🎶

Alexander looked at Ego kneeling in front of him, "Ego, sadly the life is not okay for you and learning won't help either. Seriously, what's wrong with your species, always trying to mess around. Though I doubt you are even a celestial."

"NO NO... Please give me a chance, Emperor. I can pay you. I have lots of money..." Ego pleaded.

"Glanpa, what's his sin percentage?" Amy asked.

Alexander looked at it.

||Ego, the living planet - Category 4

Murder - 178,544,678,678(All his children)

Indirect Murder - 98,578,544,889

R*pr - 178,544,987,978

Sin Percentage - 89%||

"89 percent, Amy," he said.

"Oh, he's a very bad man," she sounded angry.

"Yes, Amy. He is bad."

"No... No..." Ego muttered.

"Your sins are far too many to be ignored. Your ambitions are too deadly for this Universe." Alexander stated while he put him in time torture. Ego just experienced 10 million years of getting killed by every child he sired.

The whole cavern was still getting destroyed yet a small part of the core was remaining. So Alex destroyed it completely. Finally Killing Ego and sending him to hell.


Yondu and Peter flew upwards, the planet was exploding behind them, flames licking their heels, huge stretches of the planet caving in.

Yondu held a surprised Peter as they soared up into the sky. He looked at Peter and spoke, "He may have been your father, boy. But he wasn't your daddy."

"What?" Peter was getting a bad feeling.

"I'm sorry I didn't do it right. I'm damn lucky you're my boy." Yondu proudly said.

Peter felt touched. But then suddenly Yondu slapped the spacesuit disk onto Quill.

"What?" Peter was shocked.

Yondu breathed out as completely as he could, emptying his lungs as they exited the planet's atmosphere.

Peter struggled to get free, but Yondu held him there, trapping him, but it was also an embrace.

"Yondu, you can't! What are you doing? What are you doing?!" Peter was getting restless and tried to take off his spacesuit.

Yondu's jet pack soon depleted its supply of fuel, and they stopped in the middle of the space, floating. Yondu's grip weakened.

"Yondu. Yondu, no"


Alexander and Amy appear near them. "Dammit, Yondu. Stop that pathetic act. You're not dying."

A suit that was invisible till now became visible on his body. Yondu felt shocked and embarrassed, "Why didn't you do that earlier?"

"Then you wouldn't have said all that to Peter," Alexander replied.

Yondu just shook his head and looked at Peter, "Forget what I said, kid. That was just a dying man's murmur."

Peter scoffed and gave him a hearty hug, "Haha... Yeah, sure."

Soon Rocket brought the ship to them and they got on. Gamora quickly ran up to Peter and hugged him.

Alexander looked at Nebula, "How's it going, child?"

"I regret agreeing to your plan to gather all these." Nebula replied with a straight face.

Alexander walked up to her while laughing and patted her shoulder, "Haha... regrets are a part of being alive, Nebula. You just gotta make peace with it. Alright, TIME FOR BEERS."

"HELL YEAH, I LIKE THIS OLD MAN" Rocket happily grabbed a bottle.

[You can see Moon Dome and Ego, the living planet on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Joakim Jonsson* *Conrad* *Douglas Flower*.

Thank you for your support!